I think Allston would involve the dreaded greenline.
Wassamatter? You Honda off the road?
Even worse! Driving into Allston!
Phooie! Lived in Allstoned for several years.
Aw, hell... aintcha heard? After Hahvahd is done buying Allston they are gonna annex it into Cambridge.
yeah, no kidding, what the hell is Hahvahd doing over there?
As to my honda, it's running me off the road and into the pit of debt, but it still goes.
Well... they are buying up land like no one's business... they bought (are buying?) the old railroad switching yard between the Doubletree hotel and the B school... They already own the B school and all the athletic fields. (Did you know that militia used to drill on those fields way back when? That's why they call it Soldier's Field Road.)
According to the Glob, Hahvahd owns more of Allston than Boston does...
I kinda figure soldiers field road had something to do with history. And I figured that nearby arsenal mall did too (sorry for the sarcasm).
In the land grab are you figuring in the area from the MBTA? Isn't that in Allston too?
Ummm... not sure about MBTA...
Yeah, the Are-Scumball Mall used to be (of all things) an Arsenal. Part of it blew up WWII. (Or was it WWI?)
We shan't take kp to the mall. Even if so, we can do better.
Arsenal Mall...beautiful, this time of year. The mall across the street sho' is something else, too.
hey, watchit, those are MY malls.
Get out of the city! All of you. REPENT NOW! Get out while you can! The curse of the Bambino is upon you!
huh? How far out of the city?
6 or 8 feet should do it. It's not a really strong curse.
I have lived many years in Massachusetts and I have never heard of Byfield. But I do live in Boston. Let me klnow if and when this is about to take place!
keep tuned to your friendly web page! (this one) We're always happy to meet new folks.
fishin' wrote:Get out of the city! All of you. REPENT NOW! Get out while you can! The curse of the Bambino is upon you!

Stop talking foolish. There is no curse.
so, WHERE will it be? Let's settle on Tuesday, say 7pm (too early?). Jacob Wirth? O'Ryles? Wonder Bar? Burren? Good Times? Oh wait, there is that big jazz bar in Central Square, that should be cool. What's its name? It's upstairs, with paintings and pictures of saxophonists and whatnot on the wall, anyone? Will research. Will be back.
(Spent 5 hours at Arsenal Mall recently, so keep your sticky hands off of it!)
Uhm, Dag, wouldn't that be the Good Life?
the good life, yes. one is also in central square, but that ain't the bar i am thinking of. that one is upstairs. must find out, but how, how? bostonphoenix maybe. one moment.
hmmmm..... don't know it.