Berger wrote:
Diest TKO wrote:
Who is denigrating Palin and how? Names, quotes, and what office they are running for please.
Consider the definition of "denigrate".
minimize: cause to seem less serious; (PTA references and small town mayor experience) play down; (her experience)" charge falsely or with malicious intent;(her Down baby is her daugher's) attack the good name and reputation of someone; (troopergate)
Criticise so as to besmirch; traduce, disparage, or defame; Treat as worthless; belittle, degrade, or disparage; Blacken (Read Debra Law's posts)
Troopergate is an investigation started by the Republican legislature in AK. It has nothing to do with the Democrats at all.
The Obama campaign has every right to downplay her experience; that's politics. As for the personal matters, I think you'll find that the Obama campaign has not engaged in any sort of discussion of them whatsoever.
As for posters on an internet bulletin board, I have one response: so what? Bush is an idiot, McCain sold his soul to get the Repubulican nomination and Palin is an airhead who can't face the press for fear of embarrassing herself. There's nothing wrong with anyone holding any of these opinions.
The McCain camp has charged that it is Obama doing all these things; this is a false charge and that's why it has been mostly met with more denigrating of their campaign.