farmerman wrote:
By the way, I just got an update notice about this thread. Am I being stalked by NIck or Robert?
Am I a paranoid douche bag?
Likely merely the thread progenitor, and, as such, assumed to be interested in your little one's progress.
dadpad wrote:
so.... you have my attention
Yeah, tried one on and ... rather be naked.
THeres a major Ice storm going on , but Im gonna ignore it and go forth anyway.
wait wait wait a second..
someone gets put on ignore, and mame gets naked?
attentionwhore! sheesh
Mame gets naked, FM gets an ice storm, and we all get solicited to buy cheap knockoffs of name-brand sneakers . . . can a thread get any better?
A foot and a half of snow so far, and now the temperature is heading up into the 40s so that it can all partially melt and then freeze overnight.
I hope those sneakers are high-tops. A dime to a dollar Mame ain't no nekkid babe in this weather.
EGAD. What have I wrought. This thread is getting out of hand, and here we are with no hall monitors enymore.
Nekkid Mame is a far more interesting subject than using a programming function to ignore someone who can be ignored so easily by the simple expedient of not reading his hysterical drivel . . .
Oops . . . that sounds a little harsh. Oh well, i've been shovelling snow off an on since 5:00 a.m. --it's starting to show, ain't it?
You should use the best snow removal system known. Its called APRIL.
Quote:You should use the best snow removal system known. Its called APRIL.
What about in Australia? It must be October for them.
Dont be an idiot. Anybody knows that snow in Australia falls UP.
Not true. Snow in Australia falls on New Zealand.
What about Tazmania, don't they get any?
Whatever the TAzmanites do in the privacy of their own huts is none of my business, And Id suggest that you mind your own too young man or I will tell Mother Superior.
i just quotes 'em, i don't correct 'em
Probably not Tanganyika..
or Tanzania..
That wasn't aimed at just you, djjd! (You shouldn't take things so personally ...

You have a good one today, OK?