My Name is Muhammed

Reply Thu 29 Nov, 2007 07:14 pm
vikorr wrote:
What is the Iraqi toll now, 650,000?

That figure is at least a year or more old, though it's not an official figure, but rather a guestimate.

It also doesn't include the million or so Iraqi's that died during the sanctions/blockade, nor the million or so Iranians dead in the US sanctioned war Iraq/Iran war, nor the hmmm haven't seen a figure, but the tens of thousands murdered during the reign of the Iranian Shah after the US staged a coup there to put him in power.

That said, as you probably know, I think Islam is the most dangerous religion on earth. It is perhaps the only one that permits lying in the furtherance of the religion, and imposes a duty to convert by whatever means possible, including convert or die tactics. The different sects of Islam don't agree with each other, to such a degree that many don't see the other as muslim at all...unless the other is attacked by an infidel at least. So it's a choice of a world at war, or a world at war, according to that religion (though I doubt they'd ever admit it)

Yeah...reminds me a lot of christianity. Have a look at the bible some time. And the 'conversions" in the lands conquered by christians...like South America.

It's been an endless argument here to see who can quote more outrageously barbarous bits of the respective holy texts. I am not sure who won, but it was sure a hell of a shocker on both sides.

I plan to have a good look at the Koran some holiday.

I agree islam is currently more dangerous because it has not been more or less robbed of temporal power like the church has.

Not sure if teddy bears ever figured in christian madness, though.

But you could sure get yourself killed for a long time by thinking the bread didn't really turn into chunks of god flesh, but just symbolized it.

I think Swift was spot on in Gulliver with his Big Endian Heresy.

Do you recall the kingdoms of Lilliput and Blefescu endlessly at bloody war about which end of the egg their god said should be opened when eating a boiled egg?

Or, back in our world, the thousands upon thousands of women killed for having a pussy cat and maybe being good at medicinal herbs?
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Reply Thu 29 Nov, 2007 07:32 pm
Go, Bunny, Go Cool
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Reply Thu 29 Nov, 2007 07:35 pm
Rockhead wrote:
Go, Bunny, Go Cool

I could be convinced re this, but I just see the froth and spittle of the Islamophobes so far as just looking like the same stuff they condemn, only pointed in a different direction.

I have the book by the woman in Holland who says that Islam is inherently scary, apparently more so than other religions, so I will be interested to read that.

Have you read it Vikorr?
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Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2007 05:17 am
dlowan wrote:

...I would think the US, you guys and us have now killed way more Muslims in the name of anti terror than they have killed us. What is the Iraqi toll now, 650,000?...

Most of those 650,000 weren't killed by us. Please cite your source that allied soldiers killed this number.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2007 05:48 am
dlowan wrote:
Then you lack knowledge of the English language....since phobia is defined as an irrational fear of.
There is nothing irrational about fearing a creed that incites violence. Hence Islamophobes are behaving perfectly rationally.

Anyway back to teddy bears

Christopher Robin was explaining Something Important to a bear of little brain.

You know Pooh, I cant call you Mohammed anymore. There have been Cultural Differences.

Oh said Pooh.

But Mohammed is a popular name. Someone else must have it. It cant be Tigger he's too bouncy. Or Rabbit because he's always busy. Kanga has her pocket full with Roo and Owl helps me with reading.

Piglet could have it said Pooh

That's an excellent idea said Christopher Robin.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2007 07:13 am
There are two problems with the word Islamophobia imo. First it mixes up the person with the religion. Islamophobia is defined as prejudice against Muslims, but I object to that because I'm not. I'm prejudiced against Islam, not Muslims per se. Being prejudiced against Muslims is displaying racism because its directed at the person not the idea. A Muslim is a human being, Islam is a religion. What part of Islamophobia refers to an irrational fear of a certain group of people called Muslim? The truly racist word would be Muslimophobia. Is a monetarist economist necessarily a racist because he is anti-Marxist? Of course not. He's prejudiced against Marxism, not his fellow economist.

The second problem I have is with Islamophobia. I am not a follower of Islam. But their holy texts have many references as to what should be done with us non-believers, very few of them generous in spirit. Therefore my fear is not irrational as the word phobia implies. The fear factor is not great but its real and understandable. And if I was Jewish female or homosexual...I would have a lot more to fear from Islam.

So the word Islamophobia is a nonsense imo, and using it casually to imply racism is just plain wrong.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2007 07:35 am
Marchers chanted "Shame, shame on the UK", "No tolerance - execution" and "Kill her, kill her by firing squad".

And this for giving a Teddy bear the wrong name.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2007 09:33 am
Steve 41oo wrote:
There are two problems with the word Islamophobia imo. First it mixes up the person with the religion. Islamophobia is defined as prejudice against Muslims, but I object to that because I'm not. I'm prejudiced against Islam, not Muslims per se. Being prejudiced against Muslims is displaying racism because its directed at the person not the idea. A Muslim is a human being, Islam is a religion. What part of Islamophobia refers to an irrational fear of a certain group of people called Muslim? The truly racist word would be Muslimophobia. Is a monetarist economist necessarily a racist because he is anti-Marxist? Of course not. He's prejudiced against Marxism, not his fellow economist.

The second problem I have is with Islamophobia. I am not a follower of Islam. But their holy texts have many references as to what should be done with us non-believers, very few of them generous in spirit. Therefore my fear is not irrational as the word phobia implies. The fear factor is not great but its real and understandable. And if I was Jewish female or homosexual...I would have a lot more to fear from Islam.

So the word Islamophobia is a nonsense imo, and using it casually to imply racism is just plain wrong.

The believer of the religion Islam is called a Muslim, from the active particle of Islam.

Phobia is an extreme, irrational fear of a specific object or situation.

Hundreds of words have been coined to specify the nature of the fear by prefixing "phobia" with the Greek word for the object feared.

Islamophobia is a controversial term that refers to prejudice or discrimination against Islam or Muslims.[1] The term dates back to the late 1980s,[2] but came into common usage after the September 11, 2001 attacks.[3] In 1997, the British Runnymede Trust defined Islamophobia as the "dread or hatred of Islam and therefore, to the fear and dislike of all Muslims," stating that it also refers to the practice of discriminating against Muslims by excluding them from the economic, social, and public life of the nation. It includes the perception that Islam has no values in common with other cultures, is inferior to the West and is a violent political ideology rather than a religion.[4] Steps were taken toward official acceptance of the term in January 2001 at the "Stockholm International Forum on Combating Intolerance", where Islamophobia was recognized as a form of intolerance alongside Xenophobia and Antisemitism.[5]
1. ^
Sandra Fredman, Discrimination and Human Rights, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0199246033, p.121.
Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad, Muslims in the West: From Sojourners to Citizens, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0195148061, p.19
Islamophobia: A Challenge for Us All, Runnymede Trust, 1997, p. 1, cited in Quraishi, Muzammil. Muslims and Crime: A Comparative Study, Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2005, p. 60. ISBN 075464233X. Early in 1997, the Commission on British Muslims and Islamophobia, at that time part of the Runnymede Trust, issued a consultative document on Islamophobia under the chairmanship of Professor Gordon Conway, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sussex. The final report, Islamophobia: A Challenge for Us All, was launched in November 1997 by Home Secretary Jack Straw.
Edward Kessler, Neil Wenborn, A Dictionary of Jewish-Christian Relations, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0521826926 p.429.
Abduljalil Sajid. "Islamophobia: A New Word for an Old Fear" in Islamophobia and Antisemitism, Markus Wiener Publishers, 2006, p. 1: defines the term as "anti-Muslim prejudice."
Social Inequalities in Comparative Perspective By Mary C. Waters, Fiona Devine, pg. 106
Muslims in Western Europe By Jørgen S. Nielsen, pg. 169
2. Islamophobia: A Challenge for Us All, Runnymede Trust, 1997, p. 1, cited in Quraishi, Muzammil. Muslims and Crime: A Comparative Study, Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2005, p. 60; Annan, Kofi. "Secretary-General, addressing headquarters seminar on confronting Islamophobia", United Nations press release, December 7, 2004.
3. Casciani, Dominic. "Islamophobia pervades UK - report", BBC News, June 2, 2004.
Rima Berns McGowan writes in Muslims in the Diaspora (University of Toronto Press, 1991, p. 268) that the term "Islamophobia" was first used in an unnamed American periodical in 1991.
4. Runnymede 1997, p. 5, cited in Quraishi 2005, p. 60.
5. New Muslims in the European Context: The Experience of Scandinavian Converts - p. 53, Brill 2004
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material girl
Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2007 10:36 am
Just heard on the radio crowds are gathering full of people who want this teacher put to death!
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2007 10:44 am
I think the people who are calling for her death should be mowed down in the street themselves..... that's my knee jerk reaction.... on the other hand.... what person in their RIGHT F**KING MIND would leave their home and go to one of these bat **** crazy countries in the first place to live and work? They've got too know when they go that something like this could happen....
I know if I go to feed the Polar Bears and just walk in the cage carrying raw meat that my chances aren't so good..... so I don't do it.

This woman, although she has my total support and sympathy, along with anyone else who chooses to go to these countries and live among these shithouse rat crazy assholes is a prime candidate for a Darwin Award.....
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Steve 41oo
Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2007 05:18 pm
The believer of the religion Islam is called a Muslim, from the active particle of Islam.

Phobia is an extreme, irrational fear of a specific object or situation.

Hundreds of words have been coined to specify the nature of the fear by prefixing "phobia" with the Greek word for the object feared.
I cant argue with that Walter. Yet I insist there is a difference between Muslim and the creed of Islam. As there is between Russian and communism or Cambodian and Maoist/Marxist or indeed German and nazi.

Of course I know the definition of a Muslim is someone who accepts Islam. But then its Muslims who insist they are a nationality, one people under Allah.
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Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2007 05:26 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
I think the people who are calling for her death should be mowed down in the street themselves..... that's my knee jerk reaction.... on the other hand.... what person in their RIGHT F**KING MIND would leave their home and go to one of these bat **** crazy countries in the first place to live and work? They've got too know when they go that something like this could happen....
I know if I go to feed the Polar Bears and just walk in the cage carrying raw meat that my chances aren't so good..... so I don't do it.

This woman, although she has my total support and sympathy, along with anyone else who chooses to go to these countries and live among these shithouse rat crazy **** is a prime candidate for a Darwin Award.....

Best post, so far.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2007 05:31 pm
A lot of people may agree with that but she is a decent person trying to do the best for local children and had no idea how vicious religion can be.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2007 06:39 pm
Steve 41oo wrote:
A lot of people may agree with that but she is a decent person trying to do the best for local children and had no idea how vicious religion can be.

this is a TEACHER who had no idea what she was going into? She doesn't read? No access to the internet or tv, or radio, or media of any kind?

A decent person to be sure... trying to do right no doubt.... but ignorant of conditions in backasswards countries that are loudly islamic fundamentalists? come on, man......
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Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2007 07:06 pm
Steve 41oo wrote:
This is a 54 year old woman who has done nothing wrong except wanting to teach Sudanese children to speak English. She has been sentenced to 15 days imprisonment. This is an outrage.


Its scary, to see such hatred and hysteria, whipped up among ignorant mobs by zealots with no conscience.

dlowan wrote:
The world is full of nuts.

Yes. That it is. Hateful, dogmatic and/or superstitious zealots are hateful, dogmatic and/or superstitious zealots anywhere. And you have them everywhere, and you've had them at all times.

There's obviously even more of them in culturally isolated places with scarce education, widespread poverty and no democracy - places with little to no hope for anyone to make something of oneself. Mob rule ends up being a rare way to be somebody. Was true for Europe in the middle ages, for Russia in 1920, and its true for a place like Sudan now.

Religion can express itself in good ways and in bad ways. In culturally isolated places with scarce education, widespread poverty and no democracy, it's likely to often come in bad ways...

Just ask the Lord's Resistance Army, the (Christian) rebels who've operated in the borderlands of Sudan, Uganda and Congo, specialising in mass mutilation, torture, rape and abduction...
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2007 07:09 pm
I don't think these groups are muslims... or christians... or jews.... or any other damn thing except a fooking virus.
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Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2007 07:24 pm

My name is Muhammed Islamabad Imaslasherchimp.
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Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2007 10:22 pm
You go to the store and purchase a special gift for your children to share. It's a teddy bear. They love the bear and draw much comfort from it. They plan to be close to the bear forever.

You ask the children to name this shared bear whatever name they feel is most fitting. Many names are tossed out without much thought. After much deliberation, someone has an idea. This bear which is loved by all children...........they name it after you.

Is this an honor....or dishonor to you?

What sometimes can seem as offensive to adults is actually a child's way of giving honor.

Anyone see the movie "Man on Fire" with Denzel Washington?

Remember the girl calling her bear....... Creasy Bear? I think Creasy was honored, touched, humbled and loved by this precious child. Woe unto the ones who even so much touch a hair on this child's head!

Why would'nt Mohammed be honored?
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Reply Sat 1 Dec, 2007 01:41 pm
Re: My Name is Muhammed
cjhsa wrote:

This shows that the Moslems can be DANGEROUSLY unpredictable.

IMO, its too risky to go to an area under Moslem control;
not a good vacation spot.

Viva Las Vegas !
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Reply Sat 1 Dec, 2007 01:46 pm
On 20/20 last nite, thay showed how a French boy was anally sodomized at knife point,
by several Moslems in Dubai, and when he complained to the police,
thay threatened him ( the complaining victim ) with criminal prosecution for homosexuality.

A good place from which to stay away
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