A good cry on the train

Sun 14 Sep, 2008 02:42 pm
ehBeth wrote:
Setanta also wants to know how Eva's doing - did the IkeWinds bother her?

Nope. Seems the storm turned and went east instead of coming here. What I thought was leftover Ike yesterday wasn't. Just a normal rain.
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Sun 14 Sep, 2008 02:46 pm
Oh, I knew Joe would do it.

He hasn't been taking my advice about being gentle with himself.

But then, perhaps he doesn't need to. (shrugs)
Joe Nation
Sun 14 Sep, 2008 03:19 pm
The definition of too young is anyone younger than your own youngest child. That would be 36.

(I looked up M. by checking her team's results - why? SHUT up -- Just curious, okaaay? - she is 34.) She finished in exactly the time I would usually do a half (2:19) Crap. If I had run the last four miles one minute faster I would have caught up to her. --why?-- SHUT UP -- because maybe I would have taken her to breakfast in our sweat-filled clothes once we got back to Manhattan. Or not.)

ANYway, now I have to hope to see her in the park.
Why? Because I would love to have a running partner mostly.
Why am I talking about this?

Because, despite all my toughness, my changing schedules, my tackling my budget and all the cheerie stuff I've tried to produce here, I am feeling very lonely and today was just the most fun I've had talking to someone in a long time. Significant others, by the way, never came up in the conversation.

Age didn't either, although I may have tipped my hand when she asked when was the last time I was on a school bus. (Our transport to the start in Queens.)

I said "It must have been the night of the high school basketball tournament in 1964."

Joe(That would be ten years before she was born.)Nation
Sun 14 Sep, 2008 03:22 pm
@Joe Nation,
she saaaaaaaaays she's 34. she's probably 37.

so there.

Not too young for you. Probably too young for the kickster.
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Sun 14 Sep, 2008 03:24 pm
@Joe Nation,
trying to do the math.....

(my Man is 16 years older than me. Age doesn't mean much in my world)
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Sun 14 Sep, 2008 03:27 pm
@Joe Nation,
Joe(you run too much)Nation

Enjoying the company of an attractive, enjoyable female who likes repartee and flirting need not be unseemly.

She prolly feels comfortable not being hit on, as I am certain for a while you will as well.

The thought of unrequited play is a pleasant diversion at times.

(I flirt the most with women I know are not of an age to be really interested in me, it's safer...)
Sun 14 Sep, 2008 06:55 pm
@Joe Nation,
It is always wonderful to make a new friend, age doesn't enter into that.

Worry about anything else another day, or preferably, don't worry at all.

Gobsmacked that you did it! - and in good time, too. (pumps air with fist)
0 Replies
Sun 14 Sep, 2008 07:35 pm
@Joe Nation,
She's not necessarily too young.

AND...(here's the best part)...just think of how many times L would throw up when she found out. Twisted Evil
Sun 14 Sep, 2008 09:04 pm
Huh, I always liked older men.
Why the hell did I marry a younger one?
Oh, never mind. He was so interesting...
I wasn't wrong on that, he's still interesting as a person.
The age difference back then was quite startling, wouldn't mean much now.
(He's a few years younger than you, JoeN.)

I also am for just going with communicating with other people, and if it's a good woman, all the better, never mind anything else. Whatever, as they say. Connections. After a while, you can start to think you were in some sort of hermit shell before...
0 Replies
Mon 15 Sep, 2008 04:15 am

where's this explication of the "3 foot universe"?

I'm dying of curiosity, even if Joe isn't (and Joe might be).
Joe Nation
Mon 15 Sep, 2008 04:18 am
All in all, Sunday was a very good day. I had a good race, I met some nice people, I had a good nap (actually two), went to the park and watched the boats on the Hudson, I took myself to brunch and have leftovers for dinner tonight.

I re-arranged the furniture (again) for the board meeting on Wednesday.
Ordered the food to be delivered on Tuesday (and figured out my meals for the next two weeks.)
Watched the end of a great football game and 60 Minutes
(Scalia is an asshoule).
Decided that the big cabinet will house the Co-op paperwork.
(We'll see how long that lasts.)
And listened to the end of Part one of The Man Who Loved China. Really good book about someone I never heard of.

Question: is this sentence grammatically incorrect?
"What can I see now?"

I only ask because I keep hearing it in my dreams and my best friend, A., says I can't have it for a mantra because it's ungrammatical.

Joe(as if that matters to the universe)Nation
Mon 15 Sep, 2008 08:04 pm
@Joe Nation,
I'd like to hear your mate's argument about the grammar of that sentence.

To me, it has one slightly unconventional word choice (see, in that context) which makes it mildly ambiguous, throws up several potential meanings, and makes it a perfect mantra.

I think it's perfectly grammatical, but if not, grammar be damned. Very Happy

Sounds like a pretty good Sunday - new friend, achieved stuff, relaxed with stuff. Sounds wonderful to me.
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Mon 15 Sep, 2008 08:16 pm
@Joe Nation,
There was once a curtain in front of my window. There is no longer a curtain in front of my window. What can I see now?

What can you see now?

0 Replies
Mon 15 Sep, 2008 08:20 pm
Spike, I have a rough draft...

I don't do public exposure real well, I got "fire damage"...

Edits in progress...

Joe, keep runnin' like yer life depended on it.

(but think whilst ya run, eh...)

Ambiguous is a Bonus
Mon 15 Sep, 2008 10:12 pm
Rockhead, really appreciate it, but also don't want to push you where you're not comfortable.

I just sensed "a wisdom" there, and we can benefit from the fallout from other people's good thinking.
Mon 15 Sep, 2008 10:15 pm

(there's a Petty song in there somewhere)

I live uncomfortable, finish product to follow.

Hang in there, Joe...
Tue 16 Sep, 2008 08:44 pm
Yeah, I'm curious to know of the experience that is Rockhead - she says peaking out from behind her own curtain of anonymity!
And, Joe, I think you're doing fabulous considering the circumstances - kudos! Rasing my merlot to you!
0 Replies
Wed 17 Sep, 2008 03:04 pm
@Joe Nation,
Hey Joe (haven't seen you lately) Nation

how you doin'?

Iz (hope all is k)zie
Joe Nation
Wed 17 Sep, 2008 07:29 pm
never mind how I am doing.

Interestingly, that subject has been on my mind.
L. loves loves loves to be asked "How are you doing?"
And I, in my pissant kind of way, have refused to ask her, even once, How Yah doin'?
1) because i really don't care to know
and 2) because I know she really likes to be asked.

I started calling around looking for lawyers.

That reminded me that I have to find some way to make nice with L. for at least the forseeable future.

So this morning in a reply to email, I hinted that I wanted to know how she was doing.

(This is so sad, so juvi, so highschool, so pseudo-pseudo.)

I got back the full report.
Work was hard during Fashion Week.
Her work is improving now that she has been moved to a quieter area.
An old friend, gay, whom I know very well, was in town for the weekend and they went to see The Fabulous Wonderettes.

The kitties say Hi. Love, L.

I have to admit the Love, L. thing just pisses me off. If this is love, please, let me find another emotion to live for.
Am I being petty? I will never put my name after the word Love in reference to L. ever again. (You all may have my upper lip cut off if I do.)
I am being very nice.
I am smiling through all our conversations.
I am waiting to get all the paperwork done

so I can shut the lid on this forever.
Anyway, that's how I am.

How are you?

Joe(What's going on with you, Iz, with you Dev, with anybody else in the recent posts.)Nation
Wed 17 Sep, 2008 07:38 pm
@Joe Nation,
Joe, I am moving the three foot universe post up my priotity list, with apologies...

R(seeing more clearly)H

Yes to speaking with council soon...
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