This silver bracelet was also forged (hammered):
Lots of casting this fall too. This is a curb chain bracelet:
@Tai Chi,
Tai Chi, I loooove this bracelet, I have the perfect outfit for it. I just need mrfixit to forge me a beltbuckle to go with it. Hot!
I'll need one of those cast silver rings to go with it.
Hi Joeblow. Forged or cast? (I should have called the forged one a bangle, I guess.) Most of this stuff is in the school's Christmas sale. I got one of the rings ("production" casting -- he had to make a lot). It is
(Belt buckles are next year...or maybe next semester...

@Tai Chi,
I like 'em both! But it's the forged bangle that made me go
I love the curves and the square.
Yeah, it's pretty nice. He made a man-sized one in copper first while he was figuring out the design. As you can imagine he really enjoyed the smithing part of the course -- he's in his element hammering.
Hmmm...not quite.
Speaking of which, I wonder whatever happened to blacksmithn?
@Tai Chi,
Hey-ey-eye-ey. Not bad, not bad.
Yeah, where on earth is blacksmithn?
@Tai Chi,
Wonderful thread, Tai.
Just catching up & bookmarking.
Looking forward to more!
So, the College Guy is -- where else? -- at college working on stone setting. The photos I'll post are from the end of last semester. Unfortunately the class does not get "how to photograph jewelry so it looks as good in the photograph as in real life" until next year. Before I post the photos, though, I'm going to tell you a little story, as my grandma used to say.
The College Guy, aka Mr. Fix-it, has always been handy. He has, over the years, built a number of pieces of furniture, usually with very simple lines, and some of you have seen his reno work. He likes building stuff. He did not choose a jewelry course because it has always been his passion or because he thought he was an expert at design. He chose it because he figured it was something he could do into old age since he is good with tools. He has had to take a pretty demanding drawing class every year and has surprised himself with how well he has improved. (He took art in high school but that was just so he could talk to pretty girls.) His designs will almost certainly always be "old school" but he is happy with the way things are going.
Maybe I'll post some photos and continue with the story later.
"Smokestack and Lightning" -- a bronze vase and a Christmas gift to me. I wish the photo showed how gorgeous it really is -- he got an excellent mark.
Church Window earrings -- forged silver.
Leaf earrings -- forged silver.
Frog face baby spoons -- (forged) the silver one is safe for feeding. The bronze one might make a nice First Christmas ornament.
@Tai Chi,
Nice work.
Is he ready to sell things when you're on the Island?