Quote:Being born into a democratic republic
does not subject the citizens to debate against their will
I agree. But effemm wants to stay in the debate without listening to opposing arguments and thus proceeding to try to persuade as if those other arguments don't exist. It's indefensible. He should leave the debate or listen to the other arguments. And answer them.
Quote:Well if u put it that way,
then I 'll point out that a few of my responsive posts to YOU
did not meet with a response, after I took some time to prepare them.
I disregarded your failure to respond, deeming it inconsequential
and recognizing your right to brush it off. U r not my slave
and u don t have a duty to respond to my posts merely because
I sent something to u. I acknowledge your right to take a casual
attitude in what u can consider (my post to be) a trivial matter.
I apologise. There's only so much time. But I doubt I carried on arguing against you as if you hadn't made your points. And I doubt that the issues involved the education of 50 million kids. Do you think it a right to carry on arguing on an issue of that importance after I had given the functions of religion as if I hadn't done. It would be fair enough to deny those functions, or try to, but to just ignore them and carry on as if nothing had been said about them is ridiculous.
Suppose you were listing the potential consequences of sex to a young woman and she ignored them and went on to try to persuade other young women to have casual sex as if those functions did not exist even though they had been explained to her.
I know why I'm on Ignore if you don't Dave. effemm had no answers to the points but simply wished to carry on persuading people without reference to them. If you think that's okay what can I say?
Suppose you were trying to persuade somebody to stay in education after the minimum age for leaving school and I came on offering arguments why it was better to get out of school at the earliest opportunity. And they do exist. And are real. And because you worked in further education, and thus had a vested interest, you just carried on persuading the kid ignoring the considerations I had brought up, avoiding effemm for example, getting some cash in the bank instead of a debt, learning a trade instead of some ponced up media studies blather, and plenty other stuff, and I lost heart and ten posts later some new talented kid comes on the forum and all he sees is your advice. Are you educating that kid or screwing his head up so your job is safe?
"It's only people's games you gotta dodge." Bob Dylan.