I agree Neo, I think we just differ on how he is with us. I believe that god left us an incredible reference which was hacked by humans to the point where it is a wonderfully successful business of legalized killing, government obscurity, hatred, and exclusion.
I think we are listening to the wrong words preached by the incorrectly educated. I think the reality of god is MILES away from what the world's religions teach.
For once Id actually have to Strongly Agree with curtis....Excelent viewpoint mate.
If I Were to beleive in God Id Fully Beleive That.
When people ask if I believe in God, I say "yes', but my God is much different than the God most people pray too.
I don't pray to my God (she wouldn't like that ;-) ). I don't believe what the bible says and I'm not religious. Can be a little spirtual sometimes, but nothing major.
My God doesn't try to contol us, like the one in the bible.
I like my God. She's cool
Either way, I don't think anyones God really wants us fighting eachother over him/her.
I have a Tshirt that says, "God called; She wants you to drink a beer and chill the f*ck out."
I don't wear it in Orange County or the Valley, but its a big hit in downtown LA.
mrhunt wrote:For once Id actually have to Strongly Agree with curtis....Excelent viewpoint mate.
If I Were to beleive in God Id Fully Beleive That.
Thanks for the compliment.
Orlando Bloom's character in Kingdom of Heaven had a good line when responding to the question of whether or not god would forgive their actions. I'm paraphrasing, but it was something to the effect of: if he doesn't, then he is not god and we have nothing to be afraid of.
Whether or not god exists is somewhat irrelevant in my opinion. I believe that it does, but that she's not the god preached by religion. So, if he does exist as I perceive him, (a universe of infinite love who doesn't need worship and obedience) it doesn't matter what you do here, because you'll have total godly knowledge when you die. If he doesn't exist, then you'll just die. Either way, you won't need to pay for sins.
Have a beer, relax, and don't kill people unless you have to

That's my philosophy
curtis73 wrote:mrhunt wrote:For once Id actually have to Strongly Agree with curtis....Excelent viewpoint mate.
If I Were to beleive in God Id Fully Beleive That.
Thanks for the compliment.
Orlando Bloom's character in Kingdom of Heaven had a good line when responding to the question of whether or not god would forgive their actions. I'm paraphrasing, but it was something to the effect of: if he doesn't, then he is not god and we have nothing to be afraid of.
Whether or not god exists is somewhat irrelevant in my opinion. I believe that it does, but that she's not the god preached by religion. So, if he does exist as I perceive him, (a universe of infinite love who doesn't need worship and obedience) it doesn't matter what you do here, because you'll have total godly knowledge when you die. If he doesn't exist, then you'll just die. Either way, you won't need to pay for sins.
Have a beer, relax, and don't kill people unless you have to

That's my philosophy
Sounds good to me and the way I see it! (except my god is a she)
Cheers :-D
A Father's love
This was an interesting thread.. The good Lord loves you all. As a father it's easy for me to understand unconditional love. If one of my sons killed someone I would still love him although I might think his action was reprehensible. I also love my father and he would feel bad if I murdered someone but he'd still love me.
That doesn't mean there aren't any consequences for your actions. My father doesn't like it if I drive too fast. He's afraid I may hurt myself or someone else, but sometimes I still do it. The bible is full of good advice.
Damnation simply means you're dammed or stopped from progressing. I don't believe a loving father in heaven is going to put me in timeout for eternity but there may be consequences for my actions. I may not know exactly what they are but I expect my loving father knows and wants what is best for me ~ I don't always listen.
Much of what you've discussed seems to be 'How many angels can dance on the head of a pin questions.' I believe a sin agains the Holy Ghost is to have perfect knowledge of God and Christ and choose not to follow. Maybe that's why we're not given perfect knowledge, for fear in our infant like state we damn ourselves for eternity.
I think 'thou shall not kill' meant murder. The Israelites ate meat and if the Lord meant for them to be vegans that's what he would have told them; if we can't kill plants or animals it's going to be a short lived religion.
I am a scientist and a high priest. For me reason and religion go hand in hand.
Welcome to the forum, Uffda
High priest of what?
curtis73 wrote:I have a Tshirt that says..............
Orlando Bloom's character in Kingdom of Heaven had a good line...............
Well.........I guess if it's on a tshirt AND it was said in a movie it must really be so.
Thanks for setting us all straight.
real life wrote:curtis73 wrote:I have a Tshirt that says..............
Orlando Bloom's character in Kingdom of Heaven had a good line...............
Well.........I guess if it's on a tshirt AND it was said in a movie it must really be so.
Thanks for setting us all straight.
What the hell, a T-shirt and a movie are as good a source about God as the Bible, perhaps better.
I have a question for you if you don't mind answering it, Uffda. I know someone that is LDS but he absolutely refuses the label of Mormon. I have never really gotten an answer from him as to why he does this. Do you have any thoughts on this?
I don't mind at all. The name of the church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We believe it to be Christ's true church. Because we are so often referred to as Mormons some people think we don't believe in Christ; so to avoid that misconception some members shy away from that name. We believe in Christ and that he died for all our sins. Mormon was a prophet in ancient americas (about the time of Christ).
A cut and paste from Wikipedia
The Book of Mormon was first published by Joseph Smith, Jr., the Church's first prophet, in March 1830 in Palmyra, New York. According to Joseph Smith's written account, the book is a translation of the golden plates constructed and etched by Mormon and his son Moroni approximately 1300 years earlier. The plates had been deposited in a stone box by Moroni with the intent of the text coming forth in the due time of the Lord, as revealed by God to Moroni prior to his death. The plates were deposited in what was then known as the Hill Cumorah. The hill is located outside of Palmyra, New York, a region to which Joseph Smith's family had moved to in search of better crop conditions. After his calling as a prophet of God, Joseph was directed to the gold plates by the angel Moroni, that same Moroni who had deposited the ancient text. Joseph was commanded to translate the tablets by means that God had prepared. Translation proceeded through a process in which he said he could see the words of the translation through a set of stone spectacles, which he dictated to a scribe. During the production of the work Smith obtained the affidavits of Three Witnesses and Eight Witnesses who testified that the Angel Moroni let them see and handle the plates. These affidavits are published as part of the book. When the book was complete, the plates were returned to the keeping of the angel Moroni.[7]
Along with the Bible, the Book of Mormon is esteemed as part of the canon by a number of restorationist churches deriving from Joseph Smith's Church of Christ (the Latter Day Saint movement), including the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Community of Christ. The book's original title page states that it was written in part for "Jew and Gentile", to convince them "that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God, manifesting himself to all nations",[8] and in part for Native Americans, which the book says are a "remnant of the House of Israel". This book describes three principal groups, from the Old Testament, that travel at different times by boat to Mesoamerica, and establish Christian civilizations in anticipation of Jesus, who visited descendants of them after his resurrection.
The book's historicity is not widely accepted in academia, except among religious.
So there you are Ma, a nice young fresh myth from Joe Smith 1830
You should climb aboard that one, he just like the myth writers of your favorite book.
Thank you for answering me Uffda.
Anton, I don't see the need for your sarcasm.
Arella Mae wrote:Thank you for answering me Uffda.
Anton, I don't see the need for your sarcasm.
I would like to know if you believe in the book of Mormon and if you would consider joining the LDS.
What I've been curious about is if the story of the 72 virgins Muslims get for killing enemies of their religion is as silly as the Christian City of Gold or is the City of Gold story far more logical, rational and real?
Well, it's possible to make a City out of Gold (Gold Leaf anyway...and maybe even real Gold...though no skyscrapers).
Is it possible to find 72 virgins?