Thu 4 Sep, 2008 11:02 am
For all you Republicans who are sure that she was a hit -

Michigan Independents Cold to Alaska Governor

September 04, 2008 9:42 AM

The Detroit Free Press invited a panel of Michigan voters to weigh in on Gov. Sarah Palin's speech last night. Their reactions run the gamut, but the independents didn't seem to care for her very much.

Ilene Beninson, 52, Berkley independent: "Her speech contained few statements about policy or the party platform. … I am not convinced that Palin's experience as a mayor or governor in Alaska meet the qualifications to be vice president much less one stroke or heart attack away from being commander in chief.”

Mike Kosh, 38, West Bloomfield independent: “The way it looks to me, she's the Republican vice presidential nominee for one reason: Because Hillary wasn't selected.”

George Lentz, 66, Southfield independent: “I was completely underwhelmed. She was a Republican novelty act with a sophomoric script. It was not even a speech I would expect for someone running for the local PTA, much less for vice president.”

Diane Murphy, 42, Sterling Heights independent: “It appears that once she makes up her mind, that is the end of it. We live in a gray world, not every answer is black and white.”

Jan Wheelock, 58, Royal Oak independent: “Nothing worked for me. I found her barrage of snide remarks and distortions to be a major turnoff. She is not a class act. The most important point she made is that she will be an effective attack dog.”

- jpt


Female Clinton Supporters In Focus Groups See Talent, Mudslinging In Palin's Speech

September 4, 2008 01:28 AM
In two different focus groups of Clinton-supporting Nevada women -- married and unmarried -- conducted immediately after Gov. Sarah Palin's Wednesday night speech to the Republican National Convention, a few common reactions quickly took shape.

First, women in both groups were impressed with Palin's speaking ability and poise. But they were hardly convinced that she was qualified to be vice president, or that she truly represented the "change" they were looking for, especially in light of what was deemed an overly harsh "sarcasm" pervading her address.

The (mostly) anonymous proceedings were webcast live to reporters, who were told in a press release that the Nevada focus groups would include "some former Hillary Clinton supporters who are now undecided or are weak supporters of Barack Obama or John McCain." No party identification was made available, though the approximately two dozen women were reportedly between 30 and 60 years old.

In the "married" group, when one attendee kicked off the discussion by saying "she's a good speaker, and a crowd pleaser," the rest of the room articulated their agreement. "I didn't expect to be as impressed as I was," said another respondent. But then another woman added: "Once she started mudslinging, I thought, it's the same old crap as other politicians. McCain used her to get the women's vote. And she's using McCain."

"Thank you," another woman responded. "That really upset me; there was no need for that. It was snippy."

The unmarried group also voiced similar objections to the harsh, partisan edge of Palin's remarks. "I'm not impressed with her at all as a person," one said, citing her "finger pointing" and general sarcasm after the group had generally agreed that she was a talented public speaker.

Still not all focus group members thought Palin came off too harsh. "She didn't seem very aggressive to me at all," said one unmarried participant.

But in both groups, narrow majorities said they held a more negative view of Palin after her speech. "She comes off pretty cutthroat," said one.

On other issues, women in both groups said they wanted to hear more of Palin's own policy views, outside the realm of energy. Education, heath care, the economy and Iraq were all cited as areas in which women were hungry for more information -- especially in light of McCain's age. "I think America is concerned, because of McCain's age, that we're gonna have a female president who's maybe inexperienced. The nation needs to know what her issues are," said one married respondent, which prompted another to add: "I don't think she's got what it takes." An unmarried participant said she had yet to hear enough "in regards to her personal views, which could be implicated on us if McCain was to die."

When prompted to respond to Palin's steadfast opposition to abortion -- even in cases of rape or incest -- no woman in either group stepped forward to defend the Alaskan Republican. "I don't dig that," said one married woman, matter of factly.

But there were other points on which the participants expressed pride in Palin's achievement. "She earned what she's got -- as far as not marrying into it. I like that about her," said one married respondent. "Let's hope she has a good showing," said another who had expressed disappointment over Palin's abortion views.

The groups -- which were coordinated by Anna Greenberg and Stan Greenberg of Greenberg, Quinlan, Rosner Research -- were commissioned by the Women's Voices/Women Vote Action Fund, which describes itself as "dedicated to encouraging unmarried women to bring their voices to our nation's political conversation and to advocate for policies important to them."


0 Replies
Thu 4 Sep, 2008 11:40 am
H20--These two people HAVE delivered change.
0 Replies
Thu 4 Sep, 2008 11:43 am
Give me one instance of her being "shrill" goddammit.
Thu 4 Sep, 2008 11:44 am
Certainly not. I don't think it precludes me from speaking either... alothough, with all your sexist talk, you seem to disagree.
Thu 4 Sep, 2008 11:47 am
re: "the reform she wanted to bring about." I can understand how you'd miss the point that she spoke in detail about the reform SHE HAS BROUGHT ABOUT. Since the Dems' ticket can only talk about plans...and Palin talked about her actions...

Thu 4 Sep, 2008 11:48 am
She may be the first female president...hope to tweak her social policies, though.
Thu 4 Sep, 2008 11:50 am
Yes, but what reform do she and McCain intend to bring to the Exec. Branch and Washington? This is an unanswered question, as impressive as you may think her previous record is, and they will need to answer it if they want to run on that message.

Thu 4 Sep, 2008 11:52 am
The difference, Drew, is that some women can be shrill. Depends on what they say and how they say it. I have been shrill on occasion...and not on others. When a calm, even speech is called shrill,'s dismissive and mostly so based on sex. Palin was most decidedly not shrill.

Women in the US are a minority, drew. you can't not know know that.

Haven't heard O since he saw Palin....and the Dem operatives on TV are flippin out. Surely you must have seen their responses....
Thu 4 Sep, 2008 11:53 am
@Bi-Polar Bear,
Plenty of men have run for office with all kinds of crap in their kid's closets. Why is Palin treated differently?
Thu 4 Sep, 2008 11:53 am
maporsche wrote:

I think that a lot of the decisions we're seeing have more to do with 2012 than 2008.

yeah. palin's on the rnc radar now. i think they see her as their own hillary obama.

i also think that they believe she's the one to kill roe v. wade. after all, if a woman tosses it aside, it must be the right thing to do, right?

0 Replies
Thu 4 Sep, 2008 11:54 am
Notably, her input on war and use of troops will have a particular insight. Her son ships out Sept 11th. The best thing in the world for troops: one of their moms in a policy making position.
0 Replies
Thu 4 Sep, 2008 11:55 am
In the US, if you are not a white male, you are a minority. Surely, you know this.
Thu 4 Sep, 2008 11:57 am
Because it all rolled out at once. Most of the time, we have many weeks if not months for reporters and the media to look into the lives of politicians; Palin suffered from a huge amount of national attention in a very short span, thanks to the process of selection that McCain used. If he had been up-front about wanting to select her all summer, much of this would have happened in a more measured fashion.

Thu 4 Sep, 2008 11:58 am
It is interesting to note then, that by your math white men are a minority as well.

Gimme a break.
Thu 4 Sep, 2008 11:59 am
The fact is, you stood by while they dismissed Hillary Clinton as shrill, but you get all in a twist when it's a female Republican.
Thu 4 Sep, 2008 11:59 am
They have a couple of months to elucidate. I know they're both hot on campaign finace reform and lobbyists....God, I hope they can do that. She's also hot about reducing dependency on foreign oil... I'm excited about the possibilities. Still undecided,...but finally getting jazzed about choices.
Thu 4 Sep, 2008 12:01 pm
He played this perfectly. It feeds the bunker mentality of the GOP to have her attacked like that. Great strateegery.
Thu 4 Sep, 2008 12:02 pm
But, surely you know that McCain is currently using gimmicks to skirt the finance reform laws with his own name on it!

Surely you know that his campaign is ran by lobbyists!

And the drilling part is standard Republican fare.

None of this represents 'reform.' I think that they are trying to use the word without ever having to show what they intend to reform. And Obama's no dummy, as you know.

Thu 4 Sep, 2008 12:02 pm
You don't understand social realities, Drew. Women are considered a minority in this country. Period.
Thu 4 Sep, 2008 12:02 pm
At least you're willing then to call her selection what it was - a political gimmick.


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