Mon 15 Sep, 2008 10:19 am
@Bi-Polar Bear,
What's a christian repub?
Mon 15 Sep, 2008 08:45 pm
Now Palin, who campaigned for office in Alaska promising transparency on government, is refusing to cooperate with an investigator looking into whether she abused her powers as governor. When first picked for the VP slot she had pledged her full cooperation.

Palin won't meet with 'Troopergate' investigator

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) " A campaign spokesman says Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin won't speak with an investigator hired by lawmakers to look into the firing of her public safety commissioner.

McCain campaign spokesman Ed O'Callaghan told a news conference Monday that the governor, the Republican nominee for vice president, will not cooperate as long as the investigation "remains tainted." He said he doesn't know whether Palin's husband would challenge a subpoena issued to compel his cooperation.

The campaign insists the investigation has been hijacked by Democrats. It says it can prove Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan was fired because of insubordination on budget issues " not because he refused to fire a state trooper who had divorced Palin's sister.


Why doesn't she cooperate so the matter can be put to rest? By not cooperating, it looks like she has something to hide.
She is running for VP, so there should be no questions lingering about her ethical behavior as governor.

I really don't think it is in McCain's interests to allow her not to testify. They are running as alleged "reformers", but this makes Palin look "tainted" because she won't cooperate with an investigation into her own ethics.
Mon 15 Sep, 2008 08:52 pm
As long as this barbaric criminal war without reasons against Iraq is not repented USA is the worst scoundrel country around the globe.
I feel extremely sorry for those unemployed- half-equiped pathetic GI's who had left this world without song.
i wish those citizens In Iraq to chase out the criminal invaders( uninvited liberators) first and sort out your local problems.

Or commit suicide if you cannot drive out those rascals
0 Replies
Mon 15 Sep, 2008 09:01 pm
It's on the front of CNN.com right now.

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (CNN) -- Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will not cooperate with a legislative investigation into the firing of her public safety commissioner, the McCain-Palin presidential campaign announced Monday, accusing supporters of Democratic rival Barack Obama of manipulating the inquiry for political motivations.

Gov. Sarah Palin is fighting allegations she improperly tried to force the firing of her former brother-in-law.

Former Palin Press Secretary Meg Stapleton told reporters in Anchorage that the investigation has been "hijacked" by "Obama operatives" for the Democratic presidential nominee -- namely, Alaska state Sen. Hollis French, the Democratic lawmaker managing the investigation and an Obama supporter. French has denied working on behalf of the Obama campaign.

The Obama campaign described Stapleton's charge as "complete paranoia." It has denied sending campaign staff to Alaska to work with the legislative committee's investigation.


Now, this can't be good news for her. Seriously. She promised to go forward with the investigation. You can't just decide not to in the middle b/c you decide it might be politically embarassing for you. And the ham-fisted accusations of 'Obama operatives?' What is this, amateur hour?

Tue 16 Sep, 2008 09:57 am

Read about this graph..
Tue 16 Sep, 2008 10:06 am
From Nate Silver, on the same topic -

Palin's Favorability Numbers Eroding

As voters have taken a second look at Sarah Palin in venues like the Charlie Gibson interview and even Tina Fey's SNL sketch, they may not be as enamored of what they're seeing.

The Research 2000 poll for Daily Kos now has Palin's favorability-unfavorability scores at 45-44 -- just a +1. Six days ago, when the poll, launched, she was at a 52-35, a +17.

And I know that some of you don't like or don't trust this poll -- for reasons that I think are a little silly -- but there is a similar decline in her numbers in the Diageo/Hotline poll. Her favorability numbers in yesterday's Hotline poll -- today's isn't out yet -- were a 48-36, or a +12. But a week ago, on September 8, she had been at a 48-24, a +24.


0 Replies
Debra Law
Tue 16 Sep, 2008 11:36 am
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (CNN) -- Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will not cooperate with a legislative investigation into the firing of her public safety commissioner, the McCain-Palin presidential campaign announced Monday, accusing supporters of Democratic rival Barack Obama of manipulating the inquiry for political motivations.

McCain is a fool for his efforts to protect Palin. Palin is a ruthless backstabber. It's her modus operandi. It's only a matter of time before Palin slips her knife into McCain's back. What else can he expect when he selected a sociopath to be his running mate.

Tue 16 Sep, 2008 11:47 am
@Debra Law,
She's a liar to boot.

How Transparent Will Palin Be?

September 16, 2008 12:49 PM

GOLDEN, COLO. -- "We're going to make everything more open," Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said here yesterday, "and more accountable, and more attractive to those who want to serve."

Good government groups have told me that in general, when it comes to transparency issues, they're very happy with both candidates on the top of the ticket. Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Barack Obama, D-Ill., are both seen as "reformers" by these groups. Sure, there have been glitches here and there (Obama's broken promises on public financing comes to mind) but in general they see both men as allies.

Enter Gov Palin.

She has a case to make that she's a maverick.

She has a case to make that she's a reformer.

But is she a transparency advocate?

“E-mails from the Palin administration are being withheld from the public and the governor is citing executive privilege," reported Alaska TV station KTUU last month. "With subject lines like ‘Fagan,’ ‘Andrew Halcro’ and even ‘Alaska Ear,’ it makes some wonder how those topics could possibly be policy related; especially since those same e-mails were copied to the governor's husband...Officials say the private e-mails within the Palin administration won't be released.”

“Palin routinely uses a private Yahoo e-mail account to conduct state business," the Anchorage Daily News reported a few days ago. "Others in the governor's office sometimes use personal e-mail accounts too. The practice raises questions about backdoor secrecy in an administration that vowed during the 2006 campaign to be ‘open and transparent.’…

"Where you've got a governor apparently using a Yahoo account for state business, that's kind of a complete inversion of what ought to be happening in terms of public records,’ said Charles Davis, executive director of the National Freedom of Information Coalition and a Missouri journalism associate professor. ‘E-mail that's public business ought to be done on public accounts that can become public record,’ he said.”

Using a personal email account to conduct official business is what officials of the Bush administration -- perhaps most notoriously Karl Rove -- in an apparent attempt to circumvent any subpoenas.

Is following that model "transparent"?

In December 2006, newly-elected Gov. Palin and Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell, Department of Revenue Commissioner Patrick Galvin and acting Department of Natural Resources Commissioner Marty Rutherford met with three oil producers to discuss the new gas pipeline. The previous governor, Frank Murkowski, had negotiated a deal with BP, Conoco Phillips and Exxon Mobil, though the plan had never been ratified by the Legislature. Palin said her new administration would open up the process to other companies.

Wrote the Anchorage Daily News, "Palin promised her pipeline contract negotiations would be open and transparent -- although the meetings starting today won't be…"

"Interviews show that Ms. Palin runs an administration that puts a premium on loyalty and secrecy," reported the New York Times this month. "The governor and her top officials sometimes use personal e-mail accounts for state business; dozens of e-mail messages obtained by The New York Times show that her staff members studied whether that could allow them to circumvent subpoenas seeking public records.”

When Palin started as mayor in Wasilla in 1996, she was similarly criticized.

“She’s also been criticized by the local semiweekly newspaper for a new policy requiring department heads to get the mayor’s approval before talking to reporters," the Anchorage Daily News noted. "An editorial in The Frontiersman labeled it a ‘gag order.’ Palin said it’s a temporary rule to smooth the way until department heads have a better sense of the administration’s policies.”

The accumulation of all these actions would undermine how transparent and open Palin's instincts are.

And I suppose it goes without saying that Palin was introduced to the public 18 days ago and has yet to hold a press conference.

- jpt


Still no public appearances by Palin which are not completely controlled by the campaign. ******* pathetic.

Debra Law
Tue 16 Sep, 2008 11:55 am
@Bi-Polar Bear,
Bi-Polar Bear wrote: "then all you decent Christian repubs will be praying for an early death for McCain no doubt."

If elected this November, McCain doesn't need to physically die for Palin to slide her sociopathic, manipulative, victimizing, narcissistic self into the oval office. She'll arrange his political death. As the "pitbull" reformer of Washington on a "mission" to clean out the scum in her own political party, she'll blow the whistle on some scandal involving McCain--forcing him to resign in shame--and then she'll take his seat behind the desk. When will people learn: The past is the key to the future. . . .
0 Replies
Debra Law
Tue 16 Sep, 2008 12:08 pm
Thank you for the article, Cycloptichorn. Again, the past is the key to the future. Everything is adding up to one undeniable conclusion: This woman is a sociopath.
0 Replies
Tue 16 Sep, 2008 12:10 pm
The hottest fires in hell are reserved for those
who remain neutral in times of moral crisis.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil
is for good men to do nothing. (Edmund Burke)

thanks for this thought-provoking signature.
I am here to search a pearl in the wide ocean of A2K
0 Replies
Tue 16 Sep, 2008 01:09 pm
Palin is still supporting a 600 million dollar bridge in AK - named 'Don Young way.'

It connects Anchorage to her hometown... Hmm, I thought she wasn't for things like that?

Palin supports $600 million 'other' bridge project

Not a bridge too far: Palin still supports $600 million, hometown bridge construction

AP News

Sep 16, 2008 05:58 EST

Gov. Sarah Palin may eventually have said "no thanks" to a federally funded Bridge to Nowhere.

But a bridge to her hometown of Wasilla, that's a different story.

A $600 million bridge and highway project to link Alaska's largest city to Palin's town of 7,000 residents is moving full speed ahead, despite concerns the bridge could worsen some commuting and threaten a population of beluga whales.

Local officials already have spent $42 million on plans to route traffic across the Knik Arm inlet, a narrow finger of water extending roughly 25 miles northeast of Anchorage toward Wasilla. The proposal exists thanks to an earmark request by Republican Rep. Don Young, whose son-in-law has a small stake in property near the bridge's proposed western span.

A Democratic council member in Anchorage will try Tuesday to spike the city's sponsorship of the project, which Palin supports with some reservations.

"This is basically an incredibly expensive project that doesn't help commuters, doesn't help create jobs and may drive whales to extinction," said Justin Massey, an attorney advising environmentalists opposed to the proposal. "It is also a project that serves the area where the governor is from, which is near and dear to her heart."

The Knik Arm was one of two bridge proposals in Alaska awarded more than $450 million from lawmakers who requested money for special projects in 2005, when Young chaired the House Transportation Committee. Young, Alaska's 18-term congressman, has said Alaska still lacks basic roads, railroads and bridges that were developed long ago in older and less spacious states.

At the time, Palin's running mate for the Republican ticket, Arizona Sen. John McCain, derided both projects as wasteful. He called Young's highway bill a "monstrosity" that was "terrifying in its fiscal consequences."

"I want no part of this," McCain said in a July 2005 statement. "This legislation is not " I emphasize not " my way of legislating."

The governor initially championed the first so-called Bridge to Nowhere, which would have connected the southeastern Alaska town of Ketchikan to its airport on nearby Gravina Island. She later pulled the plug on the project after it became a national symbol of extravagant federal spending.

Palin's record on the Bridge to Nowhere has emerged as a central point of controversy in the campaign over her recent public claims that she had opposed it, aligning herself with McCain's anti-earmarks philosophy.

Palin still supports the second bridge, officially named Don Young's Way in honor of the congressman. She called for a review of the bridge's financing plans and raised concerns about its financial risks for the state. Still, the planning process is marching forward.

"Governor Palin's demand for accountability and transparency around this project is exactly what she has called for across the board to ensure taxpayers' dollars are being used wisely," spokeswoman Maria Comella said.

Dianne Keller, who succeeded Palin as mayor in Wasilla, has said the new $600 million crossing could lower traffic congestion in the fast-growing community. A Federal Highway Administration study shows the project would cut down some area commutes, but could add to others as more people move to the suburbs.

The average commuter trip to work for Wasilla residents is 34 minutes, compared to an average of 25 minutes for the rest of the United States, according to 2000 Census figures, the most recent available.

The bridge is popular with property developers " including a group comprised of Young's son-in-law, the former legislative director for indicted Republican Sen. Ted Stevens and three others " who own land across from Anchorage on the inlet's western side.

The National Marine Fisheries Service is evaluating whether the isolated beluga whales that breed and feed in the waterway's strong tides should be listed as endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act. Palin has publicly urged the government not to list Cook Inlet beluga whales as endangered.

Anchorage Assembly members Patrick Flynn and Matt Claman, both Democrats, plan to introduce a proposal to kill the bridge on Tuesday. They argue the money would be better used to set up commuter van pools and fix Alaska's existing highways, some of which are so rutted that cars go skidding off the road.

"She clearly hasn't said 'no thanks' to this particular bridge," Claman said. "If money were not an issue and we had no limits, maybe we'd build a bridge. But this is not a pragmatic or efficient way to spend scarce resources."


Debra Law
Tue 16 Sep, 2008 04:33 pm

0 Replies
Debra Law
Tue 16 Sep, 2008 04:50 pm
Trooper-Gate: Palin's Shifting Stories

A court filing made yesterday by Palin's lawyer, Thomas Van Flein, asserts that Palin fired Monegan as the state's public safety commissioner because of a series of instances of Monegan's insubordination on budget issues, including Monegan working with an Alaska legislator to seek funding for a project Governor Palin had already vetoed. This alleged pattern of "outright insubordination" is said to have culminated in Monegan planning a trip to Washington to go after federal funds for an initiative to fight sexual assault crimes, which had not yet been approved by the governor. (Van Flein's account was in sync with the line taken last night by a McCain campaign spokesman at a press conference in Alaska.)

The issue of Monegan's work on the sexual assault initiative doesn't come completely out of the blue. In a lengthy exploration of Palin's record on combating sexual assault crimes, ABC News reported yesterday that Monegan was the "chief proponent" for an "ambitious, multi-million dollar initiative to seriously tackle sex crimes in the state," and that Palin's office "put the plan on hold in July," just days before Monegan's firing.

But whatever the role of the sexual assault initiative in Monegan's departure from state government, this is by now the third substantive explanation given by Palin for that departure. And, to one degree or another, all those explanations contradict each other. . . .

Update: According to TPMmuckraker's reporting, the initiative to combat sexual assault that Palin now claims she fired Monegan for trying to get federal money for, was designed to go after child sex abusers.

Link to Article:

cicerone imposter
Tue 16 Sep, 2008 06:33 pm
Do you mean to tell us that you still trust what Palin says? Shame on you!
0 Replies
Tue 16 Sep, 2008 06:57 pm
@Debra Law,
Backstabber? Palin cut funding for Alaska Special Olympics


Campaigning in Colorado today, Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) promised renewed attention to kids with special needs. She declared, “Ever since I took the chief executive’s job up North I pushed for more funding for students with special needs,” and cited her own family’s experience with the issue.

It’s a stretch to say she “pushed” for any policy improvements. Though Palin did sign a law increasing special education funding in Alaska, “she had no role whatsoever” in its development, according to the bill’s author, Rep. Mike Hawker (R). Moreover, as governor, Palin vetoed $275,000 in Special Olympics Alaska funds (Page 100, SB 221 with vetoes), slashing the organization’s operating budget in half.
cicerone imposter
Tue 16 Sep, 2008 07:00 pm
She'll BS her way until November, and the media will just play along with what she says even though most of it contradicts her own actions and rhetoric.
Tue 16 Sep, 2008 07:17 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I dont know if even the media can help Palin now. Her unfavorablity rating is up and popularity down in just the few days since Tina Fey mentioned that Wasilla is the crystal meth capitol of Alaska. And that with a control freak Mayor become governor. No wonder the troopers in Alsaka are are extremely upset with Palin.
Tue 16 Sep, 2008 09:15 pm
Ya all remember how Palin wants to spread Alaska's way of doing business around the lower 48 right? Now we know that "Alaska's way" is supported in part with fists full of federal pork, that "Alaska's way" includes corrupt public officials, and so on, but get this;
JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) -- Alaska's attorney general says state employees subpoenaed in the investigation of Gov. Sarah Palin will not testify.

In a letter to the Democratic state senator overseeing the investigation, Attorney General Talis Colberg asks that the subpoenas be withdrawn. He also says the employees will not appear before the investigator unless either the full state Senate or the entire Alaska Legislature votes to compel their testimony.

Last week, a committee of lawmakers issued subpoenas for 13 people, including Todd Palin, the governor's husband, in the investigation of whether the governor fired her public safety chief for refusing to dismiss her former brother-in-law, an Alaska State Trooper.

All those summoned are state employees, except Todd Palin


it turns out the the "Alaska way" includes state employees disregarding state subpoenas unless they happen to want to fulfill them. Ya, lets have more of that kind of disregard for the law and society down here, it will be good for us, and Palin is just the person to lead us there.
Tue 16 Sep, 2008 09:19 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

Ya all remember how Palin wants to spread Alaska's way of doing business around the lower 48 right? Now we know that "Alaska's way" is supported in part with fists full of federal pork, that "Alaska's way" includes corrupt public officials, and so on, but get this;
JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) -- Alaska's attorney general says state employees subpoenaed in the investigation of Gov. Sarah Palin will not testify.

In a letter to the Democratic state senator overseeing the investigation, Attorney General Talis Colberg asks that the subpoenas be withdrawn. He also says the employees will not appear before the investigator unless either the full state Senate or the entire Alaska Legislature votes to compel their testimony.

Last week, a committee of lawmakers issued subpoenas for 13 people, including Todd Palin, the governor's husband, in the investigation of whether the governor fired her public safety chief for refusing to dismiss her former brother-in-law, an Alaska State Trooper.

All those summoned are state employees, except Todd Palin


it turns out the the "Alaska way" includes state employees disregarding state subpoenas unless they happen to want to fulfill them. Ya, lets have more of that kind of disregard for the law and society down here, it will be good for us, and Palin is just the person to lead us there.

What legal authority does this guy have, to change the rules of how the legislature works at his will?



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