onthestreet wrote:The real fun with Mormonism comes from doing google searches on "joseph smith" and "rosetta stone"....
KKKlinton's biggest lie: "I feel your pain." A psychopath can't do that.
Street's Reply:
The stone of revelation is the third-eye, the cup of revelation, the Holy Grail, the National Treasure, the philosopher's stone, the abyss, the daat. I think it is safe to say that we all have one. No, I'm not talking about a penis, but it is indeed a sensitive organ in the brain that corresponds with the penis. It is the pituitary gland. The stone that Joseph used in the early part of his training was merely a consecrated magical tool, and used with the aid of that all-seeing eye within us all. That eye in prophets is just much more highly developed. The masses and their KKK politicians are more of a psychopathic or sociopathic nature, like you say.
Here's the basic gist of it.....
Smith viewed heiroglyphics as something he could never be checked on; scholars had come up empty on them for centuries. Thus, Smith figured he was pretty safe claiming to have used urim and thummin to translate hieroglyphic texts into two or three of the basic books of the LDS/LSD religion starting from around 1820 or thereabouts.
The guy who ruined this lovely plan was Napoleon Bonaparte, who dragged the Rosetta Stone back to Europe with him after his campaign in Egypt. The stone had text written in Greek, hieroglyphics, and hieratic writing on it and within two or three decades, European scholars were able to read hieroglyphics pretty decently.
In the mid to late 1800s, real scholars who were capable of actually reading the text which Smith claimed to have translated into LDS/LSD holy books did so, and declared Smith to be a total charlatan and fraud. One of the texts in question was a formula for brewing beer; Smith didn't get a single word of it right.