I've remarked on this at a2k before and don't want to sound like saint someone, but.. after twenty years of smoking something like 2 to 3 packs a day I just stopped. So, you're transitioning to ciggs. An improvement, perhaps, not sure. You do sure seem wildly enamored of drug moves.
In my own experience (I quit ciggs twice cold, second one took) the get over it part was not all that long. People describe it going on for years. Nobody smoked more than I did. There are other things to be interested in.
Given you are stopping weed by just doing cigs.. you're keeping up all the old mechanisms. The lighting... and so on. All the accoutrements, part of the comfort.
There are other ways to live besides lighting some dry leaves. Look around.
No, I'm not lecturing. Do what you want.