farmerman wrote:This is why the gun fanatics shouldnt be alowed to discuss items in public, they always lose their cool and go for the ad-homs.
Your mischaracterization of "gun fanatics" (read "people who care about civil rights) is highly disingenuous.
farmerman wrote:You are mis quoting and missrepresenting facts through the GunCite website.
No I'm not. But feel free to try to prove it.
farmerman wrote:(AS if they represent an objective view of the topic).
Yes, in fact, they are. Feel free to try to prove they aren't if you like though.
You might want to look them over before you actually try talking about them though. Everything they say is fully linked and cited.
farmerman wrote:Gun nuts believe in all superlatives and extreme positions, theres no talking sense with them so why try
The KKK uses bigoted language and spews bigoted stereotypes at civil rights advocates too.