Good for who? The individual or the collective.
I've seen A2K referred to as a "prestigious American debate site." Nobody is going to say that about it when it has an Ignore function.
It is impossible to knock down any position if the person espousing it has opposing views on Ignore. He's fireproof. In which case there is no debate and we have agreed to be guided by his staff pointing at the Kremlin door.
And his every post is but a slight variation on the standard message. How can it not be? And the message is, of course, that he knows best.
And he can't explain lingerie shops which are, according to his own principles, a natural occurence in evolution's purposelessness. He has eliminated a Divine intelligence. And lingerie shops are spreading round the world. Christian lingerie shops. And bringing in their wake civilised patterns of behaviour. As football and cricket also do. All the top sports.
I would take a shade off odds that when Mr Spitzer was engaged in converstation with that lady friend of his that she was wearing lingerie. Hence the astronomical sums of money involved.
Ignoring that approach to matters as if it isn't there is not like ignoring insulting and offensive posts at all and they should not be confused with each other in sophistical argument because it's cheapskate sophisticality and hence not prestigious.
He is scared of admitting that there is a psychosomatic realm so he has to ignore such considerations, except possibly in moments of need, because the explanation for lingerie shops falls within that mysterious realm. Dances similar to the Can-Can can probably be seen in most cultures but only in Christendom do we see the white-frilly knickers, suspender-belts with a red rose stuck in one garter, black stockings and high heel shoes and the splits performed with such grace. Paris has made a killing off that.
Andbody can explain how a fin became a leg or a wing. You just do some drawings showing the obvious stages and flip them through fast. Then you go look for old bones which look similar to the stages depicted and then you put them in a display in glass cases with little labels on in a brown tinted room and the viewer is impressed with his own intelligence at being able to see how a fin turned into a wing. Or a leg.
At some point a dispute is bound to arise over an old bone which could be a missing link in both the wing chain or the leg chain. Other issues then arise which have nothing to do with the subject matter which now is transformed into a ping-pong ball.
I dispute the integrity of the Ignore function in cases like this.