Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2008 10:51 am
spendius wrote:

Do you think United Nations election supervisors should be called in Foxy? Isn't voting fraud in member countries what they are for?

I doubt the UN would do that job any better than any other job it does these days, and as most of the member nations seem to think Obama is going to be really really good for them, I doubt they would have much incentive to do anything that might cause him any kind of problem.

It is fascinating to watch the Democrats in the face of widespread reports of blatant voter fraud though. Their guy is leading so they don't really care. Can't you imagine the venom and indignation and angst and accusations that would be flying if their guy was behind?

To Soz, thanks. Fair as always. But seriously, Obama has enough stacked against him of his own making. Surely you can't think that it will be a good thing for him to be forever branded as the candidate that ACORN, the highly partisan organization receiving huge federal funds courtesy of the Democrats, and the Democrats looking the other way frauded into office? I don't want him as President, and I don't want that cloud hanging over his head. I would like to again have a government that half the country didn't despise and want to fail.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2008 11:01 am
Okay on reading the stuff in the links, it does appear that apparently the judge ruled that Berg did not have standing to bring the suit as a representative of the people. As a lay observer, however, this statement of the judge is rather astounding though:

Based in part on Hollander, Surrick concludes, "The alleged harm to voters stemming from a presidential candidate's failure to satisfy the eligibility requirements of the Natural Born Citizen Clause is not concrete or particularized enough to constitute an injury."

Not concrete enough? Not particularized enough? If by the remotest chance, Barack Obama is a fraud re his eligibility to be President, how could that not affect the people as a Constitutional crisis that even the judge admit that it would be? What other components of the Constitution does this judge think its okay to ignore too because 'it really wouldn't injure anybody?

I hope Berg does carry through his intent to appeal just so this judge won't have this idiotic opinion on the books for others to use as precedence.
Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2008 11:16 am
Ican writes
(Obama) repeatedly alleges that the Bush Tax Cuts reduced the income taxes for the wealthy and not the middle class. That is false.

He may be ignorant, but he isn't a fool. He knows that his worshipers don't care and they want to believe it. It is the way they can turn a blind eye to the marxist/socialist rhetoric he is using to stir up the masses and trash the Joe Plumbers who dare to rock the boat with honest questions that he cannot bluff his way out of. (The Obama campaign just advised a Florida television station that they were essentially black listed by the campaign and the subsequent Obama administration for asking one of those questions.)

Obama says it, so they drink the kool-ade and cheer and wave their signs. The messiah has spoken. His disciples beat themselves in a frenzy to repeat the doctrine that he can duplicate Jesus's miracle of the loaves and fishes and really can give a tax cut to 95% of working Americans while accomplishing the most aggressive social spending agenda ever promised, much less attempted. It is not to be questioned. And any who presume to do so must be despised, reviled, and silenced.

So we can look forward to an administration that deals with its critics with freezing out hard questions or destroying dissenters. The opposition will be silenced as much as possible with the Fairness Doctrine. And definitions of truth will be just sort of guidelines subject to expediency.

But never fear. Barney Frank, that paragon of virtue and light, is coming to the rescue. He wants to pay for a new stimulus package by cutting military spending by 25%.
Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2008 11:25 am
Do you even bother aiming for objectivity anymore, Fox? Are you looking forward to spending the next 8 years hunkered in a defensive stance and ranting about conspiracies?
Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2008 11:38 am
FreeDuck wrote:

Do you even bother aiming for objectivity anymore, Fox? Are you looking forward to spending the next 8 years hunkered in a defensive stance and ranting about conspiracies?

Oh, you guys can repeat the accolades and accept what Obama says without question and you are objective, but if I point out what I see as the reality, then I am not objective. Yes, I know how that works.

What conspiracy am I repeating here? Are you prepared to say that ACORN has not aggreviously violated the law in gathering voter registrations? Are you prepared to say that all the fraudulent registrations have been identified and removed from the system? Are you saying that they will be? Are you saying that in elections as close as we've seen over the last two elections that such fraudulent registrations could not possibly make a difference? Are you saying you don't care about that as long as your guy wins? Are you saying you would take the same view if the situation favored the Republican?

Are you saying that it doesn't matter if Obama has questions of a stolen election hanging over his head, especially if there is no way to verify that? (At least even the leftish media, after exhaustive examination of all those hanging chads in Florida, eventually admitted that there was no question that President Bush won in 2000. That hasn't stopped the claims of a stolen election from your side all these years later though has it.) As much as I do not want Obama for President, even I don't want that for him if he is elected. Do you?

Are you saying that you approve of the judge stating, as part of the rationale for his opinion, that there is little harm done if Obama should turn out to be ineligible to be President? And do you also want THAT hanging over his head for the next four years? I don't.

Are you saying that you approve of the Obama campaign and the surrogate media digging into a private citizen's private life and attempting to destroy him because he asked Obama an embarrassing question? You think that's okay?

Are you saying that a television station should be frozen out of the process because an anchor asked Joe Biden an embarrassing question? You approve of that?

Are you saying that Ican or I or anybody else shouldn't be questioning Obama's campaign rhetoric and pointing out the errors and/or implausibility of that, especially when his worshipers seem to have no interest in any of that at this point. He looks good, he talks good, and he isn't a Republican so believe whatever he tells you? That's the way it should be?

And I'm the one not being objective here?

Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2008 12:19 pm
No, you aren't being objective. OF COURSE you aren't, as usual. And the fact that you pretend that you are only serves to underline what a phony lying scumbag you are. Enjoy your day, smear-mongering liar.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2008 12:21 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

Oh, you guys can repeat the accolades and accept what Obama says without question and you are objective, but if I point out what I see as the reality, then I am not objective. Yes, I know how that works.

Have a look at your own posts and see the pattern of repeatedly trotting out fringe theories one after the other, each one shot down by the facts (not by our bias) yet not slowing your momentum at all.

Are you prepared to say that ACORN has not aggreviously violated the law in gathering voter registrations? Are you prepared to say that all the fraudulent registrations have been identified and removed from the system? Are you saying that they will be? Are you saying that in elections as close as we've seen over the last two elections that such fraudulent registrations could not possibly make a difference? Are you saying you don't care about that as long as your guy wins? Are you saying you would take the same view if the situation favored the Republican?

Are you saying that a handful of obviously fraudulent registrations can turn the election? Do you seriously believe that allowing Mickey Mouse to vote is as great a risk as unsecured electronic voting systems controlled by a single party? If you wanted to throw an election, would you try to orchestrate an army of several hundred thousand fake voters, or would you just find one computer expert? You have the facts on the ACORN nonsense but you refuse to accept them.

Are you saying that it doesn't matter if Obama has questions of a stolen election hanging over his head, especially if there is no way to verify that?

Bush had those questions, twice. Did it matter to you? It matters if the questions are legitimate. I think you like the questions more than you like the answers. You are talking out of both sides of your face. With one you sow doubts, with the other you bemoan that there should be doubts.
(At least even the leftish media, after exhaustive examination of all those hanging chads in Florida, eventually admitted that there was no question that President Bush won in 2000. That hasn't stopped the claims of a stolen election from your side all these years later though has it.)

Err, I think the final say on that was that Gore won Florida, but everyone agrees now that it doesn't matter. And your insistence on calling it "my side" is yet more evidence of your us vs. them mentality. I'm not on your side, so I must be on their side. I voted for Harry Brown in 2000 and insisted to my friends that it really didn't matter whether Gore or Bush won because they were so much alike. The difference is that I can admit now how wrong my thinking was then.

As much as I do not want Obama for President, even I don't want that for him if he is elected. Do you?

No, I don't want that. And if you don't want that then why do you persist on advancing fringe nonsense like the birth certificate theory even while admitting that you don't believe it? That's called sowing doubts, and it's what you've done more of than anything else. If you don't believe it, and you are a reasonable and rational person, then why would you perpetuate it and risk that someone else would believe what you yourself don't find credible?

Are you saying that you approve of the judge stating, as part of the rationale for his opinion, that there is little harm done if Obama should turn out to be ineligible to be President? And do you also want THAT hanging over his head for the next four years? I don't.

I didn't read the whole decision and I am not a lawyer and I hazard a guess that the same goes for you. But did you notice that his conclusion was based on the decision made in the McCain case? What's your opinion on that one?

Are you saying that you approve of the Obama campaign and the surrogate media digging into a private citizen's private life and attempting to destroy him because he asked Obama an embarrassing question? You think that's okay?

Do you have evidence that the Obama campaign did this? And what does this have to do with anything?

Are you saying that a television station should be frozen out of the process because an anchor asked Joe Biden an embarrassing question? You approve of that?

You are kidding right? It's ok for Sarah Palin and John McCain but not ok for Biden? (Disclaimer: I don't actually know what you're talking about re: Biden, but you do know that several people have been frozen out of the McCain and Palin entourages, right? One of them the author of Primary Colors -- not exactly a left-wing plant. ) This is one of your double standards.

Are you saying that Ican or I or anybody else shouldn't be questioning Obama's campaign rhetoric and pointing out the errors and/or implausibility of that, especially when his worshipers seem to have no interest in any of that at this point. He looks good, he talks good, and he isn't a Republican so believe whatever he tells you? That's the way it should be?

And I'm the one not being objective here?

What in heaven's name are you talking about? I'm saying that your insistence on calling Obama supporters "worshippers" and "followers" and your consistent and persistent denial of facts and your willingness to forward fringe theories that you admittedly don't even believe yourself makes you a partisan and intellectually lazy hack. Further, your refusal to accept facts from organizations with outstanding reputations, like factcheck.org and the Tax Policy Center, indeed going so far as to label them biased and liberal with no supporting facts, while accepting editorials and opinion pieces by incredibly partisan hacks as the gospel truth belies your blindness.

You are a conservative and it only stands to reason that you would disagree with Obama's and the Democratic platform. But you are not forwarding reasoned arguments here. You are just another water carrier for the fringe right wing, whether you know it or not. Your bias is obvious but your double standards are gobsmacking. I think you are not stupid, and perhaps you have some serious arguments and interesting ideas but dear god I haven't seen any in quite some time. I can't wait until this election is over.

And while I'm at it, let me save you the trouble of your predictable response. "You will not respond to those who cannot argue the point without being insulting, etc...." I am clearly tired of arguing facts and points with you because you don't accept facts as evidence. There is no way that we can have a rational conversation, which is good, because I really don't have time for this bullshit anymore.
Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2008 12:21 pm
Do you KNOW what Hollander is?

Hollander is the suit that alleged McCain was ineligible to become President because he was born in Panama and therefor was not eligible under the constitution.

If Hollander is the basis for Berg being tossed then you can't argue that Berg was tossed incorrectly without arguing that Hollander was also tossed incorrectly. Both were dismissed for the exact same reason. Lack of standing.

If Berg is allowed to go forward then McCain's eligibility can also be challenged in court. Do you really want that?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2008 12:59 pm
FreeDuck wrote:

Have a look at your own posts and see the pattern of repeatedly trotting out fringe theories one after the other, each one shot down by the facts (not by our bias) yet not slowing your momentum at all.

Perhaps you would like to list and explain what constitutes fringe areas. Obama's birth certificate? Not important whether he is eligible to be president? Okay. Voter registration fraud? Not an issue. Okay. Whether Obama has any chance to keep any of the promises he is making to those he wants to vote for him? Not fair to bring that up? That Obama has no problem with shutting down conservative voices or trashing public citizens or freezing out a television station that displeases him? We shouldn't be concerned about that? Okay.

What then is fair to talk about? His haircut? His wardrobe? His nice smile? What?

Are you saying that a handful of obviously fraudulent registrations can turn the election? Do you seriously believe that allowing Mickey Mouse to vote is as great a risk as unsecured electronic voting systems controlled by a single party? If you wanted to throw an election, would you try to orchestrate an army of several hundred thousand fake voters, or would you just find one computer expert? You have the facts on the ACORN nonsense but you refuse to accept them.

President Bush won Ohio by I believe less than 2000 votes. He won New Mexico by fewer than 500. Are you prepared to say that the 'handful of obviously fraudulently registratons' does not exceed that number? Since there is no way to check all of them are you prepared to say that this is no worry--that obviously none got through? That all are clearly identifiable? Do you really want me to believe that you guys wouldn't be hollering to high heaven if this was a Republican perpetuated fraud?

Bush had those questions, twice. Did it matter to you? It matters if the questions are legitimate. I think you like the questions more than you like the answers. You are talking out of both sides of your face. With one you sow doubts, with the other you bemoan that there should be doubts.

Yes Bush had the questions and it was the Democrats' side raising them. The matter was investigated and put to rest, however. And no I did not object to the investigation. I did object to the manner in which the Democrats wanted to conduct it which would ensure that the outcome would be to their liking. Thwarted in that effort, however, I believe that the truth did come out in the end. Did you raise any objection to that investigation? No. I didn't think so. Was that a 'fringe area'? No? I didn't think so.

Err, I think the final say on that was that Gore won Florida, but everyone agrees now that it doesn't matter.

No, the verdict even by the leftwing media was that Bush won Florida. Had he not, then Gore won the election. That is a rather important thing don't you think? Or is that a 'fringe area'?

And your insistence on calling it "my side" is yet more evidence of your us vs. them mentality. I'm not on your side, so I must be on their side. I voted for Harry Brown in 2000 and insisted to my friends that it really didn't matter whether Gore or Bush won because they were so much alike. The difference is that I can admit now how wrong my thinking was then.

By your side, I mean those who think any question or investigation re Barack Obama is off limits or involves a 'fringe area'. You are right that it made a huge difference whether Gore or Bush won in 2000 though. It would have been far far worse if Gore had won.

No, I don't want that. And if you don't want that then why do you persist on advancing fringe nonsense like the birth certificate theory even while admitting that you don't believe it? That's called sowing doubts, and it's what you've done more of than anything else. If you don't believe it, and you are a reasonable and rational person, then why would you perpetuate it and risk that someone else would believe what you yourself don't find credible?

I didn't bring it up dear. The issue was brought up by others. And there would have been no doubt in my mind if Barack Obama had been forthcoming in putting the matter to rest in a manner in which there was no question. Have a judge rule on the authenticity of the birth certificate. Give it to McCain supporters for examination. The way he has gone about it has raised the doubts, not the initial question. That nobody but Obama-friendly sources have been given opportunity to examine the document is what raises the doubts. Had he, by his own behavior, not provided the appearance that there may be a problem, there would be no problem. And I would be defending him as staunchly as you in that matter.

I didn't read the whole decision and I am not a lawyer and I hazard a guess that the same goes for you. But did you notice that his conclusion was based on the decision made in the McCain case? What's your opinion on that one?

John McCain gave no appearance of trying to avoid close scrutiny of his eligibility to be President. And therein is the difference. I notice you sidestepped what the judge actually said about Obama's eligibility not being an issue of 'harm' however. Nice dodge.

Do you have evidence that the Obama campaign did this? And what does this have to do with anything?

I have no evidence that the Obama campaign has done anything to dissuade it or call it off. What does it have to do with anything? That the Democrats would absolutely attempt to destroy a citizen that dared ask Obama a question that has resonated with the American people doesn't have anything to do with anything? And he apparently condones it since he sure as hell hasn't spoken out against it? Oh yeah, another fringe area. I know.

Are you saying that a television station should be frozen out of the process because an anchor asked Joe Biden an embarrassing question? You approve of that?

You are kidding right? It's ok for Sarah Palin and John McCain but not ok for Biden? (Disclaimer: I don't actually know what you're talking about re: Biden, but you do know that several people have been frozen out of the McCain and Palin entourages, right? One of them the author of Primary Colors -- not exactly a left-wing plant. ) This is one of your double standards.

Double standard? I can assure you Obama has nobody traveling with him who has not drunk the kool-ade and I have never complained about that in any way, nor do I think that improper.

There is a huge difference in disinviting non supporters from one's campaign entourage and publicly announcing that a television station is off limits to the campaign and will be off limits because an anchor asked Joe Biden an embarassing question.

Story here: http://www.ireport.com/docs/DOC-124444

Are you saying that Ican or I or anybody else shouldn't be questioning Obama's campaign rhetoric and pointing out the errors and/or implausibility of that, especially when his worshipers seem to have no interest in any of that at this point. He looks good, he talks good, and he isn't a Republican so believe whatever he tells you? That's the way it should be?

And I'm the one not being objective here?

What in heaven's name are you talking about? I'm saying that your insistence on calling Obama supporters "worshippers" and "followers" and your consistent and persistent denial of facts and your willingness to forward fringe theories that you admittedly don't even believe yourself makes you a partisan and intellectually lazy hack. Further, your refusal to accept facts from organizations with outstanding reputations, like factcheck.org and the Tax Policy Center, indeed going so far as to label them biased and liberal with no supporting facts, while accepting editorials and opinion pieces by incredibly partisan hacks as the gospel truth belies your blindness.

When people refuse to accept hard questions, denounce and accuse those who ask them, and heap a non questioning, all accepting, adoring adulations on a political candidate, I call them worshipers. That does not make me non objective. That makes me one who calls it as I see it.

You are a conservative and it only stands to reason that you would disagree with Obama's and the Democratic platform. But you are not forwarding reasoned arguments here. You are just another water carrier for the fringe right wing, whether you know it or not. Your bias is obvious but your double standards are gobsmacking. I think you are not stupid, and perhaps you have some serious arguments and interesting ideas but dear god I haven't seen any in quite some time. I can't wait until this election is over.

See previous comment. I am an unashamed conservative yes. But I won't accept the mantra that any questions I have raised are the least bit fringe and I do believe you would not consider them so if they were being directed to McCain instead of Obama.

And while I'm at it, let me save you the trouble of your predictable response. "You will not respond to those who cannot argue the point without being insulting, etc...." I am clearly tired of arguing facts and points with you because you don't accept facts as evidence. There is no way that we can have a rational conversation, which is good, because I really don't have time for this bullshit anymore.

Fine. Then I won't need to look forward to your detailed analysis of everything I post along with your assessment that I am not objective, I deal in fringe issues, my point of view is unsupportable, and I won't accept only Obama-friendly sources for verification as I am apparently supposed to do?

That's cool. Do have a good day.
Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2008 01:13 pm
Perhaps you would like to list and explain what constitutes fringe areas. Obama's birth certificate? Not important whether he is eligible to be president? Okay.
It is not important because it has been answered more than enough times.
Voter registration fraud? Not an issue. Okay.
Acorn is not an issue if you look at the facts. Federal laws are what are important in elections. Acorn didn't violate them. Some Acorn employees probably did. Fraudulent voter registration does not equate to voter fraud. Ohio requires valid picture ID to vote. It doesn't matter if Mickey Mouse registered or not. Unless he has a valid picture ID he won't be casting a vote.

Whether Obama has any chance to keep any of the promises he is making to those he wants to vote for him? Not fair to bring that up?
That is fair to bring up. Who said you couldn't?
That Obama has no problem with shutting down conservative voices or trashing public citizens or freezing out a television station that displeases him? We shouldn't be concerned about that? Okay.
It is no different than McCain removing journalists from his plane when they write stories he doesn't like. Both campaigns do it, it seems. Feel free to bring it up but don't whine when it is shown that McCain has done it as well if not more.

What then is fair to talk about? His haircut? His wardrobe? His nice smile? What?
There are a lot of issues to talk about above and beyond the 4 you cited above. Health care, the economy, CEO pay, Iraq, Iran, Russia/Georgia, education, roads.........


When people refuse to accept hard questions, denounce and accuse those who ask them, and heap a non questioning, all accepting, adoring adulations on a political candidate, I call them worshipers. That does not make me non objective. That makes me one who calls it as I see it.
This from the person that refuses to answer hard questions? Please Fox, stop playing the "nobody plays nice but me card." It just is so obvious you refuse to answer hard questions and denounce everyone that doesn't agree with you.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2008 01:24 pm
Perhaps this will help explain it for you.

Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2008 02:03 pm
Explain what? What in the young woman's question or in McCain's response has anything to do with my post that you're referencing here?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2008 02:48 pm

Obama draws 100k + in Denver today

Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2008 02:59 pm
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2008 04:34 pm
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2008 06:24 pm
Well that is clever Edgar--got a smile out of me. But in the interest of equal time. . . .




Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2008 07:48 pm
You do realize that your last cartoon is an attack on the GOP use of cliche's don't you?

Pig with lipstick - Sara Palin
Acorn voter list- used to attack Obama
Moose - Promoting Palin as hunter
Joe Sixpack - Used by Palin
3 AM phone call - used to attack Obama
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Oct, 2008 11:29 am
The USA federal government, while ignoring the supreme law of the land, can annually redistribute wealth as long as there exists wealth to redistribute. If it were my wealth that was threatened with redistribution, I'd take me and my wealth out of the USA. But if unable to do that, I'd stop trying to earn more wealth and dismiss my employees. Then when my wealth was exhausted, I'd go on welfare.

What would you do if you were wealthy and your wealth were being distributed?
Reply Mon 27 Oct, 2008 11:48 am
How do you feel about the annual wealth redistribution checks each resident of Alaska gets?

Alaska residents will get annual oil royalty dividend of $1,654 each
Reply Mon 27 Oct, 2008 12:55 pm
That is not the wealth redistribution. That is wealth sharing. The people of Alaska share in revenue received from a commonly owned resource. The royalties are paid by oil companies who agree to pay them in return for the ability to exploit that resource. Both parties involved mutually benefit.

It is not confiscating wealth from Citizen A who ethically and legally acquired it and giving it to Citizen B for his personal benefit even though he provided no labor or resources to earn it. That is Obama's redistribution plan based purely on the idea that it isn't right for Citizen A to have so much more than Citizen B no matter what Citizen A invested to acquire his wealth and/or that Citizen B has done nothing to deserve any part of it.

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