aidan wrote:
unless your partner likes all your friends, (which was never the case for me) how are you ever gonna stay friends with your old friends or make new friends?
Well, I did say this.....
"My husband has 2 female friends like that. One of them I just don't like, and wouldn't want to spend any time with her, but he likes her. The other one is really nice, and I like having her visit the house, but I really don't want to go do anything with her...but he does."
but, before he got to the stage of the relationship that they go do stuff together, by themselves....I was introduced to them both, and they spent time with the both of us.
If I met a gay guy somewhere, and we both decided we'd like to go do something together, that'd be fine.....because.....I'd tell my husband "I met a gay guy, really nice person, and we're going to go watch them dredge out barton springs, and then we're going to go catch some of those endangered salamanders and hold them for ransom."
However, if the man was straight, just out of courtesy I'd introduce him to my husband because I would want everything above board.
Friends are great, and making new ones is good. But I feel if you have a relationship or a marriage, that person has a special meaning. I know my husband would trust me, but he doesn't know this other guy to trust him. He knows I wouldn't do anything, but he doesn't know this guy wouldn't try some funny business. If I never met a female friend of my husband, I'd be wondering if she thinks it's more than a friendship. I trust my husband wouldn't try anything, but I don't know about her.
I have a strong belief that someone who's attached does not flirt with someone, and if one knows another person is attached, they do not flirt with them.
Seems that a lot of people think that's ok, and harmless, but I don't.