Wed 12 May, 2010 06:03 pm
so I'm watching this program on the telly, it's a "reality" program about this couple looking for their first house. They are touring houses for sale and that's basically the entire program. as they tour each house the lady says "this is perfect for entertaining" or "this isn't really a good floor-plan for entertaining." I'm thinking "good for entertaining" is probably the lowest criteria I would have for buying a house.
Nobody wants to come visit you anyway.
Joe(So, that's that.)Nation
I find it highly entertaining to even have a house.
That's because you're such a curmudgeon and a poop. We had to sit outside at your place, for heaven's sake. What? We're not good enough to sit inside?
Mame wrote:
That's because you're such a curmudgeon and a poop. We had to sit outside at your place, for heaven's sake. What? We're not good enough to sit inside?
eat **** and die you bitch-woman from hell.
entertaining seems the least of your worries, pops...
you live in the firkin desert.
At least that was politer than FU

I thank you for that.
Ill bet your place smells like cat piss so you never have to worry about entertaining anything on two legs.
Sally-dog thinks anyone that comes to the front door is an intruder and she's obligated to defend the house, she also thinks anyone who comes in thru the garage is family and licks them to death. Thomas, Edgar and Walter always come in thru the garage. When Mame came to visit I told her to just ring the front doorbell and surely someone would let her in.
OMG, every post on here is so true!!
Our neirghbors call us "Those People." Sigh.
Forgot to clean the litter box today. Glad no one is coming for a visit. Whew!
Dys is an old curmudgeon.
I always figured you for the gallivanting
Bruce Wayne archetype
Was I wrong?
no, tzar, that's pretty accurate.
When I visited, the butler remained discretely out of sight.
Oh my gosh! Would you look at this place!?
This thread is fabulous -- just perfect for entertaining!
I can't believe what you've done to the place, dys. It's divine!
So, I'm chopped liver? I come through the garage except when it is shut in winter or because of thieves.
But wait, Sally herself is very entertaining..
Never own a Maine Coon cat if you "enetertain" a lot. They always have a delightful habit of yakkin up a hairball in front of everybody.
HEY! We can send hairballs down to Louisiana to suck up the oil spill.