MichelleObama: Black and White Culture Not The Same

Reply Tue 17 Jun, 2008 09:47 am
As a native of New York City, i don't in the least resemble that . . . but i learned early on that the boys in New Joisey weren't very bright . . .
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Reply Tue 17 Jun, 2008 10:43 am
I bet her momma was a tent show queen
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Reply Tue 17 Jun, 2008 03:45 pm
FreeDuck wrote:
I don't know what the country wants in a first lady...

This Country wants a First Lady, who doesn't keep her poor, elderly mother living in a boarded up South Shore slum, infested with gang violence, on the SouthSide of Chicago.

That's what decent folks, all want.
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Reply Tue 17 Jun, 2008 05:22 pm
But inside her home, Michelle Obama has also become something of an enforcer. As her smoking husband has tried to quit the habit, per his wife's demand, Michelle's brother Craig Robinson joked to The New York Times in May that Obama didn't need a nicotine patch. "Michelle Obama! That's one hell of a patch right there!"

At a May ice cream social in New Hampshire, Michelle Obama stood on what seemed to be a figurative and literal pedestal to introduce her husband. "I'm the better looking one. I'm smarter, too," she said.

As the crowd laughed, her husband nodded, offered a half-smile, and looked down, rocking his body as if waiting for his wife's latest ego-knockdown to end. When she finished, there was an awkward half-hug and kiss embrace, with neither spouse seeming to know how to interact with the other.

Spokeswoman McCormick Lelyveld said that when "she teases him, there is a method to her madness." She shows that " he is a real person, he is reachable, he is human and he is just one man."


A Presidential candidate's wife should not be belittling her husband in public, cloaking the power play in humour or not, for an alleged "reason" of not. I don't for one second buy the explanation that she is making sure that we don't think that he is a God anyways....she is putting him in his place publicly so that he will remember his place. She publicly diminishes him and he allows it, Hillary did it to him and not only did he allow it but he also allowed her to totally throw him off of his game.
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Reply Tue 17 Jun, 2008 05:30 pm
So who is supposedly doing that to their mother?

The traditional First Lady cookie nonsense has begun again.

This time, Cindy McCain provided her cookie recipe


Now she's on the hot seat and is accused of plagerizing her recipe from the Hershey's Web site.

No matter what recipes Michelle Obama provides (and we always seem to need these obligatory recipes from potential First Ladies--just to remind ourselves that a woman's real place is in the kitchen), it will be simiarly attacked. If she refuses to provide a recipe, it will be further proof she's Un-American.

Such controversy. A tempest in a cookie jar. Laughing

No matter what Cindy or Michelle does they will be in for flack from someone.
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Reply Tue 17 Jun, 2008 05:46 pm
Didn't we go through this same "controversy" with Hillary back in '92? "OMG! She had the offrontery to speak to her husband in public!"
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Reply Tue 17 Jun, 2008 06:22 pm
The today interview, a rare chance to read the body language of these two.


Notice how when she speaks he generally gets close and gazes adoringly at his wife, where as when he speaks she stays distant and kinda sorta looks his way but not directly at him. This is backwards. There are several other problems with this clip, but I'll shut up now.
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Reply Tue 17 Jun, 2008 06:33 pm
JTT wrote:
ossobuco wrote:
I still haven't seen a quote that bothers me.

Isn't that just the plain ole truth, Osso? This whole freedom of speech thing is only given lip service by the right. They don't even know what it means.

Reverend Wright was right in most everything he said. Why was he attacked so mercilessly? The list of right wingers who have been spectacularly wrong most of the time, is long indeed, from Bush right on down to the lowliest of the neocons. Hell, Bill Kristol has never once been right about anything. Yet they keep on asking his opinion. It's nuts, ain't it?

Haven't seen posts past this so forgive me if I'm repetitive..

I agree with you, JTT, but in this instance Hawkeye is not a righty, indeed we tend to agree a lot on politics, probably a surprise to both of us. Not on this immediate issue though.
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Reply Tue 17 Jun, 2008 06:41 pm
Thomas wrote:
eoe wrote:
I don't see where she has created any problem other than the fact that she's an educated black woman married to a man who is running for president.

For some people, that's the problem. Next thing you know, she might even express independent thoughts like Danielle Mitterand or -- heaven forbid -- Elanore Roosevelt. Here in America, we don't want our first lady to be ... you know ... that kind of woman. That's for the French.
I'll see your Eleanor Roosevelt and raise you one Abigail Adams. She once threatened to join a rebellion if her desires weren't met. Shocked

On the March 31st, 1776, Abigail Adams wrote:
"I long to hear that you have declared an independency. And, by the way, in the new code of laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make, I desire you would remember the ladies and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors.

"Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the husbands.

"Remember, all men would be tyrants if they could. If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation.

"That your sex are naturally tyrannical is a truth so thoroughly established as to admit of no dispute; but such of you as wish to be happy willingly give up -- the harsh tide of master for the more tender and endearing one of friend.

"Why, then, not put it out of the power of the vicious and the lawless to use us with cruelty and indignity with impunity?

"Men of sense in all ages abhor those customs which treat us only as the (servants) of your sex; regard us then as being placed by Providence under your protection, and in imitation of the Supreme Being make use of that power only for our happiness."

Imagine the nerve of that woman? A misogynist like Hawkeye10 would have lost his mind.
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Reply Tue 17 Jun, 2008 06:44 pm
Re Miller's comment, I seem to remember that mother in a hell hole thing has been debunked. I'm too lazy to look for it, and besides, I have to give my recently planted plants some water.
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Reply Tue 17 Jun, 2008 07:23 pm
ossobuco wrote:

I agree with you, JTT, but in this instance Hawkeye is not a righty, indeed we tend to agree a lot on politics, probably a surprise to both of us. Not on this immediate issue though.

I agree, Hawkeye is not a righty, nor is he "wrong" when he relates some of the realities. That's the sad thing.
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Reply Tue 17 Jun, 2008 07:27 pm
ossobuco wrote:

I agree with you, JTT, but in this instance Hawkeye is not a righty, indeed we tend to agree a lot on politics, probably a surprise to both of us. Not on this immediate issue though.

My interest in Michelle is that she does not screw this up for Barrack. It does point to the problem of Barracks where he has trouble standing up to people in general, but we already know that about him, we don't need to see his wife diminishing him day after day. . Any way if barrack does not master the practice by Sep McCain will bury him. This being the case maybe the best place for Michelle to be is at home with the kids. Barrack might be better if she is not on the public stage. Mrs McCain might be able to teach her something about how to support her husband's ambition.
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Reply Tue 17 Jun, 2008 07:57 pm
"She'll [Michelle Obama] talk about the elephant in the room," said Susan Sher, her boss at the hospital,

This is the part of her that scares the **** out of the vast majority of Americans, that stunningly large group of people who simply can't and won't face up to reality.

Read the rest of the article. She is exactly what the US needs, a lady who is a real person.

Michelle Obama Is Ready for Her Close-Up

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Reply Tue 17 Jun, 2008 08:00 pm
I plan to read that.
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Reply Tue 17 Jun, 2008 08:04 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:
It does point to the problem of Barracks where he has trouble standing up to people in general, but we already know that about him, we don't need to see his wife diminishing him day after day. .

I don't think this is the case at all. Don't mistake his level-headedness and even temperament for wimpiness. If McCain does this, it will be the mistake that buries him.
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Reply Tue 17 Jun, 2008 08:15 pm
FreeDuck wrote:
hawkeye10 wrote:
It does point to the problem of Barracks where he has trouble standing up to people in general, but we already know that about him, we don't need to see his wife diminishing him day after day. .

I don't think this is the case at all. Don't mistake his level-headedness and even temperament for wimpiness. If McCain does this, it will be the mistake that buries him.

I agree. The opposite of such a balanced individual is the current president, a man so fundamentally insecure that he is simply one big ball of bluster. Look where that's gotten the US. I'm not at all sure that McCain is any different.
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Reply Tue 17 Jun, 2008 08:25 pm
FreeDuck wrote:
hawkeye10 wrote:
It does point to the problem of Barracks where he has trouble standing up to people in general, but we already know that about him, we don't need to see his wife diminishing him day after day. .

I don't think this is the case at all. Don't mistake his level-headedness and even temperament for wimpiness. If McCain does this, it will be the mistake that buries him.

It is not so much wimpish nature that I am concerned about, it is ignorance. Does he know about the soul's shadow, about the human need for violence, that relationships are at best both co-operative and adversarial, about the power of negative energy, about how to deploy hard power?......for the moment I give him the benefit of the doubt. I think he knows but he does not want to go there due to his nature and temperament. However, his failure to put away Hillary month after month, his failure to for see the Wright problem and then to deal with it when it erupted, and his wife's continued bad behaviour give me pause. In particular, the way that Hillary was able to visibly suck the juice out of him by going to war with him (using tactics that Barrack did not think were fair in the game of politics) has me very concerned. If he knows about this stuff he should have risen to the occasion and run her through the sword. He did not, he deflated.
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Reply Tue 17 Jun, 2008 08:41 pm
How Michelle sees her behaviour
I don't want to paint some unrealistic picture of who we are so that in the end, when it falls apart and if we haven't lived up to this unrealistic expectation, people feel let down in some way," Obama told anchor Robin Roberts. "This is who we are. I've got a loud mouth. I tease my husband. He is incredibly smart, and he is very able to deal with a strong woman, which is one of the reasons why he can be president, because he can deal with me

Thing is, she admitts that she does not like politics, but does she understand the game??? I see no evidence that she does, I think that what she believes is her helping Barrack is more often than not about like Bill "helping" Hillary. We need more time to see for sure though.

"(I) don't want" !!! This is very telling.... she is the wife not the canidate, does she tell Barrack how the run the campaign? If they both agree then why did she not say "(we) don't want"???
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Reply Tue 17 Jun, 2008 11:17 pm
hawkeye, some of the things troubling you about Michelle Obama don't bother me at all.

I am actually sick of these political wives who sit, transfixed, looking at their husbands with an adoring gaze, as they listen to the same speech they have heard him deliver at least twenty times. It is unreal and rather unnatural for someone to do that. Why insist that the woman feign adoration at all times? Simply because this has become the "convention" for political wives (sort of like their husbands wearing a flag pin to assert their "patriotism") does not mean that this "act" resonates well with female voters. It is almost in a class with the poor political wife who must loyally and gallantly stand next to her husband as he announces how he has just embarrassed her with his latest scandalous behavior (as did the previous governors of both New York and New Jersey). My fantasy has always been that those women are standing there because there is a gun at their back. This is the use of a political wife as "prop" and not as partner.

Michelle Obama does seem like a real person and not a "prop". Real women occasionally avert their gaze when their husband is speaking. Real woman voice opinions that begin with "I" and not just "We". Real women tease their husbands and jokingly banter with them. Real woman make spontaneous comments without worrying about how every syllable and nuance will play out in the media. Real women, who are graduates of Harvard Law School, and who earn $300,000 a year, would be expected to have real opinions and to be able to voice them in an assertive way.

Unfortunately, I think we might have seen the last of the "real" spontaneous Michelle Obama, at least for a while. Her handlers will tone her down, indoctrinate her in proper political etiquette, and air-brush her edges so she has more mass market appeal. She will watch her words, her body language, her clothing (the sleeveless dresses have to go, they are too revealing of her well toned arms), and she will probably wind up watching her husband with transfixed adoring eyes. I can hardly wait for the photos of her baking All-American apple pies with her daughters.

If Barack Obama sometimes seemed wimpy in his debates with Hillary Clinton, it was because she often outclassed him by her greater depth of understanding of the issues. She didn't "suck the juice out of him", she didn't have to, she just showed him up by comparison. She was the more thoroughly prepared. Just holding his own with this formidible woman was no small accomplishment. It wasn't the brilliance of his arguments that got him the nomination, it was a better strategized campaign, and it was the emotional appeal of his message and his persona.

Like his wife, Barack Obama is a relative political novice. He waited too long to deal with the Wright problem. He has a lot to learn and he has to learn it quickly. He'll do it--he's already wearing the flag pin. But he is a very lucky man to have such an intelligent and challenging woman by his side. His wife will help to keep him grounded. Given what he'll have to face over the next few months, keeping him grounded, and focused, is the most important thing Michelle Obama could do for him. And it's much more important than an adoring gaze.

Anyway, this column gave me the best laugh of my day:

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Reply Wed 18 Jun, 2008 06:32 am
Rereading the thread title, I just realized what she is talking about....

I think we have a female Bill Clinton on our hands.
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