OMG! Do be sure there are proper fail safes on the disposal unit. You could have quite a liability situation if he comes out mouseburger.
I'm kind of scared of using the disposal unless I really clunk around in there (not like I didn't do that before, mind you). I just don't want any corporate types getting pureed with last night's leftovers. Eek, indeed.
Eek the tenant has returned, and on the second floor, no less.
I imagine it was a rather enterprising feat to climb up to the second floor, an equivalent of you or I hiking up Mt. Washington or so, in order to get at the computer room snacks, or perhaps to enjoy our fine collection of cardboard mailers.
RP tried to catch and release and the lil bugger disappeared, somewhere behind a bookcase. Moving the bookcase revealed -- a wall.
Hence we have witnessed a fine performance of Mousedini. We will be selling tickets to the next performance. Bring your own cheese.
Not sure of the lifespan of a mouse, but this may not be the original mouse. Quick! See how many stars Fedor's has given you.
From Fodor's Guide to Mouse Dining
Mamma Jes's
Don't let the clichéd name fool you: Mamma Jes's is one of the most elegant and romantic restaurants in Brighton for a rodent couple on the move, from the slow-cooked bean soup appetizer to the innovative miniature pizza entrées to some of the best homemade matzoh ball soup in the Back Bay area. You can't go wrong with the daily peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The view, meanwhile, is killer; gaze out onto a little side alley just next to a multifamily home of drunken BC students as you finish your original Cheerio's with a cold organic vanilla yogurt and ruby red grapefruit juice side. Visits to the second-floor dining annex reveal a wonderland menu of salted cashews, pretzel sticks and dried apricots, all served with a bottled spring water chaser. Accepts no major credit cards; cash or checks are required. No T stops nearby, you'll have to take the bus. Not handicapped accessible.
This is a delightful thread, Jespah. Don't know how come I missed it the first time around.
Please continue ...
so is this mouse a town mouse or a country mouse?
Well, technically we live in the city, but it's kinda old town suburban.
Oh, the rodents are definitely upwardly mobile. Why, I think I heard a high-pitched voice singing The Jefferson's Theme, but I could be wrong.
"Well we're movin' on up
to the East Side
to a de-luxe apartment
in the sky-y ..."
I'm hoping I don't come home to find a lock on the computer room door and a sign saying that housing prices have skyrocketed.
Durn rodent gentrification.
i had the critter cornered, and was waiting to trap it under a basket if it skittered out from behind the bookcase... but it pulled a houdini on me!
(i don't really mind having it around, other than its startling when it suddenly darts out in the open... but my better half has issued a Mouse-Be-Gone Decree...)
put some pictures of shaved naked mice in the yard
that will draw the little guys out.
I dunno if my neighborhood is zoned for a rodent porn district.
Ewwww...naked meece would be kiddy porn, too...they are naked as babies.
I have a slight phobia when it comes to small furry things.
Best not look in your knickers, then.
Hyuck, hyuck...
(Who's the new bloke?)
I feel for ya. Before we got our cat we had several little furry friends who liked to roam the house in the wee hours of the night and it was really frustrating.
I had those have a heart traps where I would catch and release them, but they always came back.
After my kitty got a few of them, they stopped coming around.
A good girl she is :-D
It's been said before-- get a cat.
There's a health food store here that had a rodent problem, especially after they tore down some buildings nearby. Rats--Eeek, scarier than mice.
They didn't want to put poison down as it goes against the health food philosophy, so they brought in the cat. When the health inspector comes around they hide the cat.
Huh. I'm with ehBeth on all this. I was kindly to my mouse and then I had, count'em, seventeen. I still have mouse droppings in my old imac keyboard... I can see 'em.
I am for a quick humane death to the first one.
we have mice here sometimes. I have no trouble with the standard mouse trap. We bait with chocolate. Works every time.
Gala wrote:It's been said before-- get a cat.
There's a health food store here that had a rodent problem, especially after they tore down some buildings nearby. Rats--Eeek, scarier than mice.
They didn't want to put poison down as it goes against the health food philosophy, so they brought in the cat. When the health inspector comes around they hide the cat.
Bad cat dander allergies here.
Anyway, we left out a few shavings of cheese to see if our tenant was still around and, sure enough, the cheese was gone this morning, but they left a nice note and folded their napkins very artistically.