@Joe Nation,
Joe Nation wrote:...
Yes. I absolutely think we need a breakdown, a re-cap, a recital of all of Jes's doings during her long abscence.
(I was a complete bore throughout. Save us with some news.)
Oy, since you asked.
We attended our older nephew's Bar Mitzvah in Maryland. He's my brother's boy and my parents' only grandchild. It was fun but rather exhausting.
I spent forever picking out a dress. My main requirements were that it have some sleeve, be blue and about knee length. Here's what I came up with:
RP, on the other hand, did not have such issues. He looked like this:
Our nephew did a great job on the parsha (the Torah portion read) and the haftorah (shorter piece but no, it's doesn't mean half-Torah). The Torah portion, because it was just before the New Year, was about the death of Moses. I recited The Prayer for Our Country, which is about asking God to guide our leaders in justice. Oy. And that's been working out soooo well lately. 'Course we all talked about the debate.
The Rabbi was a good guy and pretty much a peer in terms of age. He resembled Red Sox Second Baseman Dustin Pedroia:

The Rabbi did not strike a pose like that all weekend. We were very disappointed.
The reception was a blast. It was, heh, a lot of food (see the
Everything Eaten Yesterday topic for the gory details). I did what I could to keep it all balanced. Since everything was kosher there were some issues with salt and calcium, e. g. if it's a meat meal, you can't have dairy, so no calcium, plus kosher meat is often prepared with a boatload of salt. We persevered.
We also worked out at the hotel, which had a rather nice weight room and a teeny tiny pool and whirlpool. Very pleasant and relaxing. Fitness stuff also came in the form of dancing. We hora'd and also danced to some more modern stuff. I'm glad to be in better dancing shape; the last time we were at one of these I couldn't make it through a song. I did, though, pay for this one later as I was barefoot for the dancing and so my calves were bothering me for a couple of days afterwards. RP had similar issues. We're both fine now.
It was a weekend to give gifts. We brought books for the adults (
Goodnight, Bush for my brother) and a beautiful book of baseball photographs for the nephew; the subject was baseball in the '50s and '60s. The photographer was Neil Leifer. And, in keeping in line with not only baseball but also the occasion, a set of (believe it or not, such a thing is out there, oy!) Jewish Major Leaguer baseball cards. Our nephew is (shocking!

) a Yankee fan and tried to give us the Kevin Youkilis card. We insisted he keep the set together. Here's a picture of that nice Jewish boy from Cincinnati who happens to play for the Boston Red Sox, Kevin ("Youk") Youkilis:
Looks a little like RP, eh?
We got home Sunday evening and were beyond happy to be taking Monday off as we were barely functional. It was a lovely time and remarkably free of family scandal (the cousin who looks like a model still looks like a model, the one who isn't married yet is still not married, the ones who are married are still married, the kids thinking about college still haven't decided on a school and the very, very little kids are still very cute, including one who, if you ask her her name, replies with her big sister's name, every time).
L'Shana Tovah 5769!