McGentrix, I am not at all threatened by Palin. I am appalled by her, and that is quite a different matter. I am appalled that such a poorly qualified candidate would be placed on a national ticket for an office that is a heartbeat away from the presidency.
This is not liberal hysteria, or partisan bias. George Will called Palin's experience "negligible" and pointed out she is probably the least qualified VP candidate in the past 75 years. Conservative columnist Kathleen Parker feels Palin is so unqualified to serve as president, if need be, that she should drop off the ticket for the sake of the country.
I notice you can't refute anything I said about Palin. Your comments are mainly attacks on me, but they dodge the issues I raise about Palin, just as she dodged questions she couldn't answer in her debate performance. Attacking the messenger or changing the subject is not a sufficient response in defense of Palin. Unless, of course, you really don't give a damn who runs the country. In that case, you really have no credibilty as a concerned citizen.
Tell me, please, Palin's position on the major domestic and foreign policy issues--quoting her in her own words, and without the standard talking points, if you can. What specific positions has she taken on education, health care, the foreclosure crisis, the dwindling size of our military, the timeframe for withdrawal from Iraq, etc.?
Tell me please, what family values does Palin espouse--beyond her anti-abortion stance and her opposition to gay marriage? Are her family values reflected in her own family? Aren't Republicans interested in these things too? What sort of role model is Palin for family values, based on her own behavior and her own immediate family.
Tell me please, why most Americans should not be worried about such a manifestly unqualified individual being one heartbeat away from the presidency? Tell me why conservative columinist Kathleen Parker was wrong in her appraisal of Palin?