okie, if Palin made herself available to reporters, so they could directly ask her questions, she might be able to dispel some of the negative things being said about her. But she (or the McCain camp) has chosen to keep her cloistered and off limits to the press.
Actually I think the cable news outlets have been too accepting of the fact that Palin won't speak with them and answer questions. They should be screaming bloody murder. What person running for president or vice president refuses to answer questions for the press? If the cable news services have any bias it is pro-Palin, judging by what they are not saying or pointing out about her. They are colluding with the Republican strategy of keeping Palin roped off--and they are presenting her as merely an attractive visual image, standing before crowds of the Republican faithful, zinging barbs at Obama, but discussing nothing in depth, and nothing that isn't scripted for her. The McCain camp is manipulating the media by using them to promote Palin's image and alleged crowd popularity, but preventing them from having any contact or interchange with her--and the media has irresponsibly gone along with this.
The cable networks should not be accepting this situation of a "silent Palin". They should refuse to air footage of her on the campaign trail unless she starts talking to them, and answering their questions. If they don't do this, I think they are showing a Republican bias.
That sort of showdown is what happened, in a minor way at the U.N. today, when CNN refused to allow their video cameras to shoot Palin with a dignitary unless they allowed a producer in the room. CNN won that one--the producer was let in for 29 sec.
The whole business of introducing Palin to dignitaries at the U.N. is just ludicrous, since it was clearly a photo-op simply to show her in a picture with some of these people, as if this would convince us she has foreign policy experience. And when they won't even allow print reporters in the room when the photos are taken, let alone ask her questions, the sham of hyping her in this highly staged way is nakedly apparent. Do you think that if they don't trust Palin to speak with reporters that they really trusted her to speak with foreign leaders today about anything more important than changing diapers or the weather, or that they let her ask any questions that hadn't been carefully prepared for her? She was surrounded by handlers today who choreographed her every move and utterance. She smiled, posed for pictures, and made small talk, nothing more. Her visit to the U.N. was a campaign stunt, and is rather meaningless in terms of telling us anything about Palin or even teaching her anything. But, believe me, in the days to come, she, and McCain, will exaggerate the importance of this outing even more than they have been exaggerating her flimsy qualifications for VP.
I do agree, okie, that the columists in newspapers present a more accurate appraisal of Palin, mainly because, unlike the cable networks, they are not cowed and they are not afraid to describe her in clearly negative terms. The woman is just not impressive. Her interviews, with both Charlie Gibson and Sean Hannity revealed her to be intellectually shallow, uninformed and confused on issues, and given to expressing herself with rather simplistic slogans and phrases when her thinking wasn't meandering into incoherence.
Palin does have an impressive ego and arrogance, but that's about it. In all other respects she is woefully lacking the personal qualifications to be VP, or possible president of the U.S. In addition, questions remain about her ethics in office, in terms of possible abuse of her powers, and her behavior regarding that whole episode with her brother-in-law strongly suggests she lacks the temperament to hold the second highest office in the land. What she and McCain both have in common is their tendency to hold grudges and go on personal vendettas against people they don't like or that cross them, not exactly a sign of emotional maturity, and emotional immaturity is not what one wants in a VP or a president.
And now, after keeping her away from the press, the Republicans have arranged a protected and limited format for her VP debate.
A woman who can not face the press, and the public, and answer any and all questions, is definitely not ready to be VP. In her RNC convention speech, she compared herself to Harry Truman. Well, he said, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen". If Palin can't face the media, she should get out of the race.
The Republicans are telling us they don't trust her to open her mouth--well, if they don't trust her, no one else should either.