Well, Sglass, I had no one to take a picture and have never taken one of myself and was shaking my head at myself - thinking I was vain or egotistical. I was thinking "sheesh" at myself.
Eva - You're right, of course - it wasn't really the right top for you, but had it been a sweater... some of those colours were absolutely beautiful on you.
Thats the idea I got too.
You look like " I cant believe im doin this ****.. "
I did look at the sweater type brazilian thingies..
I suppose I spaz'ed on a description of my mesa walk, but.. it actually has taken me a fair number of hours to wear off my experience, including crying episodes, stress releases (but I'm unusual, and have eye situations).
They do need to have some way for folks who can't rock plow (like snow plow) to just be on the mesa and look around. I reacted as I did, over hours including later, because I seemingly couldn't go forward but also couldn't back up. And I couldn't get near the speaker to voice this. And all this was not over a few minutes, though the main problem rock area was, but over some length, something like an hour and a half, though most of it not the toughest. I was reamed out when I managed to clamber on a bus to end it.
And yet, maybe the most beautiful place I've ever seen.
The solution is easy, different tours.
And, much as I am bellowing, I loved that mesa for itself.
Get any pictures. I kind of regret not staying another day for this trip.
This is doable again, Roger, and surely for you. Me, I'd have to talk with them and figure out where to just stand by myself. They do need some kind of, er, crip tour. But past all that, the mesa was .. glorious. Lifetime glorious, re me.
Backing up, you might also have had trouble where I ran into my waterloo.
NOW I'd like to see a map and how to circumvent that.
Walter will, I presume, have pictures.
In many cases, that day, Walter was acting as my camera. What more can I say? I trust his eyes.
Sglass wrote:
I'm just wondering what Mame was thinking about when that picture was taken. She just looks Soooooooooooo something.
She was probably thinking "I wonder how this photo will turn out, with the flash and all"
It's not easy, taking your own picture. At least she managed a smile. Here's one I took on a hot, sweaty day in India three years ago. I met a Hindu holy man that day, hence the colour spot.
Has anyone else noticed how much does realjohnboy resemble Willie, the owner-protector of Alf, the extraterrestrial from Melmak?
fbaezer wrote:Has anyone else noticed how much does realjohnboy resemble Willie, the owner-protector of Alf, the extraterrestrial from Melmak?
I'd forgotten Alf even existed.
Um,... he doesn't really.
It was just a tv show.
McT is adorable:)
Squinney, ever the voice of pragmatism! lol
Walter is going to be getting away just in time - it's supposed to be 97 here on Friday..
I'll be leaving in a couple of hours. I'm in a bit sentimental mood. Must be the weather.
Oh, and photos: I've deleted every evening quite a lot, some douzaines altogether, those I didn't like at all. But still 900 to look through and 'develop'. (Not all from the meeting, though.)
Expect the first coming up on late Saturday ...
Walter left ABQ just in time. Wednesday brought all of New Mexico tornado warnings, flash flood warnings, and thunder/lightning storms.
I called my son, who was working on top of a roof 35 miles south of my home, to advise him of the warnings so he could protect himself.
ABQ itself was spared but other areas were hit hard.
Could global warming be causing the unsual weather New Mexico is experiencing? Or is it all Walter's fault?