FreeDuck wrote:From another thread:
Following FD's example, I will also post my answer to Okie's
post on the Polls etc thread here:
okie wrote:I don't know, cyclops. Lets just say it is an issue of trust. Anyone that esteems folks like Pastor Wright who apparently thinks America deserved 911, so does Obama think so too? [..] We don't really know, do we?
Ehm, yes you do. How many times does he need to say that he completely disagrees with what Wright said to satisfy you?
I'm beginning to think that this is just a question of, ahah, we found something bad we can associate him with, and it doesnt matter how often he repudiates said comments, we can just keep on "asking questions", such as: how do we know
for sure he doesnt hate his country, etc? Well, how about it would be counter to every single thing he's written and said throughout his political life?
okie wrote:Does Obama suspect the U.S. government has introduced drugs into the black community, or does Obama think the government invented HIV as a tool to commit genocide?
What about checking? Here, from last Friday's news:
[Obama] said he had been present during Wright's condemnations of U.S. foreign and domestic policies. But he said he was unaware that Wright had called HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, a U.S. government plot to wipe out African Americans -- a charge Obama called "out of line and off the wall."
Of course, this should come as little surprise since anyone who types in "Obama" and "AIDS" into Google will find out that a) Obama has held a number of combative speeches about the need to fight AIDS; b) has a specific policy program on how to fight AIDS, and perhaps most important of all, c) has again and again stressed the need for people to test themselves, and has twice taken a public AIDS test himself to encourage other people to do it and take away whatever stigma there is to it.
But no, instead of typing <Obama aids> into Google it's easier to just play guilt by association and act like hey, you know, since his
pastor has said something outrageous about AIDS, who knows whether Obama might believe it or not?
okie wrote:I can think of lots more questions that come up, cyclops, but I honestly don't know the answers to these questions. I'm sure Obama's speech writers can come up with something very good for him to recite, but does that tell us what he really thinks?
The only reason to not know would be if you didnt actually care to find out the reassuring question, because it would be so much more convenient to just leave these questions hanging in the air, so the Democrat in the race for '08 can forever be insinuated to be unpatriotic, extremist etc. Actually looking into what the man has said, written and done throughout his political life would quickly dispel any of these questions, so that would just be inconvenient.
And he wrote that race speech himself, only even showing it to his closest advisers before going on-air with it.