Such good advice here from all of you! Thank you.
It is difficult to put the dynamics of years of a relationship into a few paragraphs, as I'm sure you're aware of.
Mom didn't exactly favor him over me, but she (and my dad) did let him have liberties that I didn't get when I was growing up. Maybe because during that era boys were expected to sow their wild oats while the girl children (me) were kept under close supervision. No dating for me unless it was double date, but he and his (now) wife got a hotel room to themselves when they were dating, while we were on a family vacation. That would never have happened with me! Another example- I got the family car to get myself to a fulltime job when I was 18. My parents co-signed for brother to have a car. A nice Corvette! I don't think this is about resentment over favoritism because my parents did a lot for me too in different ways. But maybe it is a bit of that.....I will have to dig deep here.
I've never sat down and really thought about what type of person my brother is before and it's interesting what's coming up.
I recall that the night my dad died, about 19 years ago - I phoned and asked brother to come to the hospital ASAP. He didn't show up at all, but left me with my distraught mom who was about to have a stroke, her BP was so high, and a hysterical daughter in her preteens to deal with alone. I also got to do all the funeral arrangements. I don't remember resenting him then, but it must have been building.
He is selfish, spoiled, & disconnected from the entire family. He is an angry person, which my husband pointed out to me years ago. I never realized how angry. He also has zilch class.
Example: we had a really small luncheon after my mom's 'funeral'. A friend suggested we go somewhere instead of just going home (again, I was post brain surgery and didn't think of it

). When the bill came it sat in front of my friend who had suggested the lunch, and my brother. I didn't know what to do, it was getting embarrassing. My friend offered to pay. My brother looked at the friend at said something like 'if you intended to pay it wouldn't be sitting there'. I was aghast. It wasn't my friend's obligation! My brother should have kept his big mouth shut, but he made an embarrassing situation worse. Mr. Cheap should have suggested the lunch in the first place, knowing I was pretty out of it.
Someone here said to distance myself, and repeat "He is not my relative'. (Mame?) Good advice. My dad would have been appalled at my brother's attitude. One thing dad wasn't was cheap.
Thanks for the thought provoking posts from all of you, I appreciate each and every one. I am working on letting the relationship go. I will keep in touch with my nephews, who had nothing to do with this. I consider this whole thing my brother's loss, not mine.