Quote:That sucks. But you can't measure the quality of your stuff by the rating system.
But you can certainly be
discouraged from posting because of it.
do understand the theory of "more efficient navigation", but thumbs ups & downs are used by posters for
all sorts of reasons.:
I've seen one of my favourite (not necessarily political) threads down-graded
very suddenly after certain posters had a political spat on another thread. (Damn that US election!) If I post to that thread again it will probably vanish from view. Nothing happening there any more.
I've seen very favourable ratings for threads where posters have received sympathy of others (for very good reasons) because of difficult personal circumstances.
I've seen unfavorable ratings because of the unpopularity of particular posters - regardless of what their new thread might be about. It might even have been an
interesting thread!
I think some posters would receive multiple thumbs-ups if they posted a thread about waking up in the morning & making a cup of coffee!

It all depends on how many online buddies one has, I guess ....
What I'm trying to say is I don't blame anyone in the least if they become discouraged about having their threads down-graded for reasons that make no sense to them. Particularly someone like Letty, who has one of the most
viewed threads on this site (though you wouldn't know that from the rating system.)
The thing is, the more thumbs-downs any thread receives, the less
viable it becomes. Just a few folk, looking for navigational ease (or revenge!) can make a potentially very interesting thread vanish from sight!
Hopefully, somewhere down the track, in a newer version of A2K, a more "poster supportive" version of navigating the site can be found? I really hope so.
But in answer to the question:
Are you posting more or less now? I'm definitely posting less. (I don't know, maybe this will change later on... ) Why? because it's hard to have a good conversation (of interests to me) involving more than a handful of people on any "fringe" topic. My fringe topic or that of other posters. It is much harder to achieve that these days than on the "Old" A2K.