rabel22 wrote:Cyclo
As much as I hate too I have to agree that the rich don't pay their share of taxes. Just as in insurance rates the more you insure for in value the more you have pay. It should be so in taxation as well. The more value one has to protect the more they should pay in taxes. Corporations as well as individuals. But since we have to depend on politicians to right this wrong I wont hold my breath until it happens.
What is their fair share?
You're not quite right with your insurance analogy.
The most significant determination in insurance rating is risk.
If you own a $2 million house situated in Upstate NY and away from any flood plain, you will pay considerably less in premium for insurance than I will if I own a $1 million house situated on the coastline of Florida.
A 21 year old male will pay more for insurance on a 2008 Mustang than a 50 year old woman will pay for insurance on a 2008 BMW.
Most rich people are better risks, in terms of self-sufficiency and protection of personal wealth than poor people. The government is likely to spend more money on people of meager means than on the wealthy, and this is likely to become even more if basic institutions are socialized.
The upper class already pays more in taxes (no matter how you slice it) than do the lower class, so how much more is enough?
Certainly the rich can pay more taxes, and if they do, many of those now considered rich will remain rich, but why does that mean they should?
It is the basic premise of the left that rich people do not deserve to be rich; that the wealth they have accumulated has been somehow stolen from the poor - as if there is a finite amount of wealth in the world and we are all born entitled to an equal share. If you have more than another person, someone has had to have given you theirs, or you have stolen it from somebody else.
The answer, to my original question, from the left is "Whatever it takes to distribute wealth evenly (
as long as we get to keep ours.)"
"All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others."