Obama Embraces a Bigot and a Fanatic, the Rev. Wright

Parker Cross
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 01:34 pm
Green Witch wrote:
joefromchicago wrote:
Gargamel wrote:
Is your middle name "Burning" perchance?

OK, that made me laugh.

I have always admired the brilliance that is Gargamel.

You are easily impressed, madam. :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 01:38 pm
Parker Cross wrote:

You are so incensed that someone with a decent-sized vocabulary actually disagrees with your ilk and speaks out against your socialist messiah, that the only explanation must be that he is a racist troll. Perhaps you are only a liberal straw man?

Our ilk are so incensed by people with "decent-sized" vocabularies.
.....sooooo incensed.
0 Replies
Parker Cross
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 01:44 pm
kickycan wrote:
Yes, it does to some degree. But not even remotely as much as the things he himself has said, done and written. And in comparison to the other candidates, he's still the best choice in my opinion.

By the by. What exactly has Obama done (anyone can say anything) of any note or impact on the world? Something that merits being elevated to the highest office in the world? The man is a blank sheet of paper. Beautiful stationary, no doubt, but with a record that is thinner than mine (in his position), experience that can be described only as being inexperienced (and therefore a bringer of "change"), and possessing an actor's delivery.

What exactly has he accomplished at anytime in his life that makes him the best choice in your opinion?

Kept faith as a prisoner of war under torture?

Served his country in a high office for more years than in between the Olympics?

Consistently represented the unpopular but morally right positions, frequently against his own party?

Essentially your opinion is based only on what he has said. You have been seduced by oratory and fascinated by cable news charm - helped mostly by the rose-colored lens much of the media has applied to their cameras when filming him. What exactly has he done that convinces you so?

Like many other liberals you are swept along with the crowd by a candidate without substance, experience, probity, demonstrable character, or wisdom.
0 Replies
Parker Cross
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 01:47 pm
candidone1 wrote:
Parker Cross wrote:

You are so incensed that someone with a decent-sized vocabulary actually disagrees with your ilk and speaks out against your socialist messiah, that the only explanation must be that he is a racist troll. Perhaps you are only a liberal straw man?

Our ilk are so incensed by people with "decent-sized" vocabularies.
.....sooooo incensed.

Right you are Candi. It is so much easier to charicature your opposition when you can cast them as a bunch of inarticulate, uneducated rednecks. When that is not the case liberals often fold into whiny, marsupial, flabbergasted, ranters. They can only respond with personal attacks like "racist troll" (Green Witch), spelling corrections (Gargamel), or one line challenges (take your pick).
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 01:57 pm
Parker Cross wrote:
candidone1 wrote:
Parker Cross wrote:

You are so incensed that someone with a decent-sized vocabulary actually disagrees with your ilk and speaks out against your socialist messiah, that the only explanation must be that he is a racist troll. Perhaps you are only a liberal straw man?

Our ilk are so incensed by people with "decent-sized" vocabularies.
.....sooooo incensed.

Right you are Candi. It is so much easier to charicature your opposition when you can cast them as a bunch of inarticulate, uneducated rednecks. When that is not the case liberals often fold into whiny, marsupial, flabbergasted, ranters. They can only respond with personal attacks like "racist troll" (Green Witch), spelling corrections (Gargamel), or one line challenges (take your pick).

No, I am sure the "liberals" appreciate a break from the incoherent monosyllabic ramblings of the "uneducated rednecks'. However, there perhaps one or two who fit that description on this board.

I think what "the liberals" hate is a prick who thinks that it's his/her vocabulary that incenses them and not the type of discourse they conduct.
0 Replies
Parker Cross
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 01:57 pm
kickycan wrote:
Parker Cross wrote:
kickycan wrote:
Obama disagrees with those statements.

It is easy to disagree a year after the fact, and 20 years after first hearing such sentiments, when you are in a tight race for an important election and such revelations profoundly damage your candidacy. Have I missed something? Or is Eliot Spitzer's apology a true show of honesty as well. He obviously wanted to come clean to the world, as did Obama.

It hasn't been twenty years since he's heard those sentiments. More like two weeks.

Kicky, you truly believe that in 20 year of such a close relationship this vitriol did not surface anywhere? If you do you are naive, blinded, stubborn, or all three.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 02:00 pm
Parker Cross wrote:
kickycan wrote:
Parker Cross wrote:
kickycan wrote:
Obama disagrees with those statements.

It is easy to disagree a year after the fact, and 20 years after first hearing such sentiments, when you are in a tight race for an important election and such revelations profoundly damage your candidacy. Have I missed something? Or is Eliot Spitzer's apology a true show of honesty as well. He obviously wanted to come clean to the world, as did Obama.

It hasn't been twenty years since he's heard those sentiments. More like two weeks.

Kicky, you truly believe that in 20 year of such a close relationship this vitriol did not surface anywhere? If you do you are naive, blinded, stubborn, or all three.

I think that it's pretty clear that the 'vitriol' was a truly minor part of the person in question; and that there were many and diverse good things about the man to consider as well.

But, that's assuming that you're bothering to think about the entirety of a situation, and not just a right-wing smear job. Which I know is a lot to assume, but hey.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 02:02 pm
Parker Cross wrote:
kickycan wrote:
Parker Cross wrote:
kickycan wrote:
Fact: Pastor Wright would probably not make a good president.

Fact: Obama is not Pastor Wright.

Very true Kickycan. However, going back to my earlier post. His association with pastor Wright is one of choice. He wants us to choose the best person (presumably him) for President. He constantly refers to the "choices" of the opposing candidates. Doesn't his poor choice of pastor, mentor, guidance counselor, advisor, and intimate reflect anything on Obama's character to you?

Yes, it does to some degree. But not even remotely as much as the things he himself has said, done and written. And in comparison to the other candidates, he's still the best choice in my opinion. But of course, I'm not basing my opinion solely on the caricature that has been created of Pastor Wright as a rabid, America-hating lunatic, as you seem to be.

Rev. Wright is not a lunatic. I wish he were. What he is is far worse that the run-of-mill lunatic. A lunatic is an obvious red flag for everyone. No one applauds a lunatic, no one leaps up to pound him on the back when he spews verbal diarrhea. No, a lunatic is discredited, he is confined or hospitalized. The Rev. Wright is a far worse villain. He is an insidious sickness that stands at the forefront of a large, popular, and powerful church. He is a standard bearer for many African-Americans in his congregation and beyond. He is also a CLOSE confidant of a potential President of the United States.

I will gladly subject myself to a lunatic instead of this man. At least then nothing he said would matter to anyone. Instead we have thousands, possibly millions, of the feeble minded agreeing with him and reveling in his anti-America, blame-whites-for-everything, garbage. He is entrenching a generation of young Americans in blame-thinking. "It isn't my fault I am a criminal or a delinquent. It is the fault of white America."

Give me the lunatic.

Aw, now that's a shame. I took a chance by responding seriously to your post, in the hope that you might actually have the ability to speak about this in a rational sensible way. It's disappointing to see that you'd rather just keep attacking your carefully-constructed strawman than actually respond to my post. I guess that's how it is though when you're completely full of **** and phony righteous indignation.
0 Replies
Parker Cross
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 02:04 pm
candidone1 wrote:
Parker Cross wrote:
candidone1 wrote:
Parker Cross wrote:

You are so incensed that someone with a decent-sized vocabulary actually disagrees with your ilk and speaks out against your socialist messiah, that the only explanation must be that he is a racist troll. Perhaps you are only a liberal straw man?

Our ilk are so incensed by people with "decent-sized" vocabularies.
.....sooooo incensed.

Right you are Candi. It is so much easier to charicature your opposition when you can cast them as a bunch of inarticulate, uneducated rednecks. When that is not the case liberals often fold into whiny, marsupial, flabbergasted, ranters. They can only respond with personal attacks like "racist troll" (Green Witch), spelling corrections (Gargamel), or one line challenges (take your pick).

No, I am sure the "liberals" appreciate a break from the incoherent monosyllabic ramblings of the "uneducated rednecks'. However, there perhaps one or two who fit that description on this board.

I think what "the liberals" hate is a prick who thinks that it's his/her vocabulary that incenses them and not the type of discourse they conduct.

No doubt. Who loves a prick? Everyone hates pricks. Ever notice, however, that most everyone you call a prick disagrees with you. Since that's the case how do you know that you are not, in fact, the prick?

Have I thrown out personal insults such as "dickwad" (our revered Dslyexia) or "racist troll" (the wise Green Witch). Seems like my accusation of ranters fits.
0 Replies
Parker Cross
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 02:09 pm
kickycan wrote:
Aw, now that's a shame. I took a chance by responding seriously to your post, in the hope that you might actually have the ability to speak about this in a rational sensible way. It's disappointing to see that you'd rather just keep attacking your carefully-constructed strawman than actually respond to my post. I guess that's how it is though when you're completely full of **** and phony righteous indignation.

Aw, shucks, Kicky. Sorry I have once again disappointed. Here let me try to do better.

You have no grounds for a rational opinion that Obama is more qualified than McCain, or even Hillary. Your only basis for this is the likable nature you see on television. Have you ever met the man? Interacted with anyone who has? No, so therefore you are merely another member of the audience enthusiastic about the actor in the play. His record is sparse, his rhetoric generic and vague. You cannot point to concrete proof of character, greatness, or vision, aside from the empty words a talented speech writer has conjured and a talented orator has delivered. I'm sorry I am so superficial. So easily swayed. So quickly seduced.
0 Replies
Parker Cross
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 02:18 pm

Here is another one of your thin-skinned liberal brethren losing control and sounding elementary. Kicky could think of no better retort than "you're full of s#$t and phony righteous indignation".

No, Kicky not righteous indignation. I am American. I fought in two wars for your right to call me full of s@#t. I have actually lived through some of what you blithely criticize from the safety of your living room and computer screen. I also have met President Bush, and while I am not often in agreement with the man, I heard more information of substance in fifteen minutes of Q&A with that "idiot" than all the speeches Obama has delivered with the possible exception of the most recent race speech. I am an atheist, a minority, a militant environmentalist, and gay ...

Not really gay. But it would sure be funny if I was. Laughing
0 Replies
Parker Cross
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 02:24 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
I think that it's pretty clear that the 'vitriol' was a truly minor part of the person in question; and that there were many and diverse good things about the man to consider as well.

But, that's assuming that you're bothering to think about the entirety of a situation, and not just a right-wing smear job. Which I know is a lot to assume, but hey.


Absolutely, Berkeley boy. There is a wealth of other content to the man, as with Don Imus.

P.S. Those videos were such a good job by the right-wing smearers. They really managed to splice enough bites of Rev. Wright together to make him appear to be a raving, ranting, anti-American, fool. That damn vast right-wing conspiracy. They have gotten their foul paws on cutting edge, Matrix-like special effects, camera and editing equipment.

They also managed to force Obama (at gun point and blackmail at points along the way) to intricately intertwine his life with Wright's.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 02:34 pm
Parker Cross wrote:
kickycan wrote:
Aw, now that's a shame. I took a chance by responding seriously to your post, in the hope that you might actually have the ability to speak about this in a rational sensible way. It's disappointing to see that you'd rather just keep attacking your carefully-constructed strawman than actually respond to my post. I guess that's how it is though when you're completely full of **** and phony righteous indignation.

Aw, shucks, Kicky. Sorry I have once again disappointed. Here let me try to do better.

You have no grounds for a rational opinion that Obama is more qualified than McCain, or even Hillary. Your only basis for this is the likable nature you see on television. Have you ever met the man? Interacted with anyone who has? No, so therefore you are merely another member of the audience enthusiastic about the actor in the play. His record is sparse, his rhetoric generic and vague. You cannot point to concrete proof of character, greatness, or vision, aside from the empty words a talented speech writer has conjured and a talented orator has delivered. I'm sorry I am so superficial. So easily swayed. So quickly seduced.

The fact is, he is more believable to me than Hillary, and John McCain wants to keep the Iraq war going indefinitely. That makes him the best choice in my opinion. You're right that he doesn't have a long list of accomplishments, but he has demonstrated that he can get things done by getting opposing sides to work together in his time in the private sector and as a senator, and he has done absolutely NOTHING that would make a reasonable person believe him to be an incompetent or a hater of America.

You, on the other hand, have repeatedly shown us that you believe this hyperbolic caricature of Pastor Wright, and that, contrary to everything Obama has said and done, he must agree with the comments in question. This in my mind shows lack of reasoning ability. Either that or just a general disregard for the truth.

Come on, admit it. You just hate liberals and anyone who you perceive to be liberal, and will do anything, ethical or not, to destroy anyone who you believe falls into that category.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 02:46 pm
Do you think Obama speaks the truth?

If you do, you're an A-hole from the get-go...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 02:47 pm
Parker Cross wrote:
kickycan wrote:
Parker Cross wrote:
kickycan wrote:
Obama disagrees with those statements.

It is easy to disagree a year after the fact, and 20 years after first hearing such sentiments, when you are in a tight race for an important election and such revelations profoundly damage your candidacy. Have I missed something? Or is Eliot Spitzer's apology a true show of honesty as well. He obviously wanted to come clean to the world, as did Obama.

It hasn't been twenty years since he's heard those sentiments. More like two weeks.

Kicky, you truly believe that in 20 year of such a close relationship this vitriol did not surface anywhere? If you do you are naive, blinded, stubborn, or all three.

No I don't believe that. But I also don't believe that it is the only thing this guy is, like you would have us believe. I have family members who have spouted racist nonsense too, but that isn't the totality of who they are. I disagree with them vehemently, but I don't define them by their worst qualities.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 02:49 pm
Miller wrote:
Do you think Obama speaks the truth?

If you do, you're an A-hole from the get-go...

<enjoying the show as more turds fall from Miller's mouth disguised as thoughts>
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 02:49 pm
Miller wrote:
Do you think Obama speaks the truth?

If you do, you're an A-hole from the get-go...

The Anti-Obama Thread-Generating-Bot you programmed and ambushed this site with, beginning a few months ago, disqualifies your posts on this matter from serious consideration.

Thank you, that is all.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 03:00 pm
Parker Cross wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
I think that it's pretty clear that the 'vitriol' was a truly minor part of the person in question; and that there were many and diverse good things about the man to consider as well.

But, that's assuming that you're bothering to think about the entirety of a situation, and not just a right-wing smear job. Which I know is a lot to assume, but hey.


Absolutely, Berkeley boy. There is a wealth of other content to the man, as with Don Imus.

P.S. Those videos were such a good job by the right-wing smearers. They really managed to splice enough bites of Rev. Wright together to make him appear to be a raving, ranting, anti-American, fool. That damn vast right-wing conspiracy. They have gotten their foul paws on cutting edge, Matrix-like special effects, camera and editing equipment.

They also managed to force Obama (at gun point and blackmail at points along the way) to intricately intertwine his life with Wright's.

A failed attempt on your part. It isn't that the Right wing engineered the videos, it is that they are pretending that they encapsulate a person. Completely. And that's a really naive thing to think, a sign of a simple mind using a simple attack.

I agree with you that there was much more to Imus' life then just a few comments he uttered that he shouldn't have.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Mar, 2008 03:48 pm
Meet The (White) Man Who Inspired Wright's Controversial Sermon
March 21, 2008 02:00 PM
by Sam Stein
The Huffington Post

Meet the man who inspired Reverend Jeremiah Wright's now famous tirade about America's foreign policy inciting the terrorist attacks of September 11.

His name is Ambassador Edward Peck. And he is a retired, white, career U.S. diplomat who served 32-years in the U.S. Foreign Service and was chief of the U.S. mission to Iraq under Jimmy Carter -- hardly the black-rage image with which Wright has been stigmatized.

In fact, when Wright took the pulpit to give his post-9/11 address -- which has since become boiled down to a five second sound bite about "America's chickens coming home to roost" -- he prefaced his remarks as a "faith footnote," an indication that he was deviating from his sermon.

"I heard Ambassador Peck on an interview yesterday," Wright declared. "He was on Fox News. This is a white man and he was upsetting the Fox News commentators to no end. He pointed out, a white man, an ambassador, that what Malcolm X said when he got silenced by Elijah Muhammad was in fact true: America's chickens are coming home to roost."

Wright then went on to list more than a few U.S. foreign policy endeavors that, by the tone of his voice and manner of his expression, he viewed as more or less deplorable. This included, as has been demonstrated in the endless loop of clips from his sermon, bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki and nuking "far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon and we never batted an eye."

"Violence begets violence," Wright said, "hatred begets hatred, and terrorism begets terrorism."

And then he concluded by putting the comments on Peck's shoulders: "A white ambassador said that yall, not a black militant, not a reverend who preaches about racism, an ambassador whose eyes are wide open and is trying to get us to wake up and move away from this dangerous precipice... the ambassador said that the people we have wounded don't have the military capability we have, but they do have individuals who are willing to die and take thousands with them... let me stop my faith footnote right there."

Watch the video (the relevant material starts around the 3:00 mark):
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Mar, 2008 04:57 pm
Gargamel wrote:
Parker Cross wrote:
And in response to these anti-American comments such as "God D@#m America", Obama delivers a 37-minute speech wherein he eruditedly and impliedly agrees with the Rev. Wright's comments by justifying them with these comments:

"But we do need to remind ourselves that so many of the disparities that exist in the African-American community today can be directly traced to inequalities passed on from an earlier generation that suffered under the brutal legacy of slavery and Jim Crow."

"Legalized discrimination - where blacks were prevented, often through violence, from owning property, or loans were not granted to African-American business owners, or black homeowners could not access FHA mortgages, or blacks were excluded from unions, or the police force, or fire departments - meant that black families could not amass any meaningful wealth to bequeath to future generations."

He then goes on to exonerate some from the burden of personal choice through the justification of their economic situations to an environment designed to impair them:

"A lack of economic opportunity among black men, and the shame and frustration that came from not being able to provide for one's family, contributed to the erosion of black families - a problem that welfare policies for many years may have worsened. And the lack of basic services in so many urban black neighborhoods - parks for kids to play in, police walking the beat, regular garbage pick-up and building code enforcement - all helped create a cycle of violence, blight and neglect that continue to haunt us."

Far be it from them to build for themselves like every other immigrant and underpriveleged group in this country their livelihoods starting from little. Apparently the Irish were far better off upon their beginnings in America. The Japanese-Americans fared much better as well. The "SHAME" was such that in 2008 with the advent of the internet, cellular phones, hip-hop, and nano-technology it still serves as a justification, and an accusation, for being of lesser means.

We must elect this man into the Presidency immediately. The country cannot survive without him. We do not hate ourselves enough.

And certainly you remember when the Irish were chained to slave ships and beaten in cotton fields. Are you seriously making that comparison? You're blaming African Americans for an uneven playing field? Is your middle name "Burning" perchance?

And there is nobody alive in the US today that remembers being "chained to slave ships and beaten in cotton fields".
So why should those of us who were not alive then and had nothing to do with it be held responsible?
0 Replies

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