neologist wrote:How marvelously obtuse!
And if there were no conditions? Would murder be acceptable?
Would you be comfortable with a universe of anarchy? Apparently so.
The events of the Garden of Eden focused on this one question: Does God have the right to set standards for his creation?
So, is that your final answer?
Hey... don't look at me. I didn't write the bible, I just read it. Its a commentary on christianity. I never said that there should or should not be conditions, I just mentioned the huge disparity in beliefs on which christianity is based.
God HAS set standards for his creation, but that doesn't mean he is the god that the bible portrays; angry, vengeful, hateful, jealous, and then suddenly agape with love. God IS love. We ascribe qualities to these god and satan characters; good and evil. We describe the devil as being pure evil and god as being purely good, yet we give god all of these HUMAN faults. Oops, he didn't make humans right the first time, so Noah had to put his family on a boat with 2 of every animal. (which, at the time would have been approximately 75 million species, so about 150 million animals). God is perfect but he screwed up and we had to kill everyone except one family? I don't think so.
Anarchy? We're a long way from it, but why would a truly evolved society need morality? In a society where we fully realize our god-selves, and how interconnected we are, there won't be murder or theft or lies. There CAN'T be since a "sin" unto someone else is a "sin" unto ourselves. If I kill someone, I'm doing far more damage to my soul than I am to his, but christianity makes you believe that all you have to do is 10 hail marys and god forgives you. That kind of empty atonement is the BS that is DRIVING immorality. Its the PERFECT tool to keep the pews and collection plates full; tell you that everything you do in your daily life is bad and the only way absolve yourself is to be obedient. They offer you a get out of jail free card. They pump you so full of fear, telling you every sin is as bad as the next. This is after all the church that used to sell indulgences. They lay it on thick, telling you that you can't sin or the angry jealous spiteful god of the old testament will come hunt you down, but if you ask forgiveness, the fluffy, sweet, forgiving god of the new testament will tell you that its all OK.
God didn't send jesus to die because we suck, he sent jesus to show us how to live and (like every other enlightened soul in history) we killed him.
Most people today assume that because we have evolved as a society to this point that we as advanced as we'll ever get. We are such beginners.
How could you think that a god of such infinity would need to be pleased? Why does he need worship? Why wouldn't she just dabble with our little souls until we're right? She doesn't dabble because that's not the point. God put us here to experience. We are the relativity of his abstractness. Without us little pieces of god, god cannot be self-realized.
So, this morality concept of which you speak
in your infinite wisdom, do you think god created morality, or did morality already exist and god just relayed it to us? That is to say, did a universal right and wrong exist irrespective of god, or was god the one that came up with the idea? Be careful with your answer, because either way its a conundrum. The only logical conclusion is that one of those two entities doesn't exist. If god exists, then a universal moral code cannot. Google it and see for yourself. Atheists are those who have (whether consciously or not) come to the conclusion that god does not exist, so we're all at the mercy of law and morality as our guiding regulatory body. Those like me who believe in god and have truly thought about it (using the logic and skills god gave us) come to the conclusion that universal moral code cannot exist. The rest are in organized religion. I always think of organized religion like the end of Rainman with Tom Cruise and Dusting Hoffman:
"Ray, do you want to go back to Bainbridge?"
"yeah, wanna go back to bainbridge"
"Ray, do you want to live with your brother charlie?"
"yeah, wanna live with my brother, charlie babbit"
"Ray, you understand those are two different places"
"yeah, wanna go back to bainbridge, live with charlie babbit."
Everything you think you know about god and christ might be inaccurate, but your religion requires you to believe it. I'm not saying I have the right answers, but at least I'm finally on the right path. All I'm saying is... THINK FOR YOURSELVES. Don't let someone else do the thinking just because he or she went to seminary. You may not have the brain to think abstractly, (its not easy for me) but at least try to think for yourselves.