Kids memories surprise me sometimes.
Jillian has a new bike. The one I got her last year, trying to be Miss Thrifty is still.. just too damn big.
She was entered into a contest a couple of weeks ago for a bike and lucky her.. she won. She has a cute little pink and purple bike , matching helmet and training wheels.
So she goes out this morning.. 30 freaking degrees outside.. to ride her bike.
When she gets too cold and comes in, she sits in my lap and sees the photos on this thread of Mr Poopity head.
Out of the blue, she begins to tell me about things Sally dog did. She says she talked to Grand-pa poopyhead on a 'trip' and that he is a long trip away.
She says she wants to talk to Sally dog because Sally dog scratched her and made her cry and she wants Sally to not hurt her again so she feels she needs to "talk to her " .
I asked her if she remembers the whole trip and what she remembered.
She told me things about whats in their home.. she remembers the photos, the cat toys, the tv, the cartoons, the big plants, the bird who also hurt her.. but she is not as adamant about telling off Fred as she is about Sally dog...
Sheesh. I dont remember half of what she talked about.
So, I picked up the phone and let Miss Bean and Poopy head have it out ..
for almost 3 full minutes after they talked, she had a giggle fit about saying the name poopity head. And she is now excited about going on another trip.
Sometimes she can be kinda cute. And then there are sometimes when I think I might like that grandpa person.
But only sometimes..