When yer hot yer hot
An' when yer not yer not . . .
Matters of such philosophical profundity are beyond my poor powers of discernment . . .
Reason prevails.....eventually. Unfortunately, sometimes it is down a long road for some folk. Such is reality.
Well, if u set their buns on fire as it has been suggested here - the long road might take a very short time to cover !!
OK, who set my ass on fire as I was sleeping?
PDiddie wrote:OK, who set my ass on fire as I was sleeping?
U sure have a deep sleep !!!
It must've been on fire when I lay down on it...
There is uplift here which simply cannot be found on the politics threads.
The uplift is being caused by all the air which is being heated due to buns on fire !!
Trust me to come in and completely digress the thread.....dlowan is a good teacher !!
I check out and check back in the morning and it's the House of the Flaming Butts.
You will have to wear a fire suit instead of a con...
errrr...never mind
Just as a civil defence measure, let me quote a single line of dialogue spoken by Hedges from Dennis Potter's Lipstick on Your Collar...
"Christ in shitty napkins"
I wish i could avoid political threads . . . i wish i could give up cigarettes and chocolate . . . i wish i had a million dollars . . .
I tried wishing in one hand, and, uh . . . spitting in the other. Guess which one filled up first.
We know you can't be sitting on your hands or you wouldn't be able to type.
can we steer the conversation back towards the women in latex and the spankings please?
uplift? lemme know so i can stay downwind.
Garsh, y'all er just so funny, i'm alaughin' gape-mouthed here . . .
don't be hurtin' yerself, opie.
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:can we steer the conversation back towards the women in latex and the spankings please?
Quote:Searched the web for women+latex+spanking.
Results 1 - 10 of about 732,000. Search took 0.55 Seconds

Hell, I'd have guessed there woulda been at least a million