Baez, the intelligent choice!
oh, wait...
that's not considered such an important asset, is it?
The wording is correct.
Not that Baez is intelligent.
The voter is intelligent if s/he chooses Baez.
Remember that motto: "Coffee, the think drink". Works the same way.
jespah wrote:
Baez was at Woodstock, so you should be at the voting booth come November.
*Nobody needs to know it was Joan Baez.
Yeah, 'coz this Baez was at Avándaro (the Mexican Woodstock):
Yea, I meant it both ways, but does the voter want to be thought of as intelligent? Maybe enough do.
'Smart' might be the better word.
Oopsie. We'll need to make it American-sounding.
Baez, the voice of a generation.
Which generation? I dunno, pick one. I hear the boomers are nice.
Forget the slogans. Arrange to have yourself tortured.
From the looks of things, that appears to be a losing strategy.
Um, I hate to bring up policy stuff, but how big a bribe...I mean, tax cut...are we offering to voters?
I see we're losing ground in the polls.
A tax cut and a free t-shirt for everyone!
Torture - along with his foreigner's name. All the bases get covered. Besides, I just want him to get tortured.
Blatham, a Kafkian torture! I don't want to be McCain, in any absolute way. What other a2ker's soul got into you?
I could name a few... but I won't.
1) you are overly tanned
2) English isn't your first language
3) your name is unusual
4) you've been seen in america taking photographs
5) you might know something
6) God loves america
That last point alone provides justification for torture.
Torture isn't like what the liberal media says anyway. Just last night, I jelloboarded Lola and she came out little the worse for wear.
fbaezer wrote:OK OK.
I see we're losing ground in the polls.
A tax cut and a free t-shirt for everyone!
Add a free taco and some Dr. Pepper and we're talkin'.
"Yummmmy" is what I predict Lou Dobbs will say.
The whole enchilada to everyone.
Eva should prepare the PRIista machinery for the voting day.
A tamales breakfast for every voter who brings a cell phone picture of his or her Baez voting moment at the booth!
The sad fact is that we're losing ground at the polls.
Perhaps the strategy of buying out the Kiwis backfired. We captured New Zealand, but at what expense. At this moment we barely hold a lead in New Mexico, among the US states.
And the press is preferring Obama soooo much!
And McCain too.
They insist in putting only those two candidates in their published polls, and all the Baez votes go as undecided/don't know/don't care.
Considering the "dont know/don't cares" as Baez votes, we get a closer picture of where we're at (this is real data... with the consideration) in Europe and Mexico.
France: Obama 78%, Baez 21%, McCain 1%
Germany: Obama 75%, Baez 20% (good work, Walter), McCain 5%
UK: Obama 48%, Baez 41% (Lord Ellpus, Patada Veloz and other A2Kers, thanks), McCain 11%
Italy: Obama 68%, Baez 20%, McCain 12%
Spain: Obama 72%, Baez 24%, McCain 4%
Mexico: Baez 58%, Obama 36%, McCain 6%
This results are in line with my implicit platform on foreign vote. I believe that the election of President of the United States of America is too delicate a world matter to be left only to registered US voters.
fbaezer wrote:The whole enchilada to everyone.
THAT'S IT!!! It's brilliant! It says everything!
We've got our slogan, folks...
The Whole Enchilada
Accolades to Baez & Eva, that IS the slogan,
smart thinking.
Alternately, what is this stuff about torture? Jello?
Flan for Our Time