Reply Fri 24 Oct, 2008 03:57 pm
I'm just looking for something other than Obama-sympathetic witnesses to defend him on this.

Okay, now we know what it is you are looking for. Now define who you consider to be "other than Obama-sympathetic witnesses" so that we don't waste our time parading a whole litany of sources for you to pass judgement on before considering the issue resolved.
Reply Fri 24 Oct, 2008 04:04 pm
Well how about an organization that is not as leftwing extremist and as dishonest as Daily Kos and/or one to which Obama has not been a part of funneling significant funding and/or that is not his own website? How about one of the judges presiding over the various lawsuits filed? That would go a long way to putting the matter to rest.
Reply Fri 24 Oct, 2008 04:07 pm
World Net Daily on August 23, 2008:
A separate WND investigation into Obama's birth certificate utilizing forgery experts also found the document to be authentic.

Reply Fri 24 Oct, 2008 04:11 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

Well how about an organization that is not as leftwing extremist and as dishonest as Daily Kos and/or one to which Obama has not been a part of funneling significant funding and/or that is not his own website? How about one of the judges presiding over the various lawsuits filed? That would go a long way to putting the matter to rest.

No, it wouldn't. To even respond to the allegations in court would be to give them legitimacy. Those who complain about these fake and baseless accusations would simply cry 'Liberal judges! Activist Judges!' and then go right on with the smears.

Facts have never stopped smears, Fox.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Oct, 2008 04:15 pm
wandeljw wrote:

World Net Daily on August 23, 2008:
A separate WND investigation into Obama's birth certificate utilizing forgery experts also found the document to be authentic.


The is the most convincing argument I've seen on Obama's side, especially since WND has absolutely no motive in being an advocate for Obama. If the article had said that they were given the actual document to examine, it would be a done deal. I do think photoshopped 'evidence' used on the internet by anybody in a case like this is reprehensible.

It will be interesting to see how the various lawsuits shake out.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Oct, 2008 04:32 pm
The LA times is leftwing extremist?

I posted a link to it early on and you ignored it.

By the way, the suit against Obama will probably be thrown out for the same reason the suit was thrown out challenging McCain's birth not being in the US.

Reply Fri 24 Oct, 2008 04:45 pm
The Hollander McCain lawsuit documents


It took 3 months for the McCain suit to be thrown out.

It will probably take the same amount of time for the Obama suit to be tossed. It was filed August 21, 2008 so still has a month to go.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Oct, 2008 04:46 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
Factcheck.org also is suspect not because it doesn't do some good work and makes at least some effort to be balanced because it does. But the fact that it is part of an entity on which Obama has sat or the board of directors and has also funneled government monies to makes it less reliable as an unbiased source.

You're referring to the Annenberg Foundation, which is conservative. Just because Obama sat on the board of a group sponsored by a conservative foundation does not make it liberal.

How do you find factcheck.org suspect but not the words of a raving lunatic obsessed with Obama's birth certificate with a reputation for filing frivolous law suits. Do you think about this stuff at all?
Reply Fri 24 Oct, 2008 05:10 pm
The problem is some people won't accept Obama's birth certificate because they weren't there to physically witness the birth themselves.

As I understand it the Govenor of California would have been a stitched on cert if his birth certificate had passed muster.

Is that not right?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Oct, 2008 05:16 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

And is it possible that Obama timed his trip to Hawaii and announced that the press corps would not be allowed to accompany him on private business had something to do with this?

Note this item in the Request for Relief following the initial lawsuit:
3. Plaintiff is physically present in Hawai'i and is available to appear before the Court in person at any hearing on or before October 22, 2008.

I can't see why. You'll note from your own source that Obama is not a defendant in that lawsuit. Why would it matter to him whether the plaintiff in that lawsuit was physically present in Hawai'i?


Defendants LINDA LINGLE and DR. CHIYOME FUKINO are Governor and Director of the Department of Health, respectively.
Reply Fri 24 Oct, 2008 05:23 pm
Defendants LINDA LINGLE and DR. CHIYOME FUKINO are Governor and Director of the Department of Health, respectively.

That seems reasonable enough.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Oct, 2008 11:28 pm
The Annenberg Foundation, the parent group for the Annenberg Challenge for which both Barack Obama and William Ayers sat on the board of directors is conservative? Do you honestly think either of them would have anything to do with conservative concepts of any kind?

And all three persons, so far I know who have no connection to each other, who have now filed lawsuits to have a valid birth certificate produced are raving lunatics?

Look I have no opinion on this one way or the other. I don't believe that even the annointed one is so power hungry that he would attempt to put something like that past the system and if I was laying odds, I would bet that he is eligible to be President.

I just find it interesting that he could have put this whole matter to rest so easily, but has not done so. Maybe he is planning an 11th hour 'see I told you so' gimmick, but the more he stalls now, the more it looks fishy and the more people begin to wonder if there really is something to all that. After all the bitter and ugly hatefulness following the 2000 election that has persisted to the present time, I do not want a cloud of uncertainty hanging over us this election no matter who wins a week from Tuesday.

His supporters should be demanding that he produce that birth certificate to anybody's satisfaction who wants to know. If for some reason he cannot do that, we are 11 days from the National election, tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people have already voted, and a problem with his birth certificate could throw us into a constitutional crisis the likes of which we have never seen before.
Reply Sat 25 Oct, 2008 04:21 am
Surely the Democratic Party selection procedure would have clarified a matter as simple and as important as this Foxy.
Reply Sat 25 Oct, 2008 07:18 am
Bush has ordered the DOJ to look into Ohio voter fraud AFTER it had gone to the Supreme Court who found that the person (GOP) bringing the suit had no standing.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 25 Oct, 2008 09:43 am
spendius wrote:

Surely the Democratic Party selection procedure would have clarified a matter as simple and as important as this Foxy.

You would think. But nobody seems real anxious for there to be any close scrutiny here either. And that's what is peaking curiosity and raising hopes of those who really would like to discredit Obama. I don't want Obama as President myself, but I am prepared to support as much as I can whomever is elected to that office. I always have. But I don't want Obama or the Democratic Party to be able to put somebody ineligible into that office with impunity.

Maybe everybody who has filed suits to see that Birth Certificate are raving lunatics. But whether the President of the United States is eligible to hold the office is a legitimate question to ask even if the candidate is the Annointed One. And I'm getting sick and tired of citizens being trashed by his devoted disciples purely for asking legitimate questions.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 25 Oct, 2008 10:30 am
On the American Conservatism thread, a member attempted to use MediaMatters to excordiate Thomas Sowell by misstating his problems with Obama and the rationale Sowell uses to explain them. They cited his most recent column (posted below) but misstated the context. Here Sowell is stating (again) that most of Obama's supporters know the least about him than they know of any of the candidates. He is the least vetted of any candidate in US history. Many or most of his supporters don't have a clue what he has done, what he believes, or what he intends and they don't care. They only care that they like him and he isn't a Republican.

The most recent column explaining how this situation is dangerous:

October 22, 2008 12:00 AM

Believers in Barack
Apparently, Obama-love is blind.

By Thomas Sowell

Telling a friend that the love of his life is a phony and dangerous is not likely to get him to change his mind. But it may cost you a friend.

It is much the same story with true believers in Barack Obama. They have made up their minds and not only don’t want to be confused by the facts, they resent being told the facts.

An e-mail from a reader mentioned trying to tell his sister why he was voting against Obama but, when he tried to argue some facts, she cut him short: “You don’t like him and I do!” she said. End of discussion.

When one thinks of all the men who have put their lives on the line in battle to defend and preserve this country, it is especially painful to think that there are people living in the safety and comfort of civilian life who cannot be bothered to find out the facts about candidates before voting to put the fate of this nation, and of generations yet to come, in the hands of someone chosen because they like his words or style.

Of the four people running for president and vice president on the Republican and Democratic tickets, the one we know the least about is the one leading in the polls " Barack Obama.

Some of Senator Obama’s most fervent supporters could not tell you what he has actually done on such issues as crime, education, or financial institutions like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac " much less what he plans to do to stop Iran from becoming a nuclear nation supplying nuclear weapons to the international terrorist networks that it has supplied with other weapons.

The magic word “change” makes specifics unnecessary. If things are going bad, some think that what is needed is blank-check “change.”

But history shows any number of countries in crises worse than ours, where “change” turned problems into catastrophes.

In czarist Russia, for example, the economy was worse than ours is today and the First World War was going far worse for the Russians than anything we have faced in Iraq. Moreover, Russians had nothing like the rights of Americans today. So they went for “change.”

That “change” brought on a totalitarian regime that made the czars’ despotism look like child’s play. The Communists killed more people in one year than the czars killed in more than 90 years, not counting the millions who died in a government-created famine in the 1930s.

Other despotic regimes in China, Cuba, and Iran were similarly replaced by people who promised “change” that turned out to be even worse than what went before.

Yet many today seem to assume that if things are bad, “change” will make them better. Specifics don’t interest them nearly as much as inspiring rhetoric and a confident style. But many 20th-century leaders with inspiring rhetoric and great self-confidence led their followers or their countries into utter disasters.

These ranged from Jim Jones who led hundreds to their deaths in Jonestown to Hitler and Mao who led millions to their deaths.

What specifics do we know about Barack Obama’s track record that might give us some clue as to what kinds of “changes” to expect if he is elected?

We know that he opposed the practice of putting violent young felons on trial as adults. We know that he was against a law forbidding physicians to kill a baby that was born alive despite an attempt to abort it.

We know that Obama opposed attempts to put stricter regulations on Fannie Mae " and that he was the second-largest recipient of campaign contributions from Fannie Mae. We know that, this very year, his campaign sought the advice of disgraced former Fannie Mae CEO Franklin Raines.

Fannie Mae and Raines were at the heart of “the mess in Washington” that Barack Obama claims he is going to clean up under the banner of “change.”

The public has been told very little about what this man with the wonderful rhetoric has actually done. What we know is enough to make us wonder about what we don’t know. Or it ought to. For the true believers " which includes many in the media " it is just a question of whether you like him or not.

Sowell has done more research on Barack Obama and put it out there than perhaps any other commentator on the American scene these days. Some of his other recent columns:

Pols and Polls

Believers in Obama

Record vs Rhetoric - Palin & Obama

The Real Obama - Part 1

The Real Obama - Part II

The Real Obama - Part III

The Real Obama - Part IV

Idols of Crowds
Reply Sat 25 Oct, 2008 11:07 am
He repeatedly alleges that the Bush Tax Cuts reduced the income taxes for the wealthy and not the middle class. That is false. For example, quoted below are the federal income tax rates for married tax payers filing jointly for the years 2000 (before the Bush tax cuts), and 2008 (after the Bush tax cuts).


Married tax payers filing jointly,
marginal tax rate .. taxable income over ......... but not over 15% ........................... 000,000 ................... 043,050
28% ........................... 043,050 ................... 104,050
31% ........................... 104,050 ................... 158,550
36% ........................... 158,550 ................... 283,150
39.6% ......................... 283,150 .......................

Married tax payers filing jointly,
marginal tax rate .. taxable income over ......... but not over
10% ........................... 000,000 ................... 016,050
15% ........................... 016,050 ................... 065,100
25% ........................... 065,100 ................... 131,450
28% ........................... 131,450 ................... 200,300
33% ........................... 200,300 ................... 357,700
35% ........................... 357,700 .......................

For example please notice:

(1) Those married couples filing jointly who earned $16,050 or less, had their tax rate reduced from 15% to 10%, a difference of 5%, while those who earned more than $357,700 had their tax rate reduced from 39.6% to 35%, a smaller difference of 4.6%.

(2) Those married couples filing jointly who earned between $43,050 and $65,100, had their tax rate reduced from 28% to 15%, a difference of 13%, while those who earned between $200,300 and $283,150 had their tax rate reduced from 36% to 33%, a difference of only 3%.
Reply Sat 25 Oct, 2008 11:10 am
I don't know if Obama is a liar or a fool or just an opportunist when he parrots the Democrats' line that Bush gave massive tax cuts for the rich and everybody else went begging. You know it isn't true. I know it isn't true. But the Obama devoted disciples sure believe it, so it is profitable for him to keep repeating it. And I don't think he really cares whether it is true or not.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 25 Oct, 2008 11:29 am
Even more reprehensible, however, is what the Democrats are doing to citizen "Joe the Plumber" as they attempt to destroy him lest his quite innocuous question harm the messiah.

The idea that a private citizen's privacy should be violated and he be publicly slimed and smeared because he asked a question of a candidate should send chills through every patriotic American no matter what his/her political afflilation and no matter who he/she supports. Of all the crap that has been flung around in this election, this kind of thing scares me to death. If this is the way it will be in an Obama administration, I am truly frightened for our country.

Government computers used to find information on Joe the Plumber
Investigators trying to determine whether access was illegal

Friday, October 24, 2008 8:57 PM
By Randy Ludlow
The Columbus Dispatch

"State and local officials are investigating if state and law-enforcement computer systems were illegally accessed when they were tapped for personal information about "Joe the Plumber."

Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher became part of the national political lexicon Oct. 15 when Republican presidential candidate John McCain mentioned him frequently during his final debate with Democrat Barack Obama.

The 34-year-old from the Toledo suburb of Holland is held out by McCain as an example of an American who would be harmed by Obama's tax proposals.

Public records requested by The Dispatch disclose that information on Wurzelbacher's driver's license or his sport-utility vehicle was pulled from the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles database three times shortly after the debate.

Information on Wurzelbacher was accessed by accounts assigned to the office of Ohio Attorney General Nancy H. Rogers, the Cuyahoga County Child Support Enforcement Agency and the Toledo Police Department.

It has not been determined who checked on Wurzelbacher, or why. Direct access to driver's license and vehicle registration information from BMV computers is restricted to legitimate law enforcement and government business.

Paul Lindsay, Ohio spokesman for the McCain campaign, attempted to portray the inquiries as politically motivated. "It's outrageous to see how quickly Barack Obama's allies would abuse government power in an attempt to smear a private citizen who dared to ask a legitimate question," he said.

Isaac Baker, Obama's Ohio spokesman, denounced Lindsay's statement as charges of desperation from a campaign running out of time. "Invasions of privacy should not be tolerated. If these records were accessed inappropriately, it had nothing to do with our campaign and should be investigated fully," he said.

The attorney general's office is investigating if the access of Wuzelbacher's BMV information through the office's Ohio Law Enforcement Gateway computer system was unauthorized, said spokeswoman Jennifer Brindisi.

"We're trying to pinpoint where it came from," she said. The investigation could become "criminal in nature," she said. Brindisi would not identify the account that pulled the information on Oct. 16.

Records show it was a "test account" assigned to the information technology section of the attorney general's office, said Department of Public Safety spokesman Thomas Hunter.

Brindisi later said investigators have confirmed that Wurzelbacher's information was not accessed within the attorney general's office. She declined to provide details. The office's test accounts are shared with and used by other law enforcement-related agencies, she said.

On Oct. 17, BMV information on Wurzelbacher was obtained through an account used by the Cuyahoga County Child Support Enforcement Agency in Cleveland, records show.

Mary Denihan, spokeswoman for the county agency, said the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services contacted the agency today and requested an investigation of the access to Wurzelbacher's information. Cuyahoga County court records do not show any child-support cases involving Wurzelbacher.

The State Highway Patrol, which administers the Law Enforcement Automated Data System in Ohio, asked Toledo police to explain why it pulled BMV information on Wurzelbacher within 48 hours of the debate, Hunter said.

The LEADS system also can be used to check for warrants and criminal histories, but such checks would not be reflected on the records obtained by The Dispatch.

Sgt. Tim Campbell, a Toledo police spokesman, said he could not provide any information because the department only had learned of the State Highway Patrol inquiry today.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 25 Oct, 2008 11:33 am
Of the four people running for president and vice president on the Republican and Democratic tickets, the one we know the least about is the one leading in the polls " Barack Obama.

Perhaps that is the very reason why he is leading. Mr McCain and Mrs Palin are typical Americans and it would follow that Americans are fed up with such an honest picture of themselves.

Writing in the 1880s of "liberals" who criticised him for not embracing any of their idealistic causes, Anton Chekhov, who suspected them of actually being in cahoots with the State system, wrote-

Just you wait. This is nothing to the dirty tricks Russkay mysl( Russian Idea, an upmarket publication) will get up to in time. Under the banner of learning, art and persecuted freedom of thought Russia will one day be ruled by such toads and crocodiles as were unknown even in Spain under the Inquisition. Yes, you just wait! Narrow-mindedness, enormous pretensions, excessive self-importance, a total absence of any literal or social conscience: these things will do their work. All these Goltsevs (also an editor of the "Russian Idea") and their ilk will spawn an atmosphere so stifling that every healthy person will be bloody well nauseated by literature, while every charlatan and wolf in sheep's clothing will have a stage on which to parade his lies and hypocrisy.

{see ID thread for copious evidence}.

Dr Hingley, who quotes this passage in his biography of Chekhov, comments-

Unfair to Lavrov (another editor), Goltsev and company though it surely is, this outburst yet forms what some might think a clinically accurate prognosis of Russia's intellectual future.

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