rabel22 wrote:Cyclo
As much as I hate too I have to agree that the rich don't pay their share of taxes. Just as in insurance rates the more you insure for in value the more you have pay. It should be so in taxation as well. The more value one has to protect the more they should pay in taxes. Corporations as well as individuals. But since we have to depend on politicians to right this wrong I wont hold my breath until it happens.
Rabel, see this
The top 1% have 19% of the wealth and pay 37% of the taxes.
The top 5% have 33% of the wealth and pay 57% of the taxes
The top 10% have 44% of the wealth and pay 68% of the taxes
The top 25% have 66% of the wealth and pay 85% of the taxes.
The bottom 50% have 13% of the wealth and pay 3% of the taxes.
Analyzing the Bush tax cuts:
Top 1% - without tax cuts estimated they would pay 31%. With the tax cuts they are paying 37%.
Top 5% - without tax cuts estimated they would pay 33%. With the tax cuts they are paying 57%.
Top 10% - without tax cuts estimated they would pay 44%. With the tax cuts they are paying 68%.
Top 25% - without tax cuts estimated they would pay 82%. With the tax cuts they are paying 85%.
Most people in the bottom 50% who had been paying any taxes at all were dropped from the rolls.
And that isn't the whole picture either. It is that top 50% who invest most of the money that helps the economy grow. They take the risks in new business start ups and they are providing essentially ALL the employment in this country. They are funding the schools and the infrastructure of the cities and they are giving the lions share of contributions that build new hospital and library wings or foundations and private social services and charities that help the poor.
It is very easy to say that the rich don't pay their fair share. I don't think it applies to you Au, but it seems to make liberals feel righteous and noble to say it. But the facts simply don't support that concept.
The fact is, the more you try to soak the rich to make things 'fair', the more you will actually hurt the poor.
And that is the flaw in Obama's philosophy of making things fair.