Hi dlowan,
dlowan wrote:
Who exactly is she going to appeal to? I can tell that she IS appealing to people, I am just kind of lost as to who.
Yeah, I haven't completely figured that out myself.
A fair amount (I don't know yet how much) of "the base" likes her. As far as I can tell that is evangelicals, far-righties, the ones who have been nervous about McCain.
There is another group that has liked McCain's maverick, shoot-from-the-hip side. This is NOT a safe, establishment pick. It's way out there, and injects some much-needed excitement into the campaign.
As far as I can tell, there is another group that just wants McCain to win and so is poised to praise whomever McCain chooses. Bill Kristol, for example, was pooh-poohing Palin very recently (days, I think) but now that she's the pick is all for her.
(But there is another group of conservatives who are Very Unhappy. Charles Krauthammer, David Frum, well-known conservative voices saying things like "near suicidal" and "the wires are showing.")
Meanwhile, it really does seem like the intent was to get white women on board who aren't yet McCain supporters, and that seems to not be going well. (So far, women are LESS likely to be impressed by her than men.) And generally, she's tanking with undecideds so far.
It seems (just now -- this is before the ethics investigation heats up and while the incredibly-unlikely-but-just-
possibly-true thing about whether baby Trig is her son or her grandson

simmers in the background) like the main benefit would be with evangelicals who planned to stay home otherwise. The problem is, there seems to be as much of a loss with people who thought McCain was a moderate as a gain of evangelicals.
AND, this whole thing is shoving McCain's pro-life credentials front and center, and a shocking number (can look it up) of female McCain supporter thought he was pro-choice.
So while I see what they were TRYING to do, I don't think it's gonna happen. I think Palin will end up as a net loss.