So, I'll just start off.
The weekend was just weird.
THURSDAY - I leave home around 12:00PM. I drive. I arrive at 8:30PM. The drive was a little long because of bad city traffic, and some sleet/freezing rain.
Anyways, she has a test bright and early the next morning at 9:30, so naturally I'm worried that I'll be a distraction for her studying. She suggests that I go out with her roommate and get some drinks. It was a perfect solution.
So I go out with her roommate and a male friend of hers. We go downtown and hit up three really great bars. After a number of drinks her roommate and the friend begin to drill me with questions. Questions to make sure my intentions are noble. It would seem that she has many good friends that are VERY protective of her. So after the questions are done, it is obvious that I have fallen in good favor of both the friend and more importantly the roommate (her best friend of like 10 years.).
The roommate asks me about the date I have planned for Saturday. She is impressed. She says that my date will enjoy it greatly.
I feel very encouraged.
We return to the apartment. My date has studied all she plans to for the night. The friend leaves. The three of us chat for about an hour about going out on the town and retire for the night.
I sleep on a futon.
FRIDAY - She wakes early, and leaves for her test. I get up and groom myself into the most impressive I can be. Her roommate/BFF is vomitting all day (She confesses her gluten alergy after a long night of ingesting grain alcohol

). She returns after her classes, we go out to eat and buy snack type groceries. We return.
We have a task for the day. She is running for a regional board position. I told her prior to arriving, that I would help her write her bid for the position. We compose the bid which takes the afternoon and a little into the night. We complete the bid. We prepare to go out. She dresses nicely, very stunning. The roommate emereges from her vomit dungeon and dresses to go out. She is the definition of hung-over. We all look pretty nice. Ironically, we end up at a cowboy bar.... I mean salloon. The bar isn't bad, just the music. We drink, some methed out dude says we are beautiful, an out of shape red head dances obnoxiously in a tube top. It's gross and creepy there, but it provides plenty of discussion material. A good time is had. After the bar, we go to house to visit someone. It is full of strangers. it is hard to be close. We return mildly intoxicated. We dress for sleep. We chat briefly about tomorrow's date. I use the opportunity to flirt. We retire for the night.
I sleep on the futon.
SATURDAY - We sleep really late. Wait, you don't understand... like really ******* late. When we get up it's about time to start getting ready for the date. I was actually up much earier than her, so I'm already ready. She gets dressed... four times. I take this as a good sign. I feel like she wants to make an impression. She looks really hot. VERY hot. We leave. I explain the date. We both have our cameras.
We first drive to a strip of thrift stores. We go inside and try on the absolutely worst clothing ever and take fashion photos of each other. Don't worry, the clothes were worn on the outside of our clothes. She wears hats, I put on a wig. There is much laughter, many people give us odd looks. We smile.
Next, we use a GPS unit to find a park to take more photos. The GPS finds a park near by. We drive into a residential neighborhood and are skeptical that the park exists. Despite our thoughts, the park is real. It is a small park with a fountain surrounded by a hedge and an small iron fence. It is perhaps the worlds most cute and hidden park ever.
After the park, we go to dinner. I take her to a Japanese place with hibatchi style cooking. I teach her how to use chopsticks. The family at the table with us comment on how cute we are. We leave and meet up with the roommate/BFF and another female friend (we'll call her friend 2). We carpool to the country bar. Yes, we went there again. While there We both drink a great deal. We are having fun, but now on day three, I am beginning to feel like things have been too platonic. Perhaps I should take some chances. She keeps taking friend 2 out to dance (I'm not invited). I finish Gin & tonic #4 and walk out on the floor. I steel her away from friend 2. We dance a slow song. She pulls me close. She rests her head on my shoulder. It is the first real physical contact we have. In the true spirit of things going wrong, the music stops... Seriously. We dance like for one minute. In that minute though, it didn't matter that it was to some twangy-cry-in-your-beer-BS. It was nice. Brief, but nice. After that, came the Jaeger... I made it, but it was close. We leave the bar, and go to a different house. While there I am left alone. I try to play it cool, but I'm actually starting to feel upset about how the weekend has gone so far. Roommate/BFF takes notice and comes to talk to me. She asks how I am. I am dismissive. I don't want to come off as sad. She tells me she thinks I'm upset about the weekend. I don't correct her. She runs off. Neither her nro my date can be found for some time. I drink a little more with the other guests, and try and stay chipper by invoking a good story. I want to go back to the apt and jut go to sleep. We finally leave, and I am quiet most of the way home. Roommate/BFF looks frustrated. I start to feel like there is something I don't know going on. We get back to the parking garage. My date and I walk much faster than everyone else. We get to the apt about 3 minutes before the others. She asks if I am upset. I am dismissive. I don't want to seem needy or too forward about us. She tells me to tell her what is up. It would be a great moment, to share my feelings, but then the roommate/BFF and friend 2 arrive. Moment is broken up. I hastily freshen up and get ready for sleep. We al retire to our spots. I give up the futon to friend 2, and sleep on the couch in the living room.
I am still upset, and sleep poorly.
SUNDAY - Again, the group sleeps really late. I wake up and play solitaire on my laptop until the others wake up. I keep looking for a way to go back to talking to her alone. After cleaning up, we take a walk together across her campus. She tours me around and talks about various attractions. We are headed to a meeting (for which I am a regional guest) and arrive early. I ask if we can go somewhere to talk about some things.
We find some corner by a window in a coffee shop and sit down. I tell her that I am very confused about her behavior. I tell her that prior to my arrival she was flirtatious and eager to see me, but since my arrival I felt that she had been acting odd. I felt that we had fun, but it was almost exclusively platonic. I asked why she had been romantically and physically distant.
She first acknowledged that I was correct: That in fact she had been distant. She tells me that she wa incredibl excited about me coming to visit her, but that she paniced the second I arrived. I asked why and she said that the second I became a real option, she got scared. She had been single for a year and that she thought things were happenning too fast. She said she was attracted to me, and liked me a lot but she needed things to go slow. She said she wanted things to stay as they were for the time being. This meant for you reference, that we would continue to chat and flirt, but only at a distance. She also explained why she had me sleep separate from her. She felt that getting physical would make things move to fast for her.
She also explained that she knew I was upset because her roommate/BFF had been on her case for the way she was treating me.
I told her I understood and that I respected her wishes. I said that I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed. I told her that I really liked her, and that slow was fine, but stopping would hurt my feelings. I told her that if that was her real intentions to allow me to keep my dignity, and be honest with me. She assured me that she was being genuine. She has always been honest with me. She asks if "we're good," I say "yeah."
We return and watch a movie. It's "Little Miss Sunshine." We laugh, and have a good time. In a last attempt to have a extremely mild (<-- like the contradiction) physical contact, I ask if I can hol her hand while we watch the movie. A very long moment of silence, and then I get nervous. She smiles.
She does not take my hand. We finish the movie.
I brush my teeth. I go to sleep. I feel pretty rejected at this point. I'm rather sad.
I'm back on the futon.
MONDAY - We wake up early. We go to get breakfast. We talk about future visits. She talks about visiting me in a few weeks. I ask her to take the week and figure out what she wants from me. She agrees. I drive her back to campus. I park, and we say our goodbyes. She looks upset. She says that she doesn't want me to leave. We hug. She tells me to call/text her from the road.
I leave at 9:15 AM. I text her after an hour.
"I have a long ride home with no beautiful girl to great me at my destination this time."
She replies...
"Now I'm blushing. Drive safe."
I text her when I get back home at 4:00PM to let her know I'm home safe. I have not heard from her since.
I could tell you what my questions are, but I think they are quite obvious. I'm going to try and find a public host to put up the date photos so people can see them.
To top all of this, my ex has been approaching me about getting back together. I'm in a weakened state right now.
more to come later....
Suffice if I were to just close with...
Girls are trouble.