Setanta wrote:Define "islamofascism," and then prove that it exists. You're just making **** up, and in the process, peddling rightwing propaganda.

your **** is weak!! Please keep your left-wing propaganda puke to yourself.
The term Islamofascism was first used in 1990 in Britain's Independent newspaper by Scottish writer Malise Ruthven,
who was writing about the way in which traditional Arab dictatorships used religious appeals in order to stay in power.
Islamic Fascism is really a modern phenomenon.
It is basically a 20th century totalitarian movement - like fascism and communism.
Islam existed before Islamic Fascism, and will exist after it.
Islamic Fascism is designed - like fascism and communism - to appeal to idealistic young people
with a utopian future where the world will be "cleansed".
It really started with the Iranian revolution in 1979, and used to be called "Islamic fundamentalism".
Other names for it are "Islamofascism" or "Islamism".