Reply Sat 27 Dec, 2008 10:10 am
Setanta wrote:

I had a couple of people on ignore and then thought better of it.

If you can't ignore someone outright, i doubt that using a programming function is going to help.

sure it helps.

It's the difference between an open house and a party you've issued invitations to. The ignore function is like the inverse of a party invite. I wouldn't have these folks into my home in real life, why should I let them in virtually?

You can certainly have them in, just not when you're expecting me home.
Reply Sat 27 Dec, 2008 10:50 am
The danger with that Beth is that you can easily finish up at the end of a narrow cul-de-sac. The dynamics of social intercourse are such that you will inevitably find that tensions will arise in your group of favourites. And the group will shrink. You conveniently forget the passage of time.

Members of our upper-classes, who practice a rigorous version of what you describe, are known to go "slumming". They get disguises. They want to see if they can "pull" on an even playing field every now and again. Curiousity I suppose.

It is nothing like a house. You already have a house. I hope. If this is like a house then it's a house called A2K. We are all living in it virtually.
Reply Sat 27 Dec, 2008 10:56 am
I add new people to my real life circle on a regular basis. That whole "passage of time" thing is hooey.

I also clear people out of my real life circle. I'm still rejoicing at the results of the best clear-out I ever did, 10 years ago. I'm not quite CJ, but I am still 1/2 Prussian.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 27 Dec, 2008 10:58 am
spendius wrote:
Members of our upper-classes, who practice a rigorous version of what you describe, are known to go "slumming". They get disguises. They want to see if they can "pull" on an even playing field every now and again. Curiousity I suppose.

Aha, the disguise! You're Foofie too, aren't you?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 27 Dec, 2008 11:05 am
spendius wrote:
If this is like a house then it's a house called A2K. We are all living in it virtually.

good effort, but no.


A2k's more like a neighbourhood for me, where we have our own houses. Craven's said that in future iterations it may even become more so. I looked forward to the ignore function, I'm looking forward to the future here as well. I can choose to visit around the neighbourhood, or not. I can also choose who enters my house - just like real-life.

You're a pub-goer, Spendius. A2K's your virtual pub. You don't mind having someone else decide who comes into your space. I prefer to make my own decisions.
Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Sat 27 Dec, 2008 11:08 am
eh beth my pub is members only but you and Set are always welcome...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 27 Dec, 2008 11:11 am
The neat thing about ignore is that it removes the space between a post thats on topic and one thats just someone trolling. The one Im ignoring has its annoying habit of flashing in public with no hope that its gonna contribute anything thats thought out.

The feature is not used lightly. I think that, before I used it,Id been patient and, at the outset, I tried to engage it politely and with respect. As it turned out, it wants nothing to do with communication with most of us on here. It wants only to play some sick game of "I topped your post with my personal brain farts ", even though , after its initial posts (over 4 years ago) it soon became a mean spirited troll.

Id rather not use the ignore feature but, like beth and several others agree , using it when really necessary , renders the A2K experience much more pleasant ,where we can actually exchange ideas rather than spend time merely goalposting and tsk tsking at the inanity.
Reply Sat 27 Dec, 2008 11:22 am
This thread has caused me to rethink some of my ignores. Yes, I have several. Today, I unignored about half of them.
Reply Sat 27 Dec, 2008 11:57 am
You're a pub-goer, Spendius. A2K's your virtual pub. You don't mind having someone else decide who comes into your space. I prefer to make my own decisions.

I don't. I have to some of them but I keep it to a minimum.

It is one of the main reasons for being a pub regular. I mean same pub every night. You meet a good cross-section. 3 girls fighting 3 other girls. You won't see anything as funny as that in your tight circle. There are cliques of course. But there's fuzzy edges. And there's adulterous activity, wife-swapping and Saphism spoken of in hushed tones. PMs were a bit like going for a conflab in the ladies.

And it's very interesting to see how pubs have evolved in all the years I've been going in them. The general drift is congruent with the sperm count going down. Alcohol dressed in frilly knickers one might say.

Pints of John Smith's Extra Smooth renders one immune. If A2K had that it would be very much like a real pub. Apart from the flesh. That evil curse upon mankind.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 27 Dec, 2008 12:00 pm
spendius wrote:

Im probably only one of 3 or 4 people who dont much care for the individual Im ignoring. Its contributions are nonsense, turbid and muddy, most often masturbatory, and always off the point .

David-- I'm pretty sure it is me farmerman is referring to. He includes in his small club, I think, rosbourne and edgarblyth. But "3 or 4" sounds more that just 3.

You will notice, I feel sure, that the short post I've quoted is disrespectful in the extreme in its use of "its" which is, of course, nonsense scientifically. And he tops that off with five unsupported assertions. Gobshite in other words.

farmerman, and the others, have spent 4 years, off and on, asserting that religion is responsible for all the wars and mayhem of history and, on the basis of that assertion, they are justified in attacking religion.

If I point out that James Madison said in 1806 that "all history proves that war is the result of commercial rivalship of nations" I am put on Ignore. Mr Madison was Secretary of State and President for 8 years in each post. Walter Lefeber said he was "the country's greatest political thinker". He was also a Father of the Constitution and this tiny faction are fond of quoting that when they think it suits them.

It goes without saying that I have nobody on Ignore and nor will ever have. It strikes at the very root of grown up debate. It is what ostriches are said to do and kids when they sob into Mom's apron. The procedure is self-evidently totalitarian and it seeks to determine the education of a nation's future generations from within the barricades inside which opposition is excluded.

They have a Marxist agenda and until A2K conservatives unite to defeat them they will win the argument. And they are so insecure that they not only resort to this spineless subterfuge to blot out opposition but they boast of having done so as if such an easy to do trick enables them to occupy the intellectual high ground.

It's pathetic.

And should you have the nerve to quote this post in the event of you responding to it you are threatened with the same fate because they just don't want to know anything said against them whether it comes directly from me or indirectly through yourself.

In effect they seek to control A2K and have nothing but their own lickspittles and lackeys on the site. They don't put ceej on Ignore because he offers them easy targets and he is useful to them in pointing up how awful I am.

And if you don't agree with that you are not the conservative I have taken you for.

I respectfully dissent from your opinion,
insofar as it rejects or impugns
the right of the individual to ignore the
utterances or deeds of others, in his unlimited discretion.

In fairness to the Farmer,
it seems to me that he has rendered himself immune from accusations
of rudeness, by his withholding the identity of the person
who stands low in his esteem.

In my own case,
I have selected for exclusion some contributors to this forum
whose posts were so consistently and painfully unpleasant
as to be (to MY mind) intolerable, on a procedural basis not a substantive basis.
I require that abhorent arguments be presented with a modicum of DECENCY,
or be banished into oblivion.
I choose to take no cognizance of the drivel of ad hominem acrimony.

I stand up for my right
to defend my sensibilities from abhorent foulness.
I have particularly in mind an individual who considers
himself to be humorous, but whose posts in my vu,
are only harsh and poisonous with consistently caustic obscene words.
I don 't have to put up with that; I don 't choose to put up with that.
I have a right to deflect that from my attention.
Sometimes I execute that right. I am a hedonist.
I believe that each of us owes it to himself
to cram as much happiness into his life as possible.
That can include tranquility.

I am not a snob.
I am not unwilling to hear, nor to consider in argument,
the opinions of those whose views I deem anathema,
be thay commies, nazis, politically correct, cannibals, etc.
IF their views r presented with reasonable courtesy.

Indeed, I have encountered people of colorful views
in my social club, and we have argued all kinds
of things over dinner. I have taken commie chics
to beautiful restaurants; (thay were broken hearted
when communism collapsed & the USSR went out of business).
I m sure that thay will be THRILLED in about 3 weeks.
I have taken delight in debating theories of nazism and pacificism.
All my life, I have been a supporter of laissez faire free enterprize,
Individualism, hedonism and libertarianism.

I very seldom take cognizance of discussions of religion on-line,
except to note evidence of the posthumous survival of conscious life.

The metaphysical state-of-affairs is what it is.
I don t ofen feel called upon to influence anyone 's opinions about it.

Winning a debate on an Internet forum is winning nothing,
on an evanescent basis. I look upon this as a social club,
devoid of any effect in the real world, no matter WHO wins.
Being retired, I have time for it, inter alia.

Let me wish u a Merry Christmas Season
and a very Happy New Year, Spendius.

Reply Sat 27 Dec, 2008 12:05 pm
The neat thing about ignore is that it removes the space between a post thats on topic and one thats just someone trolling.

This is the most persuasive reason to use the ignore function that i've yet seen. The one member here whom i invariably ignore has ruined several threads, to the point that when i see that member's name, i don't go to the thread in question--and sometimes it's weeks before i revisit the thread.

Still, i doubt that i'll use the ignore feature. I can visually scan past the posts of those whom i find offensive, but if they were on ignore, the curiosity would just slay me.
Reply Sat 27 Dec, 2008 12:06 pm
you have the right to ignore, and it is also uncivil/childish behaviour.....there is no conflict.
Reply Sat 27 Dec, 2008 12:10 pm
I can't see why effemm keeps trying to justify putting me on Ignore. It wouldn't be so bad if he could justify it but a load of interconnected assertions in the usual style is hopeless at doing that.

He must have some little germ of doubt gnawing at his soul that he is making himself look ridiculous and it won't stop gnawing. It is telling him that he is using Ignore and baseless assertions as a means of evading my arguments. He has been doing that for 4 years. Simply declaring my posts whatever he saw fit to declare them used as a knock-out blow. And now blocking them off. In a bunker.

It won't do effemm.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 27 Dec, 2008 12:25 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

you have the right to ignore,
and it is also uncivil/childish behaviour.....there is no conflict.

That is error, Hawkeye.
In some cases, I did it in direct response
to ad hominem vituperation.

Indeed, when one is confronted with incivility
directed against oneself, one is justified in replying in kind
and there was indeed a conflict with the offender.

Reply Sat 27 Dec, 2008 12:28 pm
Indeed, when one is confronted with incivility
directed against oneself, one is justified in replying in kind
and there was indeed a conflict with the offender.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 27 Dec, 2008 12:29 pm
I m sure that thay will be THRILLED in about 3 weeks.

Well there you are.

I respectfully dissent from your opinion,
insofar as it rejects or impugns
the right of the individual to ignore the
utterances or deeds of others, in his unlimited discretion

I never said people had no right to use Ignore. Where did I say that? They have a perfect right to look as stupid as they wish. Your sentence presumably doesn't apply to traffic cops. If it does, as it should, I expect we will be seeing you before long in one of those chase programmes.

You must prefer coffee morning politeness above the cut and thrust.

It seems you have not witnessed the vilification I have been subjected to on those threads dealing with Darwin in classrooms. I do declare that I believe I am the most vilified member of this site on a consistent basis.

I never turned a hair.
Reply Sat 27 Dec, 2008 12:39 pm
Look Set--

Your post is posited on your definitions of "ruined" and "offensive". You're in a self-serving circularity. I have seen you drive religious ladies away.

In what way is the ID thread "ruined"? Look at the numbers.

You're offended when you want to be. You don't kid me on that score.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 27 Dec, 2008 12:50 pm
In another case,
there was some degree of angry rudeness
in a post from someone who was chronically vapid & tiresome.
I don 't get paid for this.

I just thought that I did not want to continue processing
the product of his mind; not worth it; he coud not use logic.

Another person described himself as being mentally ill.
Let him talk to his psychiatrist.

I can have fun arguing with a psychotic,
if he or she is able to argue logically
( I have done it), but I will not deal with unintelligible nonsense.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 27 Dec, 2008 01:19 pm
spendius wrote:

I respectfully dissent from your opinion,
insofar as it rejects or impugns
the right of the individual to ignore the
utterances or deeds of others, in his unlimited discretion

I never said people had no right to use Ignore.


Permit me to amend my statement
to address the WISDOM of the individual
qua use of the Ignore function.

They have a perfect right to look as stupid as they wish.

Yes; its a matter of personal judgment
as to whether use of the Ignore feature
makes u look stupid. I don 't believe that it does.

Your sentence presumably doesn't apply to traffic cops.
If it does, as it should, I expect we will be seeing you before long
in one of those chase programmes.

Something like that fleetingly crossed my mind,
but I was too lazy to address that concept.

You must prefer coffee morning politeness
above the cut and thrust.

I have a history of being very confrontational
( tho I like to keep it polite ).
I have been accused of being overly aggressive.

When I was 15, my history class teacher
almost died from a heart attack from my challenging him in class.

It seems you have not witnessed the vilification
I have been subjected to on those threads dealing with Darwin in classrooms.

I have not.
I don 't know what your position is.

I do declare that I believe I am the most vilified member
of this site on a consistent basis.

I never turned a hair.

As a general rule,
I believe in fighting back, against WORTHY adversaries.

I have found that some people 's intellects are so badly
enfeebled as not to warrant my time nor attention.
The Ignore button works well on them;
i.e., on people concerning whom I don t care what thay think.

The people against whom u argued may have been good, bad,
or indifferent. I don 't know.
Reply Sat 27 Dec, 2008 04:35 pm
I think that a person who uses Ignore should leave the argument. To not listen to the arguments of one's opponents and continually spout one's own as if there are no other arguments is fatuous.

The threads to which this part of the discussion relate concern the future education of the kids of the USA. Would anybody like to see that argument in the hands of those who only listen to themselves and those who agree with them. They are claiming the right to just put their heads down and bulldoze the door of their choice open without a glance to left or right.

And in doing so they discredit, more, trash, every principle they claim to stand for.

In personal spats it may be different. I don't know. Even then it's like shouting in a mirror.

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