Ok, so I still smoke them damn cigarettes and I enjoy them! I know that I am going to die someday, but when I hear that smoking will take 20 years off of my life do I laugh? I'd rather pass on in my 70's with gusto than live on to my 90's confined to a wheelchair.
The problem is, you won't have the gusto when you're 70, if you're still alive.
The truth is, you'll have bad skin by the time you're 40, shortness of breath at 40 or 50. And all the years before that? Your clothes and hair will stink to high heaven, and you won't even know it.
How old are you now btw?
People don't die with gusto when they die from cigarettes. They get emphasyma which is a total bitch of a disease, or cancer, heart attack, or a stroke.
You won't "pass on", implying a gentle transition, you'll go out struggle for your last breath, drowning in your own fluids, and/or zonked out on morphine from the pain.
I'm just sayin.
Onion, good for you quitting, regardless if you smoked 3 cigs a day or 3 packs.
Your coughing is normal as your body is just ridding itself of toxins, and it'll soon stop.