No, they sleep at some differing hours in the best of times. Normally, Dys is up at crack of dawn, takes naps, and is usually abed in early or mid evening. Which means that up to recently, Dys has let the dog out in the morning. Diane is a night owl, but for various reasons has to be up re stuff. She sleeps in dollops and is especially lately sleep deprived, in the last few weeks extremely so, with periods of long sleep catchup.. she has been up, off and on, for many days.
When I gave a comment early on about callers (hysterically, I'll admit), I was especially freaked about all this. From my view then, it was the last f/thing they needed, a lot of calls. Don't get me going. But that was in early days...
Now it would be good, but it's hard to pinpoint time.
I'm guessing they are both sleep deprived right now, but I don't know.
Emails first might be good - but then they'd have to check them.
I don't know.
What I do know, is that Dys will always pick up the phone if he hears it, whatever the hell he's doing. Di may not catch it right away.