Quote:You see, spendy, you seem to think your contributions to the evolution threads accomplish something. They don't. If anyone stops to trade posts with you, all that happens is, the topic in question gets lost in the rhetoric. How does that make you relevant enough to be paid heed to?
That self-serving load of woffle is posited, as a Niagra tightrope walker is posited on his rope, on the "They don't" assertion for which no proof is offered for the simple reason that there isn't any.
My posts on the evolution threads accomplish what they accomplish. It is not for you Ed. to assert what they do or do not accomplish. It is for you to answer them.
If you can't please don't assume that asserting what you asserted means anything other than that is what you are asserting and is a snow-job to try to hide the fact that you have no answers.
A2Kers will decide what is to be paid heed to. To think they need your guidance is to underestimate them a bit in my opinion.
And it is not "anyone" who stops to trade posts with me. On the threads in question it is a small group of "interested parties." A self-selecting bunch who are attracted to the matter for various reasons who seem to think that it's all cut and dried and that only an idiot would think otherwise due to them having put stuff on Ignore as a habit on finding they could get away with it if they carefully selected their social contacts.
"Anyone" is a devious use of the language. Nobody has pompously announced they have put me on Ignore on any of the other threads I participate in.