jespah wrote:Gala wrote:It's been said before-- get a cat.
There's a health food store here that had a rodent problem, especially after they tore down some buildings nearby. Rats--Eeek, scarier than mice.
They didn't want to put poison down as it goes against the health food philosophy, so they brought in the cat. When the health inspector comes around they hide the cat.
Bad cat dander allergies here.
Anyway, we left out a few shavings of cheese to see if our tenant was still around and, sure enough, the cheese was gone this morning, but they left a nice note and folded their napkins very artistically.
Okay, no cat. This mouse sounds has better manners then most people. A winner of a little rodent.
Here's another option: Some hardware stores sell the humane traps. The kind where you put the cheese in it, the mouse goes in and the door closes on it. That way you can just let it loose.
One note about those traps-- go with the more expensive, the inexpensive ones are to small and don't work well.
Here's one good sign about having mice-- it means you do not have rats.