Francis wrote:
What difference would it make if the above figures were:
America: #1 in Bibles. #17 in Infant Mortality ?
What would be the obvious conclusion?
In the first place I am developing a greater sympathy for your earlier point about the endless arguments on these threads. Argumentation itself takes over and the original point or bit of understanding that ignited the discussion is eventually lost entirely...
With respect to the question above, I would say that no conclusion whatever is obvious or indeed warranted - that is apart from the reported facts themselves. While bibles and babies are equally enumerable, there just isn't enough comparable information even to support the inference that the originator of the assertion apparently has in mind.
I suppose that high among the salient traits that distinguish America from the more 'progressive' modern states are our relatively greater inclination towards religion, and the observable fact that the several, originally European, forms of evangelistic Protestant Christianity that have died out in Europe, continue to thrive here. There are, of course, other salient differnces less often cited, but significant nonetheless. What all this may indicate about us both is something that I suppose could occupy us for a long time. Once you get past the obvious stuff though, it is very hard to know how this will appear on a longer time scale -- what pattern or cycles may emerge? do we merely occupy different points in one of these patterns? which of us is now the exception and which the rule; etc..