Some Hell/Death/Sin questions

Arella Mae
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 09:53 am
No Maporsche I do not believe in the Book of Mormon nor would I ever consider being a Mormon.

From what I understand Mormons believe that Lucifer and Jesus are brothers and they also believe that Joseph Smith sits with Jesus and will judge the world. The Bible doesn't back that up.
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Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 10:21 am
Arella Mae wrote:
No Maporsche I do not believe in the Book of Mormon nor would I ever consider being a Mormon.

From what I understand Mormons believe that Lucifer and Jesus are brothers and they also believe that Joseph Smith sits with Jesus and will judge the world. The Bible doesn't back that up.

I don't know if your understanding is true or not, but if it is then the Book of Mormon would back that story up.
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Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 10:34 am
Somebody check this out and tell me what you think. I watched the whole thing last night, 2 hours!, and I was only going to watch five minutes.

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Arella Mae
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 10:43 am

The Book of Mormon is not God-breathed nor God-inspired.
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Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 11:24 am
Arella Mae wrote:

The Book of Mormon is not God-breathed nor God-inspired.

The Book of Mormon says that it is indeed god-inspired.
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Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 04:23 pm
The real fun with Mormonism comes from doing google searches on "joseph smith" and "rosetta stone"....
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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 08:32 am
The real fun with Mormonism comes from doing google searches on "joseph smith" and "rosetta stone"....

KKKlinton's biggest lie: "I feel your pain." A psychopath can't do that.

Street's Reply:
The stone of revelation is the third-eye, the cup of revelation, the Holy Grail, the National Treasure, the philosopher's stone, the abyss, the daat. I think it is safe to say that we all have one. No, I'm not talking about a penis, but it is indeed a sensitive organ in the brain that corresponds with the penis. It is the pituitary gland. The stone that Joseph used in the early part of his training was merely a consecrated magical tool, and used with the aid of that all-seeing eye within us all. That eye in prophets is just much more highly developed. The masses and their KKK politicians are more of a psychopathic or sociopathic nature, like you say.
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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 09:28 am
maporsche wrote:
Arella Mae wrote:

The Book of Mormon is not God-breathed nor God-inspired.

The Book of Mormon says that it is indeed god-inspired.

And the Bible says the Bible is God-inspired.


If one is not to believe the Book of Mormon is God's inspired word why should anyone believe the Bible is?
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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 03:58 pm
1) If you accept Christ into your life, believe with your heart, etc but you continue to knowlingly commit sin (such as living and having sex with your boyfriend/girlfriend even AFTER you've become a Christian) and you die before fixing this problem, will you go to heaven?

2) Same question as above, but instead of the sex example, what about lying or not forgiving others (such as your enemies)?

3) Do those on this board who have an extreme hatred for terrorists for example or Demokkkrats (you know who are), do you believe in the part of the bible that says you should forgive your enemies or god will not forgive you (and I assume you'll go to hell).

1. As christians we are going to struggle with sin until we leave this earth. The apostle paul said that he had to die daily to sin(bc he struggled and sinned) we can look in the nt and see where the apostles sinned, where they messed up, where they wrote of the struggles of sins. But we can also see that the apostles, and Christ said that when we sin we need to repent. (which means turn away) The bible shows us that christians do screw up but it also shows us that if a person is truly a christian , when they sin they will be convicted by the Holy Spirit and repent. So in the example that you gave, if people claim to be christians yet continually live in a lifestyle that God said is sinful, and they feel no conviction and no desire to change, then they arent true christians. Now if a person is truly a born again christian, and sins, and lets say "gets hit by a car and dies bf they repent" they will still go to heaven, bc hebrews tells us that when Christ entered the Holy of HOlies, his blood was a sufficient enough sacrifice to cover our sins. If a person is saved, they are saved, Jesus' blood has already covered the sins of our past present and future. and this answer covers #2 . all sins are equal in Gods eyes, and continual sin of any type without repentance and conviction shows a lack of salvation.
3. hatred in Gods eyes in equivalent to murder and without repentance , the bible says murderers go to hell
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Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 05:14 pm
onthestreet wrote:
The real fun with Mormonism comes from doing google searches on "joseph smith" and "rosetta stone"....

KKKlinton's biggest lie: "I feel your pain." A psychopath can't do that.

Street's Reply:
The stone of revelation is the third-eye, the cup of revelation, the Holy Grail, the National Treasure, the philosopher's stone, the abyss, the daat. I think it is safe to say that we all have one. No, I'm not talking about a penis, but it is indeed a sensitive organ in the brain that corresponds with the penis. It is the pituitary gland. The stone that Joseph used in the early part of his training was merely a consecrated magical tool, and used with the aid of that all-seeing eye within us all. That eye in prophets is just much more highly developed. The masses and their KKK politicians are more of a psychopathic or sociopathic nature, like you say.

Here's the basic gist of it.....

Smith viewed heiroglyphics as something he could never be checked on; scholars had come up empty on them for centuries. Thus, Smith figured he was pretty safe claiming to have used urim and thummin to translate hieroglyphic texts into two or three of the basic books of the LDS/LSD religion starting from around 1820 or thereabouts.

The guy who ruined this lovely plan was Napoleon Bonaparte, who dragged the Rosetta Stone back to Europe with him after his campaign in Egypt. The stone had text written in Greek, hieroglyphics, and hieratic writing on it and within two or three decades, European scholars were able to read hieroglyphics pretty decently.

In the mid to late 1800s, real scholars who were capable of actually reading the text which Smith claimed to have translated into LDS/LSD holy books did so, and declared Smith to be a total charlatan and fraud. One of the texts in question was a formula for brewing beer; Smith didn't get a single word of it right.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 08:03 pm
This just shows us that Joseph Smith was quite alien to sin and crime and debauchery (beer and the like), and also quite inspired from a higher source when you consider that at that time he was only a 15-20 year old boy. No one that young could have been so expert as to write entire books of scripture so expertly without a higher intelligence, from foreign languages. Come on, get real.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 08:07 pm
gungasnake said:
Seasoned Member
Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 4:14 pm Post: 3050220

Here's the basic gist of it.....

Smith viewed heiroglyphics as something he could never be checked on; scholars had come up empty on them for centuries. Thus, Smith figured he was pretty safe claiming to have used urim and thummin to translate hieroglyphic texts into two or three of the basic books of the LDS/LSD religion starting from around 1820 or thereabouts.

The guy who ruined this lovely plan was Napoleon Bonaparte, who dragged the Rosetta Stone back to Europe with him after his campaign in Egypt. The stone had text written in Greek, hieroglyphics, and hieratic writing on it and within two or three decades, European scholars were able to read hieroglyphics pretty decently.

In the mid to late 1800s, real scholars who were capable of actually reading the text which Smith claimed to have translated into LDS/LSD holy books did so, and declared Smith to be a total charlatan and fraud. One of the texts in question was a formula for brewing beer; Smith didn't get a single word of it right.[/quote]

Street's Reply: This just shows us that Joseph Smith was quite alien to sin and crime and debauchery (beer and the like), and also quite inspired from a higher source when you consider that at that time he was only a 15-20 year old boy. No one that young could have been so expert as to write entire books of scripture so expertly without a higher intelligence, from foreign languages. Come on, get real. You've been listening to too many fables and old-wives tales.

(Ooops, sorry I duplicated my reply. Hey, we loin by repetition.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Jan, 2008 08:22 am
onthestreet wrote:
This just shows us that Joseph Smith was quite alien to sin and crime and debauchery

A review of Smith's life will show this man was a notorious debaucher. He was constantly cheating on his wife. Why do you think polygamy entered the Mormon religion? Do you really think God told him cheating on his wife was good and therefore polygamy must be part of the religion?
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Reply Mon 21 Jan, 2008 02:31 pm
kate4christ03 wrote:
1) If you accept Christ into your life, believe with your heart, etc but you continue to knowlingly commit sin (such as living and having sex with your boyfriend/girlfriend even AFTER you've become a Christian) and you die before fixing this problem, will you go to heaven?

2) Same question as above, but instead of the sex example, what about lying or not forgiving others (such as your enemies)?

3) Do those on this board who have an extreme hatred for terrorists for example or Demokkkrats (you know who are), do you believe in the part of the bible that says you should forgive your enemies or god will not forgive you (and I assume you'll go to hell).


Kissmekate. That was a very good post toasty drenched with postum. Just make sure the kiss in on the cheek and very discreet, okie?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Jan, 2008 02:39 pm
xingu wrote:
onthestreet wrote:
This just shows us that Joseph Smith was quite alien to sin and crime and debauchery

A review of Smith's life will show this man was a notorious debaucher. He was constantly cheating on his wife. Why do you think polygamy entered the Mormon religion? Do you really think God told him cheating on his wife was good and therefore polygamy must be part of the religion?


You want to see debauchery? Just look at that dark-as-midnight DOG that you have chosen to represent yourself in that picture. Marrying a woman or a city full of women does not equate to immorality. It is only immoral if you lay them down butt naked and feeding them bull, instead of giving them warm jammies and feeding them warm milk and cookies before bed. The whole world is ignorant of which one Joseph did. How could a teenage boy compile such depth of scripture from foreign languages without communion with the gods? "Praise To The Man who communes with Jehovah".

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Reply Mon 21 Jan, 2008 06:17 pm
onthestreet wrote:

The whole world is ignorant of which one Joseph did.

That's the kind of ignorance I could recommend to people.
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Reply Tue 22 Jan, 2008 03:01 am
Oh, right, here come the serpent in the Garden of Eden recommending to people. Don't you know that's the Devil? lol
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Reply Tue 22 Jan, 2008 11:38 am
Book of Mormon
There are a lot of comments about the Book of Mormon. I investigated comparative relegions for several years before I joined the LDS Church. If you want to know, read it and pray about it and then decide for yourself.

I haven't seen the seating chart for heaven. I've never been overly concerned about it. Actually, we believe not only that Satan was Christ's brother but that we, and all the angels in heaven, are all brothers and sisters created by our father in heaven.

'Experts' and 'Scholars' have proven then disproven the world is flat or round, matter cannot be created or detroyed ~ or it can, E=MC2 and faster than light quark theories. I find it interesting that the brightest minds tend to believe in God. Gallalao, Da Vinci, Newton, Einstein.

I've listened to a heart surgeon just marvel at the human body. The complexity of the human eye, the ear, the circulatory system, the brain are incredably complex. In nature matter tends to a disorganized state. Things break fall apart, deterioate. If you find a pocket watch you know someone made the watch. It didn't just roll down the hill and come together with a gold case, crystal face intricate gears, springs and hands. Somebody put this thing together. The human body the world the universe are so much more complex than a simple watch.

So the big question is... why are we here? There will alway be people that will want to prove you're wrong. Usually somebody said or more likely somebody told me that somebody said something or somebody did something (Napoleon??? never heard that one). Read it, does it sound like something a 13 year old wrote to you? Experts have been trying to disprove it for years, usually to discourage people from leaving their Ministry.
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Reply Tue 22 Jan, 2008 12:56 pm
Unrepentant sins, baptism, 72 virgins

Christ told the 'sinners' (the thieves crucified next to him) that they would be with him in Paradise that day. There is no indication that they had been baptised, been repentant nor forgive of their sins. I believed that the blood of the lamb does indeed wash away all the sins (even for terrorists) of those that believe. But what about all the people who lived and died and never heard of Christ? Would a loving Father abandon all of them or was Christ lying/mistaken when he said Baptism is required for no unclean thing can enter the kingdom of heaven?

I don't think Christ was mistaken I believe there is a part of the puzzle we don't understand. A loving father wouldn't abandon the billions of people who have never heard of Christ. I think a loving father could find a way for all of those people to hear of Christ and choose. If not during their mortal existence then before a 'final judgement'.

'Anton/Arella' I don't recall ever hearing Joseph would sit in judgement over the world ~ It's not my area of expertise nor something I worry about. I think the 'Common Judge in Israel' is usually the Bishop or a Father for his family if he's worthy. My dad was never a member of the Church but I would like him to be there and sit in judgement for me.

72 Virgins... I always liked that idea but hey if they're virgins do they stay virgins? That would be annoying or is that like a really fun month and then you're hen pecked for eternity. I'm kidding. I suspect there will be more women than men in heaven simply because in my experience women tend to be more righteous. Maybe they're using the 'young maid' translation as well. I have no basis for this just kind of a random thought. I've been married to the same woman for 31 years (dang) I can't imagine why she puts up with me.
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Arella Mae
Reply Tue 22 Jan, 2008 01:52 pm
I am no sister of satan. I am a child of the living God. We are all his creation, yes, but I am NOT and never will be a sister to satan. There is no place in the Bible that will back up your belief that I know of. The brethren are never referred to as being brothers and sisters to satan.

Matthew 12: 47Then one said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to speak with thee.

48But he answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren?

49And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren!

50For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.

Are you going to tell us that satan does the will of the Father?
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