Fri 12 Sep, 2003 10:11 pm
So, Mr. Jespah comes upstairs about 10 minutes ago and reports he saw a small (2" plus tail) grey mouse in our kitchen, by the stove.
Of course, we don't want tenants who don't pay their fair share of expenses. No way am I going to support the mouse family.
But we don't want to kill them. And, if we can avoid spraying anything poisonous, I'd prefer that. After all, this is our kitchen we're talking about.
I realize we should clean. Most of the stuff that's out and on the counters is already in clamp canisters. I think the only areas where we need to be concerned are the fruit bowl (toss it in the fridge) and the crumbs near the toaster oven (just clean it out well). Anything else to be done?
And, of course, tales of woe or sympathy are greatly appreciated. We smelled skunks the other night. I think it's the attack of the small, semi-annoying rodents. Coming soon to a theater near you.
Many thanks.
PS Getting a cat is out of the question. I have major allergies to cat dander.
Raise the rent. He doesn't like it, he can move out.
Well, we have extra rooms, but they're far from the kitchen. Think they'll go for a commute?
leave Velveeta out. mice have good taste and will seek better quarters.
No, they don't have good taste - they taste good. I just solicited the opinion of three cats, and two out of three said they taste good. Cat number three likes the nervous twitching of their hairless little tails.
Um, rats are different, of course.
Should there be Wonder Bread to go with the Velveeta?
It was yesterday that my wife asked me to inspect some funny tiny 'clumps' in the cellar. I identfied them as being part of a "mouse litter pan".
I really think that's underpriviliged to must live in cellar.
But in this case, I'm quite content with that :wink:
Three out of three prefer them without bread. A touch of dijon perhaps.
a blender smoothie perhaps?
If you're sure you can put up with a "mousey" odor in the blender, why not?
Mousie contraceptive chemical imbued crumbs left out? A beer trap - so they die happy? Loud music all night from wee speakers near the floor?
Why not just put them to work, so they can earn their keep?
The hamsters here seem to be doing a good job.
A few treadmills and a little swing-set and they could power your computer in no time!
If cat dander is a problem, how about a snake?
Since we live in the country surrounded by fields and woods, we end up having problems with mice starting at this time if year. Like yourself, I won't kill them, so last year I went in search of traps that would catch but not kill them. At first I couldn't find anything and then one day when I was shopping at Walmart I found these perfect traps where the mice can get in, but not out, so I bought about 5 of them and they work like a charm. You just put a bit of peanut butter in the trap and you'll have your mouse in no time. Just put the trap where you believe the mouse is coming from.
Oh, and if you do go that route, make sure you don't get the small 2 pack traps that are about 2" by 5". Those ones suck. Get the single traps that are about 4" by 7". They are made of plastic and have a metal piece inside that has little holes in it.
Might as well put him up in style. Now, what kind of wine goes with peanut butter?
White wine pretty much goes with anything. Well, it does for me anyway :-D
Yeah, that's all we need, a destitute mouse bumming cheese down in the basement, but spending it all to support his Night Train consumption instead. Alcohol solves nothing.
Vocational training would go much further, and give him a well-needed sense of pride as well.
Right. Give a mouse a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a mouse to fish and he'll never do a day's work again.
Yeah. A white wine like Ripple. Goes good with the Velveeta, too. We used to serve that at our Densa meetings.