Obama Embraces a Bigot and a Fanatic, the Rev. Wright

Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 08:42 am
opposed to the death penalty for serial rapists and killers.
Yes, that's it, liberals are opposed to the death penalty for rapists and killers. good one there dickwad but you missed Liberals hate america.
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Parker Cross
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 08:44 am
blueflame1 wrote:
Parker, the Rev. Wright haters have managed to edit what he said and of course they would. Wright said, "God damn America … for killing innocent people. God damn America for threatening citizens as less than humans. God damn America as long as she tries to act like she is God and supreme." Are we killing innocent people? Again? We were lied into war in Vietnam and millions died. God damn we still show no remorse as a nation over that. Today about 6 out of 10 Americans say Bushie deliberately misled us into war in Iraq. That's quite an accusation. Lying the world into war is as great a crime as a man could commit and how many innocent people have been killed in Bushie's war crime? Yet even though millions of Americans believe Bushie deliberately lied us into war they dont seem to be calling for his prosecution. God damn that dont make sense. If he's guilty of lying us into war he's guilty of mass murder. Seems even Bushie's accusers dont get it. The people Bushie has killed are real flesh and blood not less than human and mass murderers Blair and Bushie are not brought to justice. Certainly that needs to be condemned. But it does appear to be true that America is acting like she is God and supreme. She would be what she pretends to be if she stopped crucifying truth tellers and put the Mass Murderer in Chief behind bars.

I can respect your undeniable hatred of President Bush. While I do not agree with your statements or opinions they are valid opinions. We may never agree with each other, but by any reasonable person standard the office of Presidency of the United States is one we would both like to entrust in the hands of someone who believes in the nation, cares deeply for its welfare (above the welfare of others in other nations in the world), and will work hard to obtain the best living conditions and dreams and desires of the AMERICAN people. Do you not agree?

If you do agree then it may be best to choose someone who has consistently demonstrated love for country and love for its people.
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Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 08:47 am
Parker Cross wrote:
Green Witch wrote:
Parker, I think if we scratch your thin surface a really nasty racist will pop out, or maybe just a troll.
Doesn't apply to me, friend. My legacy of defeat has made me impervious to cliched race guilt. My justifiable anger, because of my legacy of defeat, allows me to blame society - namely ultra-liberal society - for all of my woes. I find that I have the right to break laws, languish in prison - and street corners of course - and be excused due to my terrible legacy of defeat.

You're directly quoting Obama, right? That's exactly what he said? He said nothing to encourage the black community to exercise self-reliance over blame, and the white community to stop disavowing the existence of racism--if I remember as well as you do.
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Parker Cross
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 08:48 am
dyslexia wrote:
opposed to the death penalty for serial rapists and killers.
Yes, that's it, liberals are opposed to the death penalty for rapists and killers. good one there dickwad but you missed Liberals hate america.

Some do, some do not (at least not to the extend of outright hatred). But I guess this "Dickwad" has a hard time with the convoluted reasoning that enshrouds every asinine cause celebre liberals like to clamor about.

Once again the liberal posters on this site amaze me with their eloquence, and excellently appropriate and applicable responses. We truly learn at the feet of masters.
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Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 08:50 am
Parker Cross wrote:
there eloquece

If only we could be as eloquece as you.
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Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 08:51 am
Parker Cross wrote:
dyslexia wrote:
opposed to the death penalty for serial rapists and killers.
Yes, that's it, liberals are opposed to the death penalty for rapists and killers. good one there dickwad but you missed Liberals hate america.

Some do, some do not (at least not to the extend of outright hatred). But I guess this "Dickwad" has a hard time with the convoluted reasoning that enshrouds every asinine cause celebre liberals like to clamor about.

Once again the liberal posters on this site amaze me with their eloquence, and excellently appropriate and applicable responses. We truly learn at the feet of masters.
Then go back to your "freepers:" and yes i hate bigots, get a clue.
0 Replies
Parker Cross
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 08:54 am
Gargamel wrote:
If only we could be as eloquece as you.

Such raw intellect. Spell check would have never caught that. As a matter of fact is has not been invented, since such an invention would not be of any use to you. I assume you deleted it from your Microsoft Office as it was merely a waste of valuable hard drive space.

Wow, did I really mistype that? (See earlier post)
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Parker Cross
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 08:56 am
dyslexia wrote:
Parker Cross wrote:
dyslexia wrote:
opposed to the death penalty for serial rapists and killers.
Yes, that's it, liberals are opposed to the death penalty for rapists and killers. good one there dickwad but you missed Liberals hate america.

Some do, some do not (at least not to the extend of outright hatred). But I guess this "Dickwad" has a hard time with the convoluted reasoning that enshrouds every asinine cause celebre liberals like to clamor about.

Once again the liberal posters on this site amaze me with their eloquence, and excellently appropriate and applicable responses. We truly learn at the feet of masters.
Then go back to your "freepers:" and yes i hate bigots, get a clue.

Wouldn't know what "freepers" is/are. Sorry I am not abreast of the liberal blogosphere jargon. I am truly a backward, unedumakated imbecille.

Since you hate bigots then we are agreed. You must hate the Rev. Wright. Unless you are prepared to defend him as someone other than a bigot? Unfortunately for you I (and the world) have recently come across some evidence to the contrary. Tsk.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 08:58 am
Parker Cross wrote:
Gargamel wrote:
If only we could be as eloquece as you.

Such raw intellect. Spell check would have never caught that. As a matter of fact is has not been invented, since such an invention would not be of any use to you. I assume you deleted it from your Microsoft Office as it was merely a waste of valuable hard drive space.

Wow, did I really mistype that? (See earlier post)

I hate spelling/grammar Nazis as much as the next person, but face it, your sarcasm backfired and it was pretty damned funny.
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Parker Cross
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 08:59 am
kickycan wrote:
Obama disagrees with those statements.

It is easy to disagree a year after the fact, and 20 years after first hearing such sentiments, when you are in a tight race for an important election and such revelations profoundly damage your candidacy. Have I missed something? Or is Eliot Spitzer's apology a true show of honesty as well. He obviously wanted to come clean to the world, as did Obama.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 09:00 am
The nasty Rev. Wright had the audacity to say our leaders run drugs then inprison the poorest of their customers. Of course the history of CIA drug running is well documented. Hell they even admitted complicity in running crack into America during Iran/Contra. But even a confession aint enough proof for most Americans. Sen. Levin proved most American banks including all the biggest banks are heavilly involved in laundering drug money. That too is ignored except by extremists like Wright. And our prisons are filled with non-violent drug offenders even as corporate America makes billions a year off inprisoned slave labor. What a racket. What a show it would be if some network would give an in depth, fair and impartial interview with Rev. Wright. He has mountains of evidence to back up his every accusation. And that's exactly why there wont be an interview. Mainstream American media has long been complicit in covering up for American inhumanity to man. They sighed in relief when Obama gave his speech the other day. For now the big lie can continue. We have a truth teller to crucify and we can continue to persecute ourselves and the human race and still pretend we have the moral high ground on earth. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/24/us/24youth.html?fta=y
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Parker Cross
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 09:01 am
Gargamel wrote:

I hate spelling/grammar Nazis as much as the next person, but face it, your sarcasm backfired and it was pretty damned funny.

It was. I mistyped. I am obviously an idiot whose views can be automatically discredited.

However, you must also find it a bit funny that you took the time to pounce on that from all of the points I have made throughout the thread, and from the roughly two minutes it took me to edit out the error.
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Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 09:01 am
You're directly quoting Obama, right? That's exactly what he said? He said nothing to encourage the black community to exercise self-reliance over blame, and the white community to stop disavowing the existence of racism--if I remember as well as you do.

Yes he talks of white's disavowing racism and completely ignores black racism . In fact he justifies it. It's the same old, same old the white people are to blame. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 09:03 am
Parker Cross wrote:
kickycan wrote:
Obama disagrees with those statements.

It is easy to disagree a year after the fact, and 20 years after first hearing such sentiments, when you are in a tight race for an important election and such revelations profoundly damage your candidacy. Have I missed something? Or is Eliot Spitzer's apology a true show of honesty as well. He obviously wanted to come clean to the world, as did Obama.

It hasn't been twenty years since he's heard those sentiments. More like two weeks.
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Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 09:04 am
Gargamel wrote:
Parker Cross wrote:
Green Witch wrote:
Parker, I think if we scratch your thin surface a really nasty racist will pop out, or maybe just a troll.
Doesn't apply to me, friend. My legacy of defeat has made me impervious to cliched race guilt. My justifiable anger, because of my legacy of defeat, allows me to blame society - namely ultra-liberal society - for all of my woes. I find that I have the right to break laws, languish in prison - and street corners of course - and be excused due to my terrible legacy of defeat.

You're directly quoting Obama, right? That's exactly what he said? He said nothing to encourage the black community to exercise self-reliance over blame, and the white community to stop disavowing the existence of racism--if I remember as well as you do.

Don't get all facty and stuff here. Facts just get in the way of a good argument.
What Parker wants to believe is what has been fed to him through all the white, right wing, conservative hate media pundits. His talking points are nearly verbatim from many of these pundits.

Obama can say what he wants and say what he means, but to Parker and his ilk, it is just smoke and mirrors. Just don't ever forget, Obama's middle name is Hussein--and that's ALL we need to know.
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Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 09:06 am
Parker, "I can respect your undeniable hatred of President Bush." What a weak soundbite. Hating mass murder is sane and believing mass murders should be put away is sane too. You cant Swift Boat that away.
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Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 09:07 am
au1929 wrote:
You're directly quoting Obama, right? That's exactly what he said? He said nothing to encourage the black community to exercise self-reliance over blame, and the white community to stop disavowing the existence of racism--if I remember as well as you do.

Yes he talks of white's disavowing racism and completely ignores black racism . In fact he justifies it. It's the same old, same old the white people are to blame. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

No, he does not. Read the speech. Carefully.
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Parker Cross
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 09:09 am
candidone1 wrote:
Don't get all facty and stuff here. Facts just get in the way of a good argument.
What Parker wants to believe is what has been fed to him through all the white, right wing, conservative hate media pundits. His talking points are nearly verbatim from many of these pundits.

Obama can say what he wants and say what he means, but to Parker and his ilk, it is just smoke and mirrors. Just don't ever forget, Obama's middle name is Hussein--and that's ALL we need to know.

Sorry Candi, all of my views have come from watching the speech live, and repeatedly on the news channels. That and watching the videos of the Rev. Wright. Here is a transcript where all of my views have come from:


It is easy to disregard difficult opinions by claiming they are not fact based. So let me break this down for you.

Fact: The Rev. Wright has consistently made anti-American remarks filled with vitriol not unlike that of Osama Bin-Laden (God Damn America, America is to blame for 9/11, etc).

Fact: Barrack Obama has been attending his church and consulting him as a spiritual and social counselor for 20 years.

Fact: Barrack Obama thanked Rev. Wright explicitly upon election into the U.S. Senate (or God Damned U.S. Senate).

Fact: Barrack Obama only renounced the remarks this week after a year of controversy.

Fact: Barrack Obama wants to be President of those God Damned United States.

Fact: Stewie Griffin has a football shaped head and is of an androgynous nature ...

Not sure how that last one slipped in.
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Parker Cross
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 09:14 am
Sure let's dispute the facts.

Oh, here's another one for you.

Fact: Michelle Obama claimed to have been proud of America for the FIRST time during this election cycle.

Hypothesis: He embraces a bigoted, misguided, and raving reverend for 20 years. And he's married to someone who has never been proud of America.

Conclusion: He's alright by me. We must elect him to the Presidency post haste. ... perhaps a new position of "President for Life" may allow him to complete the important work he intends for a nation, a god damned nation that has nothing to be proud of and is the birthing spawn of satan.
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Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 09:14 am
"Fact: The Rev. Wright has consistently made anti-American remarks filled with vitriol not unlike that of Osama Bin-Laden (God Damn America, America is to blame for 9/11, etc)." According to Zogby over 70 million Amerrican voters do not buy the 911 Commission's theories and call for new investigations. http://www.911truth.org/article.php?story=20060522022041421 Are they anti-American? Are they with the terrorists?
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