old europe wrote:Finn dAbuzz wrote:Thanks. Tough to read on a blackberry, so I'll have to suspend further comment until I can view it on my laptop.
You're welcome!
Sorry but it doesn't satisfactorily break down the component parts
I would like to see New Europe v Old Europe and three countries in a reliable pro-America continent like Africa just doesn't impart impartiality.
Sad to say this survey reveals itself to be bogus.
A fairly large part of the world doesn't seem to have been queried.
In the final analysis I would love to see that the majority of the world's population appreciated American for the stalwart defender of freedom it is, but lazy fat cats tend to take active virtues for granted. (See Germany and Spain)
I suspect that wherever a nation has recently emerged from tyranny to rise to democracy the Pro-America points are very high.
If I am right, wouldn't that tell you something very important?
Now to a specifically unrelated but totally heart felt commentary:
If you are not an American and you want to engage in baiting the bear, good for you. Stupid or otherwise, you are at least having fun.
If you are an American and you insist on these endless deluges of criticism for your native land, what the f*ck is up?
Do you think it is cool to be a contrarian?
Do you think that somehow you evidence intelligence by pursuing an entirely one-side rant against the USA?
Do you really despise your native land?
My bet is that 99% of related posters fall within scenario # 1 and 2.
Sure this means that some of you actually despise your native land.
Sorry, but worry that bone alone in the darkness, because who the f*ck cares what you think, unless you have a stash of explosives and a homicidal mind.
Here's what it comes down to (rage and rant as your ideological perspectives require):
America is THE Big Dog
Countries fall in line or fall outside the line.
The countries that fall outside are bad ass places
The countries that have recently achieved their freedom love the heck out of us.
The countries that we saved from WWI and WWII are, institutionally grateful, but the separated seething hosts of today get to play with silly ideological checklists.
It is amazing to me that Liberals are able to formulate opinions that are entirely devoid of reality. But that's "Obama Change," ain't it?