Ticomaya wrote:
Not one "Prevent Bush from being elected" response?
I would go back in time and post this before you. ..
but seriously.. I would see what happened if you removed the witch hunts from history.
That is recent enough to where you could see and chart a difference in people.
I dont know that I am on board with the stopping of slavery, because slavery goes back thousands of years.. hell.. there are still slaves today.
of course I would want to stop what ever happened to the earth that cooked the dinosaurs as quickly as it did.. but that disaster might not be a good choice because that could be the prevention of human life.
Can I prevent the birth of that man who [people thought was god? Jesus? Yeah. That dude. I have always wondered what things would be like if that man was not born, or , people didnt begin to look on him as some kind of profit.
What if Genghis Khan was stopped? That was one murderous son of a bitch right there. He could be considered a natural disaster in and of himself.
But my real vote, after all that rambling would be to stop the Hurricane Katrina. Why? well, other natural disasters did not effect me directly like this one did. There for they do not seem important, even though I know they are.
Im all on board for stopping things and people like Hitler.. but .. honestly.. I didnt see Hitlers behavior so I dont 'FEEL' the same as I do for the people from Louisiana.
If I had to call one or the other more important, I would definately say stopping hitler was more important.. but I dont get the same emotional reaction as I do when I think of Katrina.