this is gonna be the gathering that wasn't... Sorry KP.
Sorry to be offline so much...been up in Vermont and New Hampshire looking at leaves...beautiful.
Thursday I'm busy with my hosts in ( one has heard of it) Byfield - it's next to Newburyport.
I'll check this again in the morning but Wednesday is really the only day I can do...Friday I'm off to NYC.
It would be a pity to miss you guys but I know I haven't made it easy for you. I'll be in Boston on Wednesday anyway and I'll have a car so I'm flexible. By the evening I may, or may not, be with my bro and host.
Let's see where we stand in the morning. KP
Ah, Newburyport I do know - it's a beautiful town. Well. It looks like me and plainoldme would be the only ones to be able to make a meeting set for thursday. What do you think?
little k,
I can't make Thursday. I can make Wednesday, which plainoldme can' I'll give you a call and see if you want to meet.
Otherwise, we'll have to set it up for next time I'm in town.
Sorry to all who can't make it that I was unable to find a suitable date long enough in advance.
See you all online, anyway!
That's too bad about the timing for this thing. I had a very busy week last week -- went to the Commonwealth Forum on Wednesday morning (had to be at the Parker House at 8 am) then to Johnny D's on Thursday for Liz Carroll (fantastic Irish-style fiddler from Chicago), the a writer's conference at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education on Saturday.
All those things plus the lowered level of sleep, meant that I couldn't work on the "Day of the Dead" quilt that I have been making for my daughter's classroom (she teaches Spanish). Really need to go to quilting class tonight to learn how to bind the thing and to make the hanging sleeve on the back.
I could really use a little social outing.
sorry it worked out against you time hopefully will be better
At least I got to speak briefly with KP on the phone - over a crying baby. I'm really sorry, KP.
Just bad timing...really...we really really would like to meet, greet and welcome you
hope you had a good time in Boston anyway
If Walter could plan a trip to London for all of us who would love to meet the European contingent--
leaving the Boston crowd out of any of the planning of course 
--maybe it would be possible to meet at the same time, at the same place and actually meet in person!!
WALTER--how about it?
there's always nyc to pull thru tho right?
tir na nog, in the cnn building across from penn station, good food, good beer, reasonable, mellow quiet crowd.
st. dymphna's on st mark's st, real small tho.
11th st bar between ave A and B is my second favorite place.
McSorely's on east 7th and 3rd is a must, the oldest pub in nyc. the food is great and so is the company. get there early as in 3pm on a weekend.
Plus a certain French Bistro in the theater district that Roberta found for's empty at theater time and has fabulous food. Roberta and Diane and I had the room mostly to ourselves once the pretheater hurriers left.
Osso, YES!!! It was Pierre au Tunnel. Do you remember what street it was on? The food was wonderful and we had the restaurant almost entirely to ourselves, once it was time for the theater goers to leave.
Diane, If we can have a London Gathering during the Thanksgiving or Christmas holidays, I might be able to make it. US Airways has a special from San Francisco to London for about $250 r/t.
c.i., that would be a dream come true, but we don't have the money and there are other obligations that would get in the way.
We are definitely going to try to make it to the SF gathering in March.
Diane, That's April 1 through 4 with some people arriving sooner, and some leaving later.
Some of us are arriving in SF as others are leaving, me for example. I can't get there til afternoon of 4th but am still going, hoping to relax and meet some stragglers.
On Pierre au Tunnel, it was on 47th, Diane... ever so convenient.
The London deal sound incredible, I would love to do it, can't now.
Is another London gathering being planned ? And I dont know abt it ?