Quote:The commandment was against murder, not killing.
The Jewish law was no longer an obligation after being fulfilled by Jesus.
All those who died without knowing the true God will have a chance to live again. (See John 5:28, 29)
Isn't that just your interpretation, or the interpretation of scholars and monks? The sentence in the bible reads, "thou shalt not kill." But HUMANS decided that "kill" must mean "wrongfully murder." Otherwise we couldn't have our death penalty and our legal system would fall apart
When Jesus came and changed everything, isn't that yet another example of how God just changed his mind according the christian church? How about the Flood and Noah? He just wiped the slate clean because he made a mistake? How about Adam and Eve. How could god be so perfect that his first humans were such screw-ups?
And that last statement is one of the weirdest ones. Christianity preaches that you get once chance, no reincarnation. Either know jesus or rot in hell, period. But this citation from John suggests that if you are an atheist or worship the "wrong" god, you get another chance to come back.
This verse is also something that is very common in Hindu writings. The point of achieving Moksha (release from the circle of rebirth) is that each time around you get closer to god by self-realization. Once you've learned (that is to say remembered) that you are a divine part of god, there is nothing more earthly for you to learn and your soul stops incarnating.
I think its more likely that OUR views of god have changed. To admit a fundamentalist approach to the bible simply suggests that you think god started out a spiteful child who made many mistakes in Genesis, and then ended up the wise, intuitive, loving, and strict god of Revelations. If god is the all, everything, and the big cheese, how could he be so fickle? I think its more likely that is not GOD that has changed, its our opinion.
I personally think that organized religion has about 10% of it right at best. The rest is just caustic misinterpretation. Its not your fault really... its the extensive editing done to the original writings. There are little tidbits of unadulterated wisdom like that verse quoted from John, but they don't discuss that in sermon. They don't lend any weight to the fact that it could suggest that reincarnation is a fact. Yet another example of how religion picks and chooses what is important to THEM. If you're going to follow a book as your gospel truth, you can't pick and choose what you believe from it.