McCain has truly, and 100%, screwed himself on this one. This was a bone-headed call if I ever saw one.
Why? Because there is
no good outcome to this for him.
Here are two posts from The Corner, talking about this -
Debate Strategy [Mark R. Levin]
Ok, let's say the debate is suspended by both camps. Then what? Bush is pushing hard for some kind of massive bailout deal, and will do so in his speech tonight. The conservatives in Congress are resisting all of this - and good for them. McCain says we have to get something done and work together, which means some kind of massive deal that is unlikely to satisfy conservatives. I hope McCain and his advisors have thought this through beyond today and tomorrow, gimmick or no gimmick.
09/24 04:34 PM
Re: Debate Strategy [Jonah Goldberg]
Mark makes a good point. If McCain does go to Congress and helps rally reluctant Republicans (and they really are reluctant). It will in effect become the McCain bailout, at least as far as conservatives are concerned.
09/24 04:29 PM
What's the upside for McCain if he gets the bailout legislation passed? Conservatives are dead-set against such a huge public bailout. It will in effect be the McCain bailout.
And if he fails, then he shows that he isn't able to do what he said - bring the two sides together.
I think it's pretty clear at this point that the economy isn't going to just collapse overnight if there is no bailout. So I don't buy the 'doomsday' scenarios and neither does anyone else. This is a trap for McCain either way.
Couldn't be happier
